We're All Just Victims Of Love

M.Shadows We're All Just Victims of love-Part 8


I was actually having a fun time today. We finished up at Denny's and were sitting in the park across the street deciding what to do next.

"Guy what should we do?" Brian asked from the grass below.
"How bout we go to a bar?" Johnny suggested from the opposite end of the bench from where I was sitting.

Everyone agreed, but I stayed quiet. I've never drank any type of alcohol before.
Well does champaigne count?

"What do you say Emily. You want to go to a bar?" Lauren asked getting up.

I hesitated for a second and thought about it.

Mistake #1

I agreed and we started walking to our cars.

If I knew what trouble I'd get into later I would've refused. I unlocked my car doors and Matt climbed in after me.

"Wow you're really opening up today." Matt said from the passenger side as we followed behind Brians truck.
"I'm trying todays just a start."

We pulled into a bar called Johnny's and I took a deep breath before getting out.
Here goes nothing, time to drink.

The inside of the bar was semi-dark and halfway full of drunks.
Yuck, how do people come here all the time?
This place was so unhealthy and unsanitary beyond belief.

"Come on!" Matt yelled grabbing my arm and leading me through the crowd towards the bar where everyone had already ordered drinks.

"What would you like?" Matt asked.


I asked for a shot of Jack Daniels and sat down on a bar stool.

For tonight Jack Daniels would become my best friend. In a few hours though it would turn its back on me and stab me in the back, it won't be there to help me when I was in serious trouble.

A small glass of brown liquid was put in front of me and I looked at it.

"Well? Go ahead" Lauren said downing her drink.

I gulped and slowly brought the glass to my lips.

"Come on hurry up and do it." Brian said in a taunting manner.

I looked at everyones faces that were on mines and downed the whole shot.
A burning sensation flowed freely down my throat and my stomach nearly pushed it back up. I closed my eyes and cheering erupted around me.

"Finally had your first real shot of alcohol." Lauren proudly said patting my back.
"Bartender give me another one" I said slapping my hand against the counter.

Another glass was immediately put in front of me and a hand grabbed my arm.

"You sure you want to drink?" Matt asked.

I nodded and drank the substance that was known to bring the ugly out in people.

The alcohol got the same reaction out of me as before and already started going to my brain.

My phone started ringing and I took it out my pocket to see who it was.

Mistake #3

I saw it was my fiance and decided not to answer it. I turned it off and stuff it back into my pocket.

That's probably the worst mistake I've made today and I wasn't even fully aware of what I did.