We're All Just Victims Of Love

M.Shadows We're All Just Victims Of Love-Part 10


John straightened out his suit and opened the doors.

Standing there on the doorstep with my bag in his hand was Matt.

"Who the hell are you?" John asked.
"I'm Matt. I came to give Emily her bag." he said raising an eyebrow and glancing at me.

I gave him a pitiful look and mouthed out 'help'.

"Well thanks. Let me guess you're the man she slept with tonight? She is a whore afterall." John remarked snatching my bag back.
"No actually I'm her sister Lauren's boyfriend." he said with a straight face.
"Okay, well thanks for coming back to return this." he said slamming the door in Matts face.

I saw his blurry figure through the double glass door walk away slowly.

Half of me wanted to run out the door and beg him to take me away from everything. The other half wanted to hit him for coming back and making my situation worse.

Either choice, I wanted to be with him some way,shape, or form.

I started walking away slowly,but my lack of luck kicked in and John turned around. I tried running but didn't get too far before he tripped me near the large ballroom that was used every month. My nose smacked against the floor hard and something dripped out of my nose.

"Did you really think you could get away from me?" he asked standing over me.

My body started crawling away and my hands gripped tightly onto the door.

"Where the fuck are you going?!" he yelled grabbing one of my converse covered feet and dragging me across the tile floor.

"And what garbage are you wearing?"

My hands clawed at anything but nothing was strong enough to hold me.

Something hard came into contact with my side and I screamed loudly. Another blow was given to my left side knocking the wind out of me.

Tears started running down my face mixing in with the blood that came from my nose. One more extremely hard kick was brought to my rib cage and it stopped.

John pushed me over onto my back and kneeled over my damaged body.His stone blue eyes scanned over my face and he threw a hankerchief on my face from his shirt pocket.

"Clean yourself up, you look ugly." he said.

He walked away and left my curled up form on the ground.

"Claribel come clean this bitch up!" John yelled.

I coughed up a bit of blood and a pair of slippered feet could be heard scurring across the floor.

"Oh dear." Claribel said hovering over me.

She gently took a hold of my arm and helped me up. My legs felt wobbly beneath me and it hurt to breath.With each intake of breath my insides felt like they were about to burst.

Claribel took me into the bathroom and ran the water for me in the tub. I slowly shed my clothes off and stepped into the hot bubbly water.

I just sat there as Claribel washed the blood off of my body and knotted hair.

My emotions got the best of me and I started to cry uncontrollably.

I'm not too sure how much more of this I'm gonna be able to take.This man will literaly be the end of me if I don't get help soon.

And the only one who can help me, is the only who could see right through my lies.