Status: Completly complete. :)

I Need You But You Make My Heart Burn in Pieces

Chapter 1: Session one.

"Gerard," I whined tugging at his arm as he walked confidently ahead gripping my hand tightly and dragging me along.

"What?" he replied angrily.

"I told you before, we don’t need couples therapy," I said pulling on his sleeve in a futile attempt to get him back to the car. This was a waste of time.

"We already got an appointment, were going," he explained simply.

"Fine, you can go. I'll wait in the car," I let go of his arm and began to walk back to the car when I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist.

"We're going together, Frank," Gerard whispered menacingly into my ear as he tightened his grip painfully but I said nothing of that. This was such a waste of time it's not like we ever argued maybe sometimes we both got a little angry but who doesn’t?

"No were not," I attempted to pull out of his grip again but he tightened it even more.

"Do I have to carry you in there? Because you know I can, you're relatively small compared to me," he said arrogantly, his anger seemed to have subsided.

I sighed and let my shoulders drop in defeat, "Fine but you’re answering the sex questions."

I laced my fingers in his and walked into the building with him. I knew we didn’t need therapy we were fine. Sure, we argued but what couple doesn’t?


Around an hour later I walked out the building with Gerard dragging me along, I was in a daze. I hadn't spoken for the whole therapy session and the unraveling of the whole reason of why Gerard wanted to go was still playing in my head.

"So, why are you here?" the therapist, Luke, had asked.

"It's just that I feel like we don't have a relationship," Gerard admitted, "I feel really bad because I always hit Frank when I'm frustrated or angry most of the time it isn't even his fault, it doesn't have anything to do with why i feel like that."

I knew he hit me, I remember when he gave me a black eye and he felt so bad he stayed off work and looked after me all day. I knew he'd given me numerous bruises but I just sort of ignored it. If he hit me it was my fault, wasn't it?

"And how do you feel about this Frank?" he asked looking at me in a patronising way making me feel smaller than ever.

I just shrugged and continued staring at the walls. Gerard glanced at me several times his eyes held a look of apology, concern and anger all at the same time. Is that even possible? That was the last time I'd even participated in answering the questions.
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As said before, this was the first fanfic i ever wrote. I didn't even put it in chapters so i'm posting up as much as i think is a substantial amount for a chapter. I was going to post more on this one but i'll probably update everyday or every couple of days after i get a few comments and know people want more. :)

Anyways...comment please. :)

In the next chapter- if you want one -we'll find out just how mean Gerard is to Frank. :)