We're All Just Victims Of Love

M.Shadows We're All Just Victims Of Love-Part 9


I'm not exactly sure how many drinks I had, but I know it was more than enough.

My feet and brain were doing two completely different things. My feet would bring me to the floor everytime I tried standing up and my brain would tell me to take another shot.

"Emily I think you've had enough." Somebodys voice said.
"No" I barely said trying to take my shot glass back, but only succeeded in tipping over the empty glasses.

I saw what I did and randomly started giggling like a little school girl.

"Come on sweetheart." Matt said picking me up bridal style.

My head rolled to the side so my neck was exposed. I don't know where we're going, but I need to empty out my grumbling stomach.

A groan of agony flew out of my mouth and Matt walked faster. The sound of a door opening met my ears and Matt carried me into a bathroom stall.

I got down and hunched over the porcelain toilet. My hair was pulled back as I regurgitated all the alcohol I consumed.

Matt rubbed my back soothingly as I finished. Everything around me was spinning really fast and I slowly got up.

"Come on." Matt said guiding me over to the sink where I washed out my mouth and face.
"You really shouldn't have drank that much." he said watching me.

Really? I didn't know that.

"I wanna go home." I weakly said.

Maybe the alcohol was still affecting me,cause tears started running down my cheeks.

"Hey whats wrong?" he asked coming closer.
"I'm gonna be in so much trouble. He's gonna be angry with me." I sobbed.
"Who is?"
"Him." I said barely conscious.

I didn't answer and completely fell asleep.

"Emily get up." Lauren said gently nudging me.

I groaned and opened my eyes to see that I was in Brians truck.

"Matt drove your car home." She said helping me out.

Matt came up to me and handed me my keys.

"Night Emily." he said hugging me.
"Night Matt"

I let go and walked up my driveway to the front door. I unlocked the door and stepped inside the quiet house.

"Where the hell have you been?!" a voice boomed near me.

My head snapped up and I saw him. My fiance, John Robinson.

One of the states top lawyers and my horrible significant other. He could probably get away with anything if he wanted. Hell, no one would believe me if I said he hit me; they'd just think I'm flat out crazy.

"Well? Where the fuck were you?!" he yelled getting closer.

I stayed silent and backed up a bit.

"I went out with Lauren, and her boyfriend." I barely managed to say.

He grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the door. I yelped in pain as my head made contact with the glass.

His hand went around my neck and tears were getting ready to fall out my eyes.

I was saved by one of his hits by the ringing of the doorbell.

If it wasn't for that I think I'd be sprawled out on the floor right now.