We're All Just Victims Of Love

M.Shadows We're All Just Victims Of Love-Part 4

Lauren noticed my face and she put on a concerned expression.

"Honey whats wrong?"
"Oh its nothing I just forgot to call my husband to be." I said laughing it off.
"Oh ok well I'll let you have some privacy."

Don't leave me, knowing his strength he might snatch me through the phone.

She went back inside where she was safe while I remained outside with shaky hands dialing his number so I could have my ear chewed off.


Maybe he won't pick up.

Darn he did.

"Where the hell have you been?!"
"Baby I-"
"Don't baby me you slut. Whenever I call you should answer the first time."
"I know I'm really sorry."
"Oh I know you're sorry. Wait till I get home on Saturday you're gonna get it."

When he finished saying that I swear I heard a womans voice in the back.

He hung up on me and my eyes started tearing up a bit. I sat down on one of the chairs and put my head in my hands.

What did I do to deserve this?
Was I evil in a past life to get dealt these cards?

A minute later someone came out and sat next to me. I sniffed and furiously wiped my eyes under my curtain of natural deep red hair. I looked up to see the guy named Matt looking at me with a confused face and another beer.

"You okay?" he asked taking a sip of his beer.
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know looks to me like you were crying."
"I was not I just have bad allergies."
"Ok whatever you say lady."

I really have to work at this lieing concept.

"So how come you're all dressy? This wasn't really a special occasion. Well actually it was cause I'm here." he said grinning towards me.

I let out a small laugh and stared out at the backyard where the sun was starting to set.

"Wow, someones full of themself."
"Nope, its the girls that are usually full of me" he said winking.

My eyes got wide and my cheeks flushed into a light pink. He continued drinking after laughing at my reaction.

"Darling if you're gonna hang out with us you have to let loose and have alot of fun."
"Alright I'll try." I said smiling.

It was a genuine smile not one of those forced fake ones I plastered onto my face at those parties my mother had to throw every single month.