Status: Completly complete. :)

I Need You But You Make My Heart Burn in Pieces

Chapter 4: It Never Happened

"I can't believe you did that!" he snarled before he kicked me sharply in the stomach. He repeated this several times before he stopped. I dared to open my eyes for a second; he looked at me with tears running down his face. Then he ran I looked up to see him run into the bathroom and close the door then I heard the door lock.

I lay still for a while trying to let the pain subside but all I could think about was Gerard I could hear him sobbing quietly. I eventually managed to get up and walk slowly over to the bathroom door.

I knocked on it lightly, "Gerard let me in," I said.

"No," he said, "I'm such a bad boyfriend; I don't deserve you you're right we should just stop."

"No, Gee, I didn't mean that, I - I was just scared, I didn't mean it, please come out of there," I begged him.

I heard the door click and then it opened. Gerard fell into my arms sobbing hysterically.

"Shhhhh, its okay, I know you don’t mean to hurt me," I raked my hand shakily through his hair. Standing was becoming more painful now and my stomach was beginning to feel extremely weak again. Gerard seemed to read my mind as he led me to the bathroom and stroked my back comfortingly as I threw up in the toilet yet again!

I almost fell over when I stood up I felt so weak but Gerard caught me and held me close to him as he carried me back to our double bed. He laid me down carefully then pulled off my pants, I already didn't have a top on. Then he stripped into his boxers and lay next to me he pulled the covers over both of us then looked at my stomach, the bruises were already beginning to show.

"I'm sorry, Frankie," he said before he leant down and softly kissed the showing bruises better. He continued to kiss me his lips slowly traveling higher up my body stopped along the way to nibble affectionately. He eventually got to my lips but not before stopping to let me moan out lustfully then he kissed my lips softly at first then he began to get rougher and he drove my lips apart with his tongue and gained entrance quickly. He gained dominance quickly as I was tired and in pain and he battled fiercely with my tongue. Even if I was in pain I was still enjoying this! Carefully I leaned over and straddled him. He giggled into the kiss sending vibrations onto my lips. I quivered in excitement.

"I don't want to hurt you Frank," Gerard said when he pulled away from my lips.

"You won't," I said catching his lips again.

"I mean that continuing will make your stomach hurt," he said.

"Oh," I said disappointed.

"Baby, I'm so sorry, we can do this when you're not bruised, besides your sick as well," he said rubbing my groin and looking at me apologetically.

I pouted and got off from around his middle then sat in the bed beside him with my arms crossed.

"I'm sorry," he giggled.

"It's not funny," I huffed childishly.

"You're cute when you're angry!" he giggled again. I stuck my tongue out at him then pulled the sheets over me. I lay down and turned to face the wall.

"Fine, be like that," Gerard giggled jokingly.

I sat up suddenly making Gerard jump slightly, "Gee, please, I want you so bad, don’t make this any harder then it already is," I complained.

"No, Frank, I don't want to hurt you and plus - there's something I find weird about fucking an ill person, just sleep," he said. I smiled lightly then nodded and layed back down snuggling up close to him.

The next day I woke up happily and propped myself up on my elbow. I stared at Gerard's calm face as he slept and my eyes traveled down to watch his rising and falling chest. Suddenly I felt really guilty. Yesterday was the last show of our tour in New Jersey itself and I had missed it. I sighed and lay back down in the double bed. Even though Gerard was sleeping right next to me I suddenly felt terribly alone in the apartment.

After a while Gerard woke up and smiled at me, he kissed me lightly as the 'Good Morning' kiss we always shared.

"How are you feeling?" he asked looking concerned.

"A lot better," I said it wasn't a complete lie, I felt better just not much.

"That's good," he stated smiling at me.

I just nodded, "What are we doing today?"

"Well," he took a breath, "First we have a therapy session in about half an hour and then our school reunion's today so I thought it'd be funny to go to that," he grinned.

"I don't wanna go see that weird guy," I whined, "he's so patronizing."

"Why do you think he's patronizing?" Gerard asked.

"Because, Gee," I started, "he is tall and strange."

Gee just laughed. "Well, get up you've got half an hour to shower and get dressed and I know you take ages."

"But I don't wanna shower," I whined childishly.

"Frankie, you fucking reek of puke, do you have any idea how hard it was not to chuck you out of bed last night?" he asked rhetorically.

I blushed slightly then smirked, "Only if you shower with me."

He sighed, "Okay but only if you promise no kinky stuff that'll just make you dirty-er." I sighed.

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As promised... i think. The next chapter.
Comment please :)