Status: complete!

It's About Moving On


I stood in front of the drawer with the ring box in my palm. I opened and closed it, probably, a million times.

"Get a hold of yourself Maira. What are you so afraid of?" I whispered to myself.

Honestly, I didn't know what I was afraid of. I guess it's because my past relationships were nothing like this. I mean I liked my past partners, but I never really loved them, not like how I love Jordan. Everything in the past was about lust, but with Jordan, it was much more than that. I guess I'm afraid of what might happen, what could happen. What happens after this? We get married, then what? We live happily ever after? This isn't a fairytale, there is no such thing as happily ever after. What if we get bored or sick of each other? What happens to Brandon? I'm so unsure of the future, I'm afraid of stepping into something that has no potential. But Jordan and I have been through so much, more than I could imagine. And more than anything, I love him. I love how I have a son with him, I love the idea that we could be a family, a real family, something I never had.

I frowned at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath. This is my chance. This is the one time where I have everything I ever wanted in life. A career, a wonderful boyfriend, and a perfect son.

I gripped the box in my hand and took my time heading down the stairs.

"Hey baby, you okay?" Jordan asked kissing my forehead.

"Everything's perfect" I smiled, truly meaning it.

"Nice choice on the pants" Jordan chuckled into my hair.

He always loved it when I wore his clothes. But I didn't wear it to please him, I didn't have my stuff here.

"You guys make me sick sometimes" TK said, taking another bite from the batch of pancakes I made.

"You're in my house" Jordan said and crushed his lips to mine.

"Oh gross" TK frowned and took his plate to join Max and the boys.

"If you're having sex everyday, and if you're living here Maira, you might as well add Staal to your name" Max laughed.

I bit down on my bottom lip. That's what I want to do.

"Shut it Talbot" Jordan chuckled.

Jordan knew I was a little touchy on the marriage subject. But I wanted to let him know I was ready now, that I want to be Mrs. Jordan Staal.

"I'm just saying. You already have a son anyways" Max said rolling his eyes.


"Jordan" I interrupted him.

He looked down at me with his clear blue eyes.

"I was wondering…" I said playing with the hem of his shirt.

"Wondering…?" he asked.

"If you're offer still stands?" I mumbled.

"What offer?" he asked honestly confused.

"You know, what you asked me a while ago" I explained.

"I must look stupid right now, because I'm lost" he said scratching his head.

I chuckled and sighed at the same time. I glanced up at his confused look.

I pulled out the black box and placed it in my hand. "This offer" I said.

He looked down at the box and his eyes widen. "Maira, don't fuck with me"

"I'm not" I chuckled "So does your offer still stand?"

He took the box out of my hand and opened it. "Of course it does" he smiled "but I'll have to ask one more time, just so you know what the conditions are"

"And what would those be?" I giggled.

"Maira. Will you marry me? Make me the happiest man in the world? Be the most amazing wife I know you'll be? Be the most wonderful mother that you already are? Be there every step of the way? Maira Ann Murray, will you marry me?" he repeated.

Who knew Jordan could be this deep.

"Yes. Yes, of course I will" I smiled.

He slipped the ring onto my finger and crushed his lips to mine. I heard a sigh of relief and cheer of laughter.

"I love you so much" Jordan whispered.

"I love you too" I chuckled.

"You know, Brandon, your dad is a NHL superstar, your mom is an amazing writer. But, boy are they stupid" Kris said, talking to Brandon, clearly intending it for us.

"Shut it Tangers" Jordan laughed throwing a stuffed toy at him.

I held on to Jordan with his arms wrapped tightly around me. I love everything right now. My baby giggling in the hands of my best friends, my fiance smiling at me.

I don't think anything could be more perfect and I see a bright future ahead, for me, for us, for my family.

After all, it's about moving on.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the last and final chapter. Thank you for all the support and comments, I really appreciate it!
Check out my other stories and let me what you guys think!

Once again, thank you so much!