We're All Just Victims Of Love

M.Shadows We're All Just Victims Of Love-Part 15


Light beeps and hushed whispers that sounded far off was starting to wake me up. I felt someones hand in mine and I gave it a light squeeze, so they could know I was awake. I heard the person call my name, and I recognized the voice as Lauren's.

My eyes opened up slowly and tried to adjust to the bright light. When they opened up all the way I saw that I was in the hospital.

I turned my head to see Lauren sitting there, looking at me with a worried look.

"Oh my god Emily you're awake!" she said hugging me.

She gave me a tight squeeze and I gasped out loud in pain. The heart monitor next to the bed started beeping louder and she quickly let go.

"Sorry." she said.
"It's fine." I answered and took notice of Matt sitting next to her sleeping in the tiny chair.

Lauren followed my gaze and explained why he was there.

"So how long have I been here?" I asked reaching for the water on the sidetable.
"Just three days." she said as if it were nothing.

I chocked on the water and started coughing real loud. Matt jumped out of his sleep and came over to pat my back.

"Matt what are you doing here? You guys should've went home, I would've been fine." I said sitting up more trying to get comfortable in the tiny bed, but found it difficult to do.

Before he could answer a nurse who looked to be in her mid-40's walked in.

"Well look whos finally up. How are you feeling?" she asked coming over.
"Just a little sore around my stomach and light headed." I said watching her as she checked my pulse.
"Thats normal dear, all you need is to rest once you sign out when we're done here."

I nodded and waited patiently for her to finish. I looked in front of me and saw there were four bouquets of flowers on the table with a big balloon behind it.

"Are any of you related to her?" The nurse asked Matt and Lauren.
"I'm her sister." Lauren said.
"Okay, I need to talk with you outside." the nurse said walking towards the door.

~Outside Emily's room~

"What is it doctor?" Lauren asked.
"Well, I have some concerns with Emily." she said.
"Do you guys have any suspicions of abuse going on within Emily's life?" she asked.

Both Lauren and Matt looked at each other and shook their heads.

"What is this about?" Matt asked anxious to hear what was to be said.
"Well while I was checking to see what could've caused her to faint so abruptly I found a large number of bruises on her rib cage." the nurse explained.

Lauren gasped and Matts face went blank.

"What do you think caused it?" Lauren asked desperate to know an answer.
"I'm not exactly sure, but what I noticed is that the corset she had on was tied up so tight it caused one of her ribs to crack where a severe bruise was." the nurse told the two listeners.

Tears welled up into Laurens eyes and she was ready to collapse.

"We already did the surgery the night you brought her in, so she's wrapped up tightly to help her recover."
"When can she leave?" Matt questioned.
"Later on today after we run a few more tests. Can one of you talk to her and see whats going on?" the nurse asked getting ready to walk off.
"Will do." Matt said for Lauren who was still stunned with the bit of information.

Matt lead Lauren over to the door until the nurse called them again.

"Before I go I have to say this. It seems as if she has a year worth of damage on her, so if she has something worse than this happen to her than theres a chance her body just might shut down on her."

She walked off again and they walked in to see Emily staring out the window.

I saw Matt and Lauren walk back in and I gave them a small smile. It looked like they forced one out and Lauren grabbed her purse.

"Hey Emily you can get out later on today, so I'm going to go home and clean up a bit okay?" Lauren said.
"Alright, see you later." I said.

After she walked out Matt sat down on the chair next to my bed. He looked so solemn and I grabbed his hand.

"Matt you alright?" I asked running my thumb over his hand.
"Of course just thinking." he said looking at me.
"So, who's coming to get me later?"
"I'm not sure I have to ask." he said.
"Alright. Matt go home you look exhausted." I said.

He just nodded and got off the tiny uncomfortable chair.

"I'll see you later Emily." Matt said kissing my forehead.
"Bye." I replied.

He walked out the room and I just laid there wondering what they could've talken about outside. Just than a thought flew into my head.

What if the nurse saw my stomach while I was here and told them about it?

Hesitantly I removed the blanket and slowly brought the hospital gown up. My stomach was wrapped up tightly in bandages and I put the gown back down.

So they had seen the bruises and were wondering how I got them. Thats probably why the nurse asked who was my family member or not and took them outside.

There was no hiding it now, I either had to let my secret out and have John beat me some more for saying it, or keep it in and still get beat for every little thing.