Status: Sexually Active(:

Call Me Cliché

Cliché Chapter One

“BEEPBEEPBEEP,” my annoying alarm clock screeched in the soft light of the September morning. It woke me up at 6:30 AM; I shot my hand out to slap the snooze button to stop the mechanical screaming. It only proved useless, waking me up again five minutes later.

How dare it? Waking me up from my beauty sleep!

Not that I needed it, anyway. At sixteen, I had the godly, sexy figure of a Playboy model.

My alarm was still blaring its awful cry, so, I curled my perfectly manicure hand around it, and smashed it against the pink wall opposite of me.

Stupid alarm clock, that’ll teach it to wake me up again.

I got up anyway, because I have to get all purty up.

Not that I NEEDED it, though.

With a heavy sigh, I tossed my zebra striped comforter off me, to leave the warmth of my loving bed. I had to get ready for my first day of school.

Before I went to the bathroom, I went to my closet to the stack of alarm clocks on the floor.

You see, I had a habit of breaking the alarm clocks. They always ruined my dreams of sexy Taylor Lautner. Or dreams of me kissing the guy that I absolutely, with all my guts hated.

Anyway, I was going to a stupid boarding school that my dad was the dean of. I had all my suitcases already in the room I was suppose to be in, but I decided to sleep here one last time. I walked to the bathroom to get ready.

After my hot, steamy shower, that was probably giving all the guys wet dreams just dreaming about, I got dressed in the stupid uniform I was forced to wear.

I pulled my skirt up, to reveal more of my legs; that will make the guys start panting. Next I unbuttoned three of the top buttons of my starch white blouse to reveal more of my 38G boobs.

I’m surprised I can even walk straight with them. They were just HUGE, but they made the boys love me even more.

I was just unbelievable hot, that all the girls wanted to be me, and all the guys wanted to be with me. Even some girls wanted to be with me, and some of the guys wanted to be me. I was just THAT wanted!

I walked into my room, and put on some make-up. I didn’t cake it on, no.

Just some really red blush on my cheeks, some blue eye shadow on my eyelids, eyeliner outlining my eyes and some glossy lip gloss to make my lips pop.

When I was done, I looked really natural looking.

Then my older brother, Will, barged in, not knocking. He was a senior, of course. We never got along much, except when it came to boys, he became sooooo over protective!

It was so horrible! Last guy that I brought home, Will beat the guy up so bad, he went to the hospital.

“What do you want?” I asked, my beautiful voice was beautiful that it was just beautiful. In fact, I could sing like a thousand angels.

“We’re leaving Cliché. Get in the car,” Will growled. I rolled my beautiful blue eyes, and brushed past him, with him following.

I fell down the stairs, and landed at the bottom of the steps.

Did I mention I was really clumsy?

I got up, and brushed off my skirt; I was just fine, scratch-free in fact. Will walked down the stairs, laughing at my fall. I ignored him, and followed him out the doors of our ginormous mansion on a piece of land so big it stretched on for miles, and miles, and miles.

Did I also forget to mention that my family had so much money, it was disgusting? Well,
we are.

My brother’s yellow Lamborghini waited in the mile long drive way. I ran to the car, only
to fall flat on my face, stand up perfectly fine, and enter the passenger seat of the car.

My brother climbed in, started the ignition, and we were soon on our way to Full Of Sexy
Boys Academy.

I wonder if I’ll meet any girls who will my best friends at Full Of Sexy Boys Academy?

I wonder if they will like me there? I shook my head of that thought, everyone loves me.

No one hates me.

“You’re lucky dad is the dean of Full Of Sexy Boys Academy,” Will barked angrily at

“Why?” I asked, confused. I’m always confused.

“Because it’s an all boys academy, der,” Will explained like I was stupid.

I wasn’t though, I was pretty with brains. I had like a genius IQ.

I complete forgot that my dad was the dean of an all boys academy!

My heart started speeding up, how could I have forgotten?

Oh, well, I could meet lots of sexy boys! Maybe fall in love with one!

“I don’t want you to hook up with any of the guys, they’re all players,” Will growled,
reading my thoughts. Damn him, and his protectiveness!

I crossed my arms over my chest, which was nearly impossible with my huge breasts, and
pouted. He was not gonna ruin my chances of getting a boyfriend!

“Stop treating me like I’m five! I can do anything I want with guys if I want too!” I

Will glared at me, than sharply turned into the parking lot of Full Of Sexy Boys
Academy. I stepped out of the car, and stood up on my five inch heels. My brother
walked around the car to me, and we walked side by side to the brick building that was
my new school.

“Hey baby, I haven’t seen you around!” Some guy called from behind us. I turned around
and saw a sexy guy with blonde hair, and a fit body behind us smirking. I winked, and
Will turned around and punched the guy in the face. We kept walking, and I felt bad for
the cute boy that was spread out on the pavement behind us.

I shrugged, and took a good look at the guys walking around the campus. I gasped when I
realized something.

All the guys were so sexy!

Who would of thought Full Of Sexy Boys Academy was full of sexy boys?
♠ ♠ ♠
Seriously, who would've thought?

It didn't come out as funny as I thought it would, but I stil looove it(:

Comment me ya thing?

And this isn't directed toward anyone on here, just the general public (;



And don't worry there's more to this 'story'