We're All Just Victims Of Love

M.Shadows We're All Just Victims Of Love-Part 6

Today was the last day of my freedom. Tomorrow my beatings will start and no one will be here to save me. Luckily enough Lauren invited me out to eat today with her and the boys.

I took my time getting dressed so I could look nicefor Matt. Matt said I needed to let loose and have fun so I put on my only pair of jeans that always lay hidden in the very back of the closet, with a black shirt that had an old nintendo controller on it. My hair was in a ponytail and I put on some eyeliner and mascara.

Tonight I wanted to be normal, and damnit I was gonna be normal.

My car pulled into Laurens driveway and I got out. I rang the doorbeel and just like my first day here I heard loud bangs come from behind the door.

Jimmy opened the door and yanked me inside.

"Uh whats going on?" I timidly asked Jimmy having to look up at him.
"Nothing really Brian and Zacky are just argueing over whos baby will look the sexiest." he said shrugging as if it were nothing.

Well the poor man must be used to this, half of his brain cells are probably out the window.

We walked into the family room where the arguement was going on to see Brian have Zacky in a headlock.

"Hey Emily!" Johnny yelled catching my attention from the scene in front of me.

Upon yelling out my name everyone looked up and said hi. Matt sent me a grin causing my stomach to do cartwheels.

"Oh my god Emily good thing you're here we need your help." Brian said letting go of Zacky.

Oh now he wants to be nice to me.

"Alright then."
"So me and Zacky are wondering whos baby will come out sexier. We're tied at two so you need to pick one."
"Johnny and I vote for Zacky." Matt said taking a sip of what do you know, beer.

I walked up to themorons guys and examined each ones face. Even though Brian was fairly attractive, Zackys eyes and little pudgyness made him a bit cuter.

"I choose Zacky." I finally decided backing up.

He let out a cheer while Brian fake cried and sat on Laurens lap. Zacky hugged me and lifted my fragile body up in happyness.

"Thanks so much, cause of you we won and don't have to pay for lunch."
"Glad to help now can you please put me down?"

He gently set me down and grabbed Brians car keys with a smile, and threw it at him. Everyone made their way outside but we ended up with a problem. There wasn't enough room for everyone to fit into Brians car so one person had to come with me.

"I'll go with her." someone said from in front.
"Alright Matt go with Emily and we'll meet up at the restaraunt." Lauren said getting into the car.

Matt?! Oh dear just my luck. I choked on my spit and led him over to my car.

Lets all pray nothing bad will happen, and nothing we both will regret will occur.