We're All Just Victims Of Love

M.Shadows We're All Just Victims Of Love-Part 19

So far I've been living with Matt for about two weeks now, and everything's fine between us. Whenever we passed each other we would plant a kiss or two on one another.

Of course the guys would tease us about acting like highschool kids. The day after the amusement park, Lauren came up to me and asked about John. Unfortunately, I had to tell her the same thing I told Matt; the police won't believe me.

My condition was getting a bit better. I could bend over a little bit, but not much. I could walk with more ease, but from time to time pain would hit me and Matt would baby me until the pain went away.

"Hey Em?" Matt called from in the kitchen.
"Yeah?" I called back from the couch.
"How would you like if we went out tonight? Just us two?" He asked sticking his head out from behind the wall.
"Sure, where to?" I asked turning back to the T.V.
"It's a surprise, but you have to dress formal." Matt said.

I got up and walked over to the phone. I dialed Lauren's cell number and she picked up on the second ring. I explained to her what was going on, and she agreed to pick me up in 5 minutes.

"Lauren was going to come pick me up in a few minutes." I told Matt.
"Alright." He said.

I went upstairs and grabbed my cell phone and bag just as the doorbell rang. I heard Lauren's and Brian's voice from dowstairs and I met them down there.

"Hey Emily, ready to go?" Lauren asked.
"Yeah, I'll see you later Matt." I said waving to Matt.
"Okay, I'll pick you up around 8." He said.

I nodded and walked out to the car behind Lauren.

I been at Lauren's house for and hour and a half and it was already 7:15. She had done something with my hair and rolled it up with big curlers. I wasn't supposed to look in a mirror cause Lauren wanted it to be a 'surprise'.

She came out of the bathroom with a blowdryer and a round brush to fix my har with. Lauren immediately started working on my hair, and was finished within 30 minutes.

"Time for make-up." Lauren said bringing over her bag full of cosmetics.
"So you sure you know what you're doing?" I hesitantly asked as she started applying eyeshadow.
"How are you going to ask me that now after spending two hours over here?" Lauren replied.

I just shrugged and kept still so Lauren won't mess up. Her hands moved gracefully as she carefully decorated my face with make-up so I could look "sexy" as she said.

"Alright, you're done!" She announced with a smile on her face.
"Should I be scared to look?" I asked.
"No, you tard." She said and turned me around.

"Oh my god, Lauren thanks so much." I said in amazement.

Lauren had added golden-brown highlights to my red hair, and styled it in big curls. My make-up was a wine color to match the dress.

I gave Lauren a hug and picked up the dress. I stepped out of my regular clothes and slipped into the strapless dress. Lauren came over and zipped up the back.

"Here." She said handing me my shoes, as she put my stuff into the matching purse.

I put my foot into the heels, and strapped them up. I shakily stood up and looked at myself in the floor length mirror. The dress hugged onto my tiny frame, but not too tight so it wouldn't mess up the bandages around my ribs.

We both heard the doorbell ring throughout the house, and Lauren told me to stay here, while she got the door.

Afew minutes later I heard Lauren call me down. I walked out into the hallway and slowly descended down the stairs. Finally, everyone came into view and I saw Brian standing behind Matt who was holding some roses.

I noticed Matt took in a deep breath, and sent me a smile. I sent him one back and reached the bootom of the stairs. Matt looked a bit nervous and tried to smooth out the small wrinkles in his dress jacket.

"You look gorgeous." He said handing me the bouquet of roses.
"Thanks." I said.
"I'll take those into the kitchen." Lauren said taking the flowers from me.

Matt looped his arm between mine and we started for the door.

"See you guys later!" Lauren called from the kitchen.
"Have fun." Brian said closing the door from behind us.
"Bye." Both Matt and I said.

Matt walked me over to his car and opened the door for me. I got in and watched Matt get into the drivers seat. He started up the car and pulled out the driveway. I started playing with my fingers, and Matt grabbed my hand. I looked at him and all the nerves I had immediately went away.

Just from how things were going so far, I'm pretty sure everything would go good tonight.
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Alrighty than people, the next chapter is when everything gets real juicy! =)
By the way, can someone make me a new banner for this story? I used up all of mine. =(