To late to be my father.


I sighed as I stared up at the ceiling of the room I was in. The room wasn't well lit, the sun light was dimmed by the dark curtains that covered the window. Truly a depressing room. I chewed on my lip as the questions I've had since I came into foster care came into my mind. When will I be adopted? Who will adopt me? Will I ever get adopted? I swung my legs over the edge of the top bunk I slept on and jumped down onto the ground. I left the room and into the long hallway. The orphanage I was put in wasn't very big. Two stories, about 3 long hallways that met in the back and the front; walls dividing the three hallways until they got to the front and back, and stairs in front of the 3 hallways to the left. There were 12 rooms in each hallway. 6 rooms on the left wall of the hallway and 6 rooms on the right wall of the hallway. I jogged down the stairs, went into the kitchen, and out the back door. The bottom floor was simple. When you came through the front door you walked into an entry way that was blocked off from the rest of the house. In the entry way to the right of the front door when you walk in is a door that leads into the office area where the parents go to adopt a child. When you go through the entry way you get to a living room. On the back wall of the living room is double doors that lead into the dinning room and on the far wall of the dinning room towards the back is a door that leads into the kitchen. A door that leads to the back of the orphanage is on the back wall of the small kitchen. Behind the orphanage was the school house. We were schooled close to the orphanage for whatever reason. The school house was small as well. Monday & Tuesdays from 7AM-12PM were the 4 major subjects in classes for 13-17 years of age; 12PM-5PM were classes for 12-5. Wednesday was a free day kind of like a weekend in the middle of the week. Then Thursday-Friday were electives for all the students; no separate time base. Then like every other school Saturday-Sunday was the weekend and we could roam around the grounds of the orphanage which was pretty big.

"Teagan!" A little girl shouted as she ran up to me. I watched as she ran, out of breath. The little girl was Grace Devoy. She was 6 years old and was here when I got here. She had long curly blond hair and crystal blue eyes. Ever since I got here she would always tag along with me but I didn't really mind; she was a sweet little girl.

"Hey Gracie." I said to her as I picked her up and held her on my hip.

"Teagan, a black car pulled up about 15 minutes ago. A man is looking to adopted." She announced as she caught her breath. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"You ran all the way over here just to tell me that?" I asked curiously. She nodded her head but there was something in her eyes and made my eyebrows furrow. She looked, sad.

"What's wrong Gracie?" I asked worriedly as my eyebrows furrowed a bit more. She started to sniff and I knew the water works were going to start. Gracie cried a lot. I didn't blame her though, she was only 6 years old and in an orphanage.

"Teagan he was looking for you." She mumbled sadly under her breath. If my eyebrows could go down anymore they would've covered my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked completely confused. She was pouting now and her cheeks were red from trying to hold the tears back.

"He was looking for you. Teagan Moore. He knew your last name and everything." She said sadly. I didn't know what to say. Who would be looking for me? I didn't have any Uncles that I knew of. Only male cousins I had were under the age of 9. All aunts divorced. None of the married in uncles ever liked me really. My grandparents were dead so it couldn't have been them. Now I was really confused. Could it be someone my mother knew? That didn't give me a cent of reassurance 'cause almost all of the men my mother knew were drug dealers, addicts, alcoholics, and creepy old guys who've hit on me even when I was at a very young age. I chewed on my lip and started back towards the house with Gracie on my hip.

"Where are you going?" She asked sounding frightened.

"I'm going to find out who is looking for me by my first and last name." I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"You can't!" She cried frantically. I stopped in my steps.

"How come?" I asked as I looked at her. That's when her blue eyes teared up and spilled over.

"Because then you'll leave and I'll miss you. I'll never see you again." She cried.

"Don't be silly. I'm not leaving." I said smiling at her. She sniffed and pouted.

"But if he adopts you then you'll have to go." She sobbed.

"Then I'll just run away, come back, and be here with you." I said smiling and winking at her. She nodded her head showing she was okay with that deal and sniffed again. I walked through the dinning room and into the living room. Ms. Booker, one of the people who took care of the kids here, was walking out of the entry way with an unfamiliar man following close behind her.

"That's the man." Gracie whispered but not quiet enough. Ms. Booker looked up and so did the man. The man was tan as could be. He had messy, short, brown hair, 5 o'clock shadow that was just dark enough to see against his tanned face, and emerald green eyes. He seemed to be fit but it was hard to tell underneath his baggy shirt which was a black band tee. He had jeans on and sneakers. Car keys were still in his hand and he was hitting them with his fingers making them jingle.

"Teagan. What a coincidence. We were just about to go find you." Ms. Booker said with a small smile on her face. My right eyebrow was up in the air and my face was stone hard.

"What's going on?" I questioned as my grip tightened on Gracie. Something about this man seemed, familiar. Ms. Booker cleared her throat.

"Teagan why don't the three of us-" She gestured to me, herself, and the man behind her "-go back into my office and talk." She said folding her hands in front of her. My eyebrow went down.

"I'd rather not." I said flatly as I stayed where I was.

"Teagan please. This is very important." Ms. Booker said sternly.

"Important?" I questioned as my gaze went to the man.

"Yes. Very important. Now please come with me." Ms. Booker said turning to the side and pointing her arm in the direction of the entry way to get to the office. I put Gracie down and she clung to me for a second. I smiled down at her reassuringly 'causing her to let go and I followed the two into Ms. Booker's office. Ms. Booker's office was big. About 1 and a half rooms put together. She had file cabinets all around her with tall book shelves in between. An old computer sat on her desk and papers were in piles sitting all over her large oak desk. A large chair sat behind the desk for Ms. Booker and two chairs sat in front of her desk for a mother and father who want to adopt to sit. In the far corner on the other side of the office was a lone chair in case the couple had brought a child along with them. Ms. Booker cleared her throat, a habit she had when she was about to announce something like someone being adopted, someone being transferred to a different orphanage, if kids would have to share a room temporarily, etc.

"Teagan. This is Mr. Timothy Williams." Ms. Booker said as she started off.

"Just Tim please." He said smiling. She nodded her head. The man's voice was deep. He looked and sounded like he was in his early to mid twenties but looks could be deceiving. Ms. Booker went to start off but stopped shortly probably trying to figure out a way to word what she was about to say.

"Teagan dear." Ms. Booker started off again. I was starting to get frustrated. What could be so important and dramatic for her to have such a hard time saying what she had to say?

"Teagan, Tim here." Ms. Booker stopped again. I huffed.

"Can you please just say it already?" I snapped trying to stay a bit calm.

"Tim is your father." She finally said, quickly at that. I swallowed hard. For some reason I suddenly wished I didn't want her to just say it already.
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Long chapter :D I have this semi-pre written. Totally makes sense right? I'm gonna be writing off the top of my head in about 1-2 chapters so lets wait for that :3 I hope you enjoyed it!