Status: Completly complete. :)

I Need You But You Make My Heart Burn in Pieces

Chapter 19: Back On The Bus, Wake-Up From Hell.

A few days later and Gerard and I were lugging our suitcases onto the tour bus. I grinned and jumped about with excitement once I'd managed to shove my suitcase on my bed. I couldn't wait to be sitting around playing stupid Playstation games again, loosing to Mikey and Ray- as always. I couldn't wait until it was night time and I could sneak into Gerard's bunk. I couldn't wait until I was up on stage again, hearing the screams of hundreds of fans.

I just couldn't wait.

Bob placed his arms on my shoulders and pushed down on my shoulders in an attempt to stop me bouncing around and eventually hurting myself like he knew I would.

"Calm down, Frank," Bob shook his head, despite the excited grin on his face, "You're so hyperactive."

I wrapped my arms around Bob's middle, "But it's just going to be so much fun," I giggled.

Ray walked past us in the narrow gang way and scoffed, "You two are such girls."

"I'm not the one jumping about and giggling here! He hugged me first." Bob defended himself.

"Oh, you're cheating on me now, Frankie?" I heard Gerard's voice, but couldn't see him due to Bob being tall and in the way.

I stood on tip toes in an attempt to see past the drummer, I held onto Bob’s shoulders and hauled myself up managing to see Gerard sauntering down the gangway, grinning mischievously.

Sometimes it was just the little smiles that he gave me or the times when he kisses my cheek and hugs me so tight I can barely breathe that really make me go weak at the knees.

Seeing him walking towards me then was one of those times.

I edged around Bob and wrapped my arms around his neck, standing on tip toes and breathing in the scent of cigarettes and vanilla shampoo.

"I love you," I whispered.

Gerard moved his arms around my waist and held me tight, lifting me off my feet for a brief moment.

"I love you, too," he said.

Later on in the day, when we were on the road and everyone had settled down to sleep after several hours of bickering and PlayStation games, light snores could be heard in the back of the bus. I groaned and rolled over, trying to ignore how much noise Bob was making. After laying still for a few minutes and still feel agitated, I swung my feet round and got out the bunk. It was the lowest bunk because everyone knew how likely it was for me to roll out fall on the floor.

I crept down the gangway and climbed into Gerard's bunk, having to stand on my tip toes on account of the bunk being on the second row. Gerard was a light sleeper and he woke up when I crawled in beside him.

"What are you doing, Frankie?" he mumbled groggily.

"I couldn't sleep," I whispered, "Bob's snoring too much."

Gerard stifled a laugh and slung an arm over my waist, pulling me closer to him. I huddled into his chest attempting to get warm the air conditioner made the entire bus quite cold and felt a wave of sleep hit me.

Gerard yawned widely, looking adorable in the process, "Night, Frankie," he mumbled, kissing my forehead and shutting his eyes.

"G'Night, Gee," I hugged him tight and pressed my lips to his, feeling another wave of sleep pull me under.

I flinched as something cold landed on my face, I wasn't sure what it was but I was tired and couldn't be bothered to find out so I just tried to fall back asleep.

"For fuck's sake, he so lazy," I heard Ray's voice.

"Cut him some slack, he does have Epstein Barr," Mikey laughed.

I had a strange feeling they were talking about me, but again, I just tried to go back to sleep.

"Screw it, I'm waking him up, we're almost at the venue and you know what he's like with getting ready," Ray said.

Suddenly, my entire face was drenched in something cold and wet. I gasped and sat up rapidly, banging my head in the process.

"Fuck," I held the back of my head, "What was that for?"

Gerard was stood beside Ray howling with laughter.

"You wouldn't wake up," Ray said innocently, attempting not to laugh. He was holding an empty glass of what I could only assume and hope was water.

Mikey scoffed when he looked at my dripping face but looked sympathetic as well, "You need to start getting dressed an eat breakfast that isn’t Twizzlers, we'll be at the venue in half an hour and Bob wants to get the sound check over and done with so we can check into the hotel after."

I nodded, rolled my eyes at the two giggling idiots and stormed off to the bathroom, grabbing my suitcase on the way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading :)
I'll probably post ALL the rest of the story by the end of today
Comments are much loved...?