We're All Just Victims Of Love

M.Shadows We're All Just Victims Of Love-Part 20


As Matt pushed his lips onto mine, my body took over and kissed right back. We were currently up against Matt's front door kissing like there was no tomorrow. I swear there must've been something in that wine, because neither one of us could keep our hands off each other.

Matt finally got the door open and we stepped backwards inside. He stopped momentarily to close the door, and I took off my heels and threw them somewhere. I started walking up the stairs and Matt followed closely behind. In the hallway, Matt pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me again.
Our feet got tangled a bit as we made our way towards his bedroom. On the way in my small fingers undid the buttons on his shirt and he yanked it off. As I started undoing his belt, I felt his hands on my back unzipping the dress. Goosebumps formed wherever Matt's hands grazed my skin.

I stepped out of my dress,as Matt did with his pants. We fell back on the bed and I looked up at Matt.

"I love you." Matt said running his fingers through my hair.
"I love you too." I said back with honesty.

Matt took his wifebeater off first, than unhooked my bra. He started planting small kisses on my shoulder and took off my bra. My hands ran down his abdomen and slowly pushed off his boxers. He helped me half way, and took off my underwear in return. Matt put both of us under the covers and gently kissed me.

"You sure you want to do this?" Matt asked before proceeding.
"Yeah." I said anxiously, as I felt my stomach do cartwheels.

I felt Matt push into me slowly and I closed my eyes. He continued to go slow and I instinctively wrapped my arms around him. With Matt, I felt wanted, and he was going gentle, unlike John who was rough and hurried up to do his stuff so he could roll off me. Just Matt's love alone made me feel complete, like nothing could go wrong.

Matt's pace sped up and I couldn't help, but let out his name.

"Open your eyes." Matt whispered.

I opened them and saw Matt looking at me with passion and love filled eyes. I pulled his head down to mine and started kissing him again. My lips made their way to his neck, and he sped up some more. I let out his name again and I felt myself growing closer to my peak.

After about seven more minutes I felt Matt release himself inside me and I finished soon after. Matt kept himself up above me and I ran my fingers through his damp hair. Matt kissed me and buried his head in my neck while he rolled on the side of me. He pulled my body against his and wrapped his arm around me.

My eyes started drooping and I finally closed them after a little while. I felt Matt kiss me on my temple one last time before I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the sun hitting me directly in the eye. I stretched and noticed that the other side of the bed was empty. Everything from last night floated into my mind and a smile formed on my face.

"What are you smiling about?" I heard Matt ask.

I looked up and saw Matt standing in his boxers in the bathroom doorway brushing his teeth.

"Nothing." I said.
"Yeah right." He replied giving me a little wink.

I laughed and got out the bed with the sheet wrapped around me. Matt gave me a little pout when he saw what I used to cover up and I laughed a little. I picked up my underclothes from last night and threw them in the hamper. I walked back to my room and picked out some clothes to wear for the day.

I made my way downstairs after I got dressed and saw Matt in the kitchen. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I kissed the back of his neck and I felt him shiver.

"Don't get me started again." Matt said with a laugh.
"Fine, I won't ." I said with a sad tone.

I heard the door open and close and I heard the guys voices.

"Hey Matt!" Zacky called from the family room.

Both of us walked out and saw everyone spread out on the couches.

"Woah, what happened to your hair man?" Johnny asked.

Matt's eyes got wide and he tried flattening it out.

"Oh snap, Matt got some last night." Zacky said adding his opinion.

I felt my face get flushed and the guys started laughing.

"Stop it you guys. last night was special for Emily." Lauren said slapping Brian on the chest in the process.

The laughter died down and Matt and I took a seat on the last available space.

During our laughter about something Johnny did, the doorbell rang. Matt got up to answer it and next thing I know I saw Johnwalk storm into the family room where we were.

"John what are you-" I started to say.
"Shut up Emily! We're going home." John said snatching me by my arm.

He started dragging me towards the door and I struggled to get out of his tight grip. I looked back to see the guys coming to my aid while Lauren sat in the back looking horrified. I looked forward and saw Matt being pushed up against the wall by two police officers.

John paused in front of him and I looked on in fear.

"If any of you guys come within 100 feet of her I'll call the police and have them throw you in jail." John threatened pointing to the group.
"Especially, you." John said getting in Matt's face.

John punched Matt in his stomach and tears fell out my eyes as I saw him hunch over in pain. I started screaming outside and struggling to get out of John's grip, and he covered my mouth. I sunk my teeth into his hand and he howled in pain. John's hand came down straight across my face and he threw me over his shoulder so my rib cage could purposely dig into him.

"Don't you dare fucking touch her again!" I heard Lauren scream from inside trying to come help me.

John threw me into the limo and got in after. Through my bundle of tears I saw mother sitting on the other side of the limo with a stern look on her face and my cousin Jennifer sitting next to her with a wicked smile on her face.

"Stop that crying." John said yanking me up to a sitting position by my hair.

I scooted away from him and curled up into a ball. My crying quieted down and I looked outside the window at the trees passing by.

"You know it's a shame really. That Matt guy, was sort of cute." Jennifer said examining her nails.
"Please don't say that Jennifer, that was the most disgusting scum of the Earth." Mother said.

I looked at them in hatred and hid my face from everyone. With everyone who genuinely
cared for me out of reach, there's was no chance in hell of me surviving now with John back.