We're All Just Victims Of Love

M.Shadows We're All Just Victims Of Love-Part 21

For the past two weeks I was a prisoner in my own home. I didn't even bother to put up a fight, because there really wasn't any point. It was three against one.

My body had basically become a shell. Every morning I'd wake up to an empty bed, go work out, and come back to an empty house. It was kind of obvious that Jennifer wanted to screw John, and honestly I couldn't give two shits. I let it continue so John would leave me and I could go back to Matt.

As for the last minute wedding decisions, mom made all the choices. I just sat there not even paying attention to anything the wedding planner was saying. Even if I attempted to choose something, mom would just overlook it and pick something more expensive. That's right mom, spend all John's money on my wedding.


I splashed cold water on my face to get off all the sweat from the treadmill, and looked up into the mirror. There were bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep. I hardly ate anymore and with all the working out my face seemed a little slimmer than usual.

I dried off my face and walked out the bathroom. I was still drying my face when someone yanked me into the men’s bathroom. I was getting ready to scream like hell, but their hand covered my mouth.

"It's okay Emily, it's me." I heard Matt’s voice say.

My stomach filled with delight and I turned around to see him looking at me with excitement. I pulled his face down to mine and I kissed him, like we haven't seen each other in years. His hands made their way to my head and his fingers ran through my hair. I felt his tongue enter my mouth as he moved us backwards against the wall. His mouth latched itself onto my neck and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

I moaned his name out and he came back to my waiting mouth.

"Matt what are you doing here?" I asked between kisses.
"I had to see you." He replied taking a break.
"That's good enough for me." I said.

Matt pulled off my tank top and I yanked his wife beater off. I kicked off my sneakers and Matt pulled down my shorts. My hands brought his basketball shorts and boxers down and I reached behind me to lock the door. My legs wrapped themselves around his waist again and like before we started kissing.

Matt’s hands reached behind me and unhooked my bra. He threw it somewhere, and I felt Matt push himself inside me. My head fell back and Matt continued to move inside me. I planted kisses on the base of his neck and as Matt went faster I bit down slightly making him moan out my name.

I hit my peak and I dug my nails into Matt's back. I moaned his name out again and a second later he finished also. Matt's hand got tangled up in my damp hair and he held onto me trying to catch his breath. He leaned his forehead on mine and gazed at me.

"I love you." Matt said.
"I love you too." I said.

I climbed off of him and we both quietly put back on our clothes. I unlocked the door and we both walked out to see three men standing outside the door waiting to go in.

"Sorry." I said dragging Matt away.

"Hey Emily, you want to go get lunch?" Matt asked when we reached the parking lot.
"I wish I could, but I can't." I said feeling guilty.
"How come?" He asked, automatically getting sad.
"I still have some wedding stuff to take care of." I said avoiding eye contact.
"Oh okay. When are you getting married?" He asked leaning against my car.
"On Saturday." I said.
"What?! That's in three days!" He exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Matt, I got to go." I said tearing up and getting into the car.

I pulled out the parking lot and sped off looking at Matt in the rear view mirror. I wiped away the few tears that came out and continued on home. I felt like complete shit for leaving Matt there, but I had to if I wanted to keep him out of jail.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this one is kind of a filler. The next chapter is the final chapter of the story. =(.

So, if someone can make me an official banner for the story will get to read the last part before I post it on Mibba, and get to know something else that will happen. =)