We're All Just Victims Of Love

M.Shadows We're All Just Victims Of Love-Part 2

I parked my car on the street and got out walking up to the door and ringing the doorbell.

There were loud bangings from inside followed by laughter and I backed up a little. What the hell was that?

My feet were getting ready to step off the porch but someone had already opened the door. It was a guy with shoulder length brownish black hair. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I just stood there awkwardly.

"Look if you're a fan we're not signing anything"
......uh what?

"Fan? Fan of what?"
"Alright then we're not gonna buy anything from you either." he roughly said and slammed the door in my face.

What was this lunatic on about? I hope I got the right house.

I was getting ready to check the paper with Laurens address when the door flew open again. This time it was a baby blue and black haired girl that was my sister. A smile appeared on both our faces and she launched herself at me.

"Oh my god Emily you're here" Lauren screeched right next to my ear.
"Nice to see you too Lauren"
"Hmm I see mom still controls you" She remarked eyeing up my appearance making me feel like a child who was getting punished.

"Anyways come in and meet everyone"

She snatched me inside by the arm, nearly pulling it out of the socket not even bothering to shut the door which I had too.

"Hey guys whos the one who rudely closed the door on my sister?"

We walked into the family room where five bulky figures were scattered in various place with a beer in hand.

"Syn did it" Four guys chorused together.

Syn? What kind of people does Lauren hang out with.

"Syn do that one more time and I'll make sure you'll never have kids ever." She said in a threatening tone she used on me once for stealing for G.I. Joe.

"Alright alright fine I didn't know it was your sister"
"You never know anything" a really muscular guy said laughing.
"Anyways you morons I'd like you to meet my dorky sister Emily"

Everyone sent some kind of signal acknowleding that I'm here.

"Emily this little oompa loompa is Johnny"
Johnny looked just a little too short for his age. I wonder if thats normal or just an accident that happened at birth.

"The tall freaky looking thing is Jimmy"
Maybe Jimmy could lend some of his height to Johnny.

"The one who was rude to you is Brian"
I'll get on him soon enough for that.

"Next to him is the oh so loveable fatass named Zacky"
"Hey I'm not a fatass, just a little chubby"

I rolled my eyes at his whining which Lauren caught.

"Last and certainly least this lonely masterbating babboon is Matthew"
"Its Matt not Matthew"

Great another whiner.

"Alright now which one do you think I'm dating?"

I examined each one carefully until my eyes landed on Brian.

"You're dating Brian cause you always had a thing for men with gorgeous long hair"

He smirked and flipped his hair like a girl while Lauren agreed saying they were in fact dating.

"but of course all the guys you dated looked pretty damn feminine and gay, so he isn't any different from the rest"

Laughter erupted throughout the room and I sent Brian a smirk of my own.

Ha! That'll teach him to be rude to me.

Me-One point
The guys-Zero