We're All Just Victims Of Love

M.Shadows We're All Just Victims Of Love-Part 16


The sun hurt my eyes a bit as Lauren pushed me out of the hospital in a wheelchair. A car had pulled up to us and Matt got out. He opened the door and Lauren helped me slowly get up. I carefully got into the car and layed down on the seat.

A few minutes later both Lauren and Matt got inside and we pulled out of the hospital. An awkward silence fell over the car and I stayed quiet before I got snapped at to be quiet. Matt broke the silence when we pulled up to Laurens house. She waved goodbye and we drove off again.

It wasn't until 5 minutes later that we pulled into the driveway in front of a white two story house.

"Where are we?" I asked looking up at Matt a bit.
"My house." He said getting out the car.

He opened up the door and carefully picked me up.

"How come I'm staying here?" I asked as we stepped through the door.
"Your mom agreed that I should take care of you since I took you to the hospital and everything." He explained.
"Okay. Where's John at?" I asked not really caring at all.
"I don't know your mom said something about a business trip." He said walking back to close the door.

Well, gee that's nice. My fiancé goes away on a 'business trip', while I stay here as a temporarily disabled bride-to-be.

"You want anything to eat?" He asked.
"No thanks." I said.

He nodded and sat down on the couch where I was laying down. He placed my head in his lap and turned on the T.V.

"Hey Matt?" I asked taking my eyes off the T.V.
"Yeah?" He said looking down.
"Thanks for taking care of me you didn't have to." I said giving him a small smile.
"No problem." He replied.

He started to casually run his fingers through my hair and my eyes started to get droopy. I finally gave up and fell asleep on the couch.

~Sometime later~

I opened my eyes slowly and saw that I was in a large bedroom. I figured out it was Matt's because his scent was all over the pillows and sheets I was laying on. I examined the light blue room and my eyes fell onto the bathroom door where Matt just opened the door.

He was standing in just a towel and his body was still damp from the shower.

"Hey, you're finally up." He said drying his short hair with a smaller towel.
"Yeah, how long was I out?" I asked trying not to stare at his body.
"About two hours. Anyways let me get dressed and I'll make something for both of us to eat." He said.

I nodded and he walked back into the bathroom with some clothes in his hands.
Darn, I was enjoying that view too.

I cautiously moved my body towards the edge of the bed and used the bedpost to slowly pull myself up. I got about halfway until Matt came back out in some basketball shorts and a T-shirt.

"What are you doing?" He asked coming over and picking me up the rest of the way.
"Well I was trying to pull myself up." I said as we walked out the bedroom.
"Oh no, while you stay here you're not going to lift a finger." He said walking down the stairs slowly.
"Oh really? What do you say about this than?" I asked lifting up my pinky and showing a fake shocked face.

"Oh my god, I lifted up a finger!" I said in a 'shocked' voice.

He started laughing a bit and sat me down on a chair in the kitchen.

"Alright, you sit there and I'll start cooking." He ordered.

I fake pouted and sat there anyways. I mean it's not like I could get up and run away.

Matt and I were sitting on the cough eating the chicken alfredo he made and watching some movie I didn't catch the name of.

"Wow, Matt I never knew you could cook." I said nudging his arm playfully.
"Well I never knew you were so paranoid." He said referring to earlier when I was scared that he would burn down the house.

I finished eating and slowly leaned forward to place my plate on the table.

"Hey, I could've done that for you." Matt said while I sat back up.
"Matt I'm not handicapped like you, I can do stuff for myself." I said teasing him.
"Hey!" he exclaimed putting his plate down.

He started tickling my stomach and I couldn't help, but laugh really hard. I was too busy having fun to notice the pain in my ribs and I fell down on the couch. Matt fell on top of me and just watched me as I tried to calm down from the sudden excitement.

I finally stopped laughing and just stared back at Matt.

"What?" I asked noticing he was still staring at me.
"Nothing." He said continuing to look into my light brown eyes with his gorgeous hazel ones.

His face got closer to mine and I could feel my heart beat faster. He was about a centimeter away from my face and I finally closed the gap. My stomach felt light and tingly as Matt gently kissed me back. He placed his hands gently on my sides as he pressed his lips in a little deeper. I felt his tongue graze my bottom lip and that's when I broke out of the kiss.

His breathing was erratic as was mine. He placed one of his hands on the side of my face and rubbed my cheek with his thumb.

"Matt we shouldn't have done that." I said looking everywhere else, but him and removed his hand from my face.
"Than how come it felt right?" he asked searching my face for an answer.

I didn't reply and gently pushed him off of me.

"I'm going to bed." I said getting up slowly and walking towards the stairs. It took me about 5 minutes to climb all 16 steps and I paused for a breather. I made it into the guest room and quietly shut the door and layed down on the bed.

I stared at the ceiling to clear my head, but my thought always went running back to that kiss. Every time it came to mind my stomach would do cartwheels.

Just like what Matt asked me earlier I was asking myself.
If the kiss was wrong, how come it felt so right?