Status: Active


The Chimera

He stood before me calm and collected as though nothing was going on around him, a creature that felt no fear no guilt no pain. This man who I had been searching for sleepless nights and endless research that failed to discover even a single detail about him. In the end it was part of his own plan that finally led me to him. I was finally face to face with him but every move I made was planned, even though I had found him he had me pressed under his thumb unable to do anything. He held a knife pressed up against the throat of the tied up girl at his feet, each second reminding me that one false move and her life would end instantly. He smiled evilly at me as he enjoyed the feeling, the excitement, the pressure of a gun being pointed at him and knowing that I couldn’t pull the trigger. The power of holding a life in his hands, being the only one to say whether she would live or die and knowing that there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop him. He loved the feeling of proving that he had outsmarted me, that he was better, superior to all those around him. That was his true goal, not to kill the endless innocent but to prove to everyone that the system could be beaten, and all it would take was a single man. That the law was powerless against someone like him, a psychopath, a killer, a genius.
“Let her go.” I tried my best to keep my voice stern and powerful, if any weakness showed through the shield that years of being a detective had formed, then he would win. Even if he died here and I saved the girl he had taken, if I even let a glimpse of weakness show to him the victory would be his. His aim was to show me that even after all my experience solving murders that he could outsmart me with such ease, such grace that it was beautiful. More of an art than a crime.
“Now now Edward, we both know that I cannot do that.” He lifted the girl to her feet by pressing the knife closer to her throat forcing her to stand on her toes in order to protect herself from being cut. A small trickle of blood made its way down her neck from the point where the blade made contact with her flesh. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she silently pleaded to me to save her, her soft cries echoing quietly off the cold steel walls and smooth concrete floor. The sounds of her silent pleading echoed in the large empty space of the warehouse that he had chosen for the meeting between the two greatest rivals in the city. Myself, Edward Greene considered the best murder detective in the city and the mysterious killer only known as The Chimera. I held my gun tighter as the tension of the situation grew with every second that passed by/ I had to save her but I couldn’t take him down for sure without hitting her and if I didn’t kill him with one shot, then the risk of him escaping more than doubled. He was in complete control and he knew it oh too well.
“She‘s innocent, she doesn’t need to die.” He knew me all to well he knew exactly how I would try to talk him down, and how exactly I would try to save the girl. He even knew which spot I would aim for in order to take him down My negotiations wouldn’t work on him, even I knew that but I had to try. He simply smiled at my attempts to save the girl whose life he now held in the palm of his hand. She was barely fifteen, small brown hair and gray eyes all matted with dirt and covered with small cuts and bruises. He had taken her yesterday as she was walking home from school, not two minutes after she had said goodbye to her friends and headed home by herself. It had been three hours before her parents came home and realized that she wasn’t there and by then all trace of her was gone. No witnesses, no exact location, no description. Nothing.
“We both know that there is no way that I will allow her to leave here. Don’t play with me Edward, I would think I deserve more than that from you.”
“You deserve nothing from me. All you are is a murderer and you deserve nothing less than death for your crimes.” He seemed amused by my words as though he truly believed that he was the perfect killer. The worst part was in all my years of solving murders I have never before seen a killer move with such perfection. Every trace of his existence was covered, every fingerprint wiped, every hair removed, in all the crime scenes there was never even a single slip up. Nothing. No way to know who he was, no way to discover a single thing about him. Only the pattern of his killings gave the police any insight onto what kind of killer they were dealing with. Someone who would take random victims young old didn’t matter and take them somewhere where no one can hear them scream, where no help will ever come. Each death was unique, slow and painful but each one was artful and were considered beautiful by their creator. And at each scene was a plain white unsealed envelope with the words The Chimera written on the front with a letter to the police inside each and every one.
“And I suppose you‘re going to be the one who brings me down?” He laughed to himself even as I nodded to his question. It didn’t seem matter to him that someone was going to die here within the next few minutes, he showed no fear, no hate, no anger. Only happiness and joy for the power he held. The power of another life, to take everything away from that person until they have been torn down to nothing but a broken being. It was what he yearned for, such a feeling consumed him and fed his desires. “Do you know why I call myself The Chimera?” He waited for a moment to allow me time to answer but I gave him none, I already knew the answer to his question and he of course knew I knew. “Because my goal was not just to kill, even though killing was a major part of it not at any point has it ever been the cause for my crimes. All of it was to prove that you cannot defeat me. The system is too flawed to allow that, you know this just as well as I do. The way things are now there is no way you could ever bring me to what you call justice. Your fantasy, your illusions, your dreams that the world may one day be good, that we can all accept our differences and the world will be filled with peace will never become a reality.” How could he say such things so easily? How could he justify his actions with a reason such as that? Did he truly believe that by killing innocent people that he was somehow showing the world that its current system is flawed? How could even someone like him believe that he was doing good?
“So you killed fourteen people to prove a point? To prove that unless things change that people like you will reign? That doesn’t make any sense at all!” He smiled at me again, an evil smirk of enjoyment that he continued to wear. Everything I said to him seemed to amuse him in some way. And why shouldn’t it, all of this was a game to him. A game where only he knew the rules and all the rest of us were left to fumble around in the dark to be picked off by the demon who dwells in the night.
“ You never seem to fully understand me Edward. The Chimera has killed fourteen people that much is true but The Chimera has only existed for a short time. The true scope of things is in fact much larger than a measly fourteen lives. Expand your view Edward if you refuse then there is no way you can ever defeat me.”
“Do you mean that its more than fourteen?” He smiled at me answering my question and proving to me that he was much more dangerous than I originally thought. If I didn’t make my move soon then he would escape and he would only be proved correct that the system had failed.