There Will Always Be A Place For You

Kaira Danielle Smith got pregnant when she was 15. Her mother then quickly sent her off to "live with a sick Aunt" until she had her baby. However when her son Luke was born she couldn't bare to give him up for adoption, so her parents got her an apartment in Seattle Washington and sent her off to live there. The father of her son never found out she was pregnant, and Kaira hasn't spoken to him since the day she left LA.

Now a Senior in high school, Luke is 2 1/2, and she still hasn't spoken to her former boyfriend. Life wasn't ever hard for Kaira, she loved her son, she went to school, her parents still paid for everything, but she has isolated herself from actual friends. When a new boy moves to Seattle from Liverpool England, however, he just might be able to pull her out of her shell.

NOTE: I own all of the characters used in this story. ALL of them. I own the PLOT also.

I haven't posted a story on Mibba for a long time, bare with me as I get in the habit of updating on a regular basis again. This story is already written, for the most part, already however so I wont have to think of the plot much.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

...Jessie (:
  1. Preface
    a short introduction
  2. Chapter One