We're All Just Victims Of Love

M.Shadows We're All Just Victims Of Love-Part 3

I chose a seat next to Zacky on the sofa and waited for Lauren to give me my bottled water.

No one said anything for a good fifteen seconds when Zacky broke the uncomfortable silence.

"So have you ever heard or seen us before?"
"No. Was I supposed to?"
"I don't know we are kind of famous."
"Famous? Are you guys in a band or something?"

Brian scoffed from the corner and I just glared a little.

I came to a conclusion that I don't like this Brian guy at all. I'd rather much see him sit in a pile of horse crap than have him ridicule me every second.

Lauren came in and sat down next to Brian after handing me my drink.

"So hows you and your man doing?" she asked playing with Brians hair.
"Uh we're fine." I hesitantly said twirling my ring around my finger.
"Oh my god Em let me see that rock on your finger."

She flew over to me grabbing my small frail hand up so everyone can see the beautiful small object that would tie me forever to a horrible human being.

"Holy cheese how much did that cost?"
"About $350,000."
"You fucking serious?!" Johnny asked loudly from the other side of the room.

I nodded and Lauren turned to Brian with a glare slapping him in the chest.

"Ow what was that for?"
"How come you never buy me anything nice?"

His mouth flew open and she got up grabbing me by the arm again.

"Come on Emily lets go out on the porch and catch up on things."

Ha. Brian got in trouble cause of me.
Me-Two points.
The guys-A big fat ZERO

All day Lauren and I talked about everything thats happened in our three month absence from each other.

Of course I didn't tell her about the beatings. She would shoot that bastard than chop him into pieces.

.....Maybe I should tell her.

"So since your darling fiance is gone for the week, you think me and the guys could come over this week?"

Could they? What if him and mother found out?

"Uh yeah I guess."
Whats wrong with me? That wasn't supposed to come out.

"Thank you. We'll have so much fun."

I nervously laughed and checked my phone for any messages since I put it on silent. Turns out someone called me four times.

It was him that called me.

My stomach instantly went hollow and I suddenly felt the need to throw up.