Status: Completly complete. :)

I Need You But You Make My Heart Burn in Pieces

Chapter 6: It's not late!

We got around 10 minutes later and Gerard climbed out the car slowly as I stood by the side of the car waiting for him to get out. He seemed to be going slowly on purpose.

"C'mon, doofus hurry up," I whined.

"Well, if you call me names I'll just get back in the car and sleep there so you wont get no sex," Gerard said looking proud.

I pouted and looked at him with a baby-face.

"Daaamn, that face makes me wanna fuck you so hard," he laughed. I grinned widely and ushered him out the car hurriedly.

As we walked I decided to climb onto his back so he held onto the back of my thighs as he carried me up two flights of stairs and into our apartment. He carried me in then dropped me suddenly onto the bed.

As he kicked off his shoes I studied him, even doing something as simple as just taking off his shoes he looked gorgeous! Finally he was done pulling off his boots and he sat down on the edge of the bed. I grinned and took hold of his waist, pulling him back into the centre of the sheets on the double bed.

He layed down and shut his eyes, tiredly. I climbed on top of him, my figure slipping fittingly into the mold of his body. Planting kisses along his beautifully sculptured jaw line, I worked my way up to his lustrous, pale pink lips.

Gerard made a small moaning noise and I felt his moist, deft tongue run along my lower lip. Inhaling air, I opened my mouth slightly and he took the opportunity and slipped his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss considerably. I wriggled slightly letting my left leg fall in between his leg, fitting perfectly.

Gerard rolled onto his side bringing me with him and wrapped his arms around my waist. His tongue dominated, exploring my mouth over again, battling fiercely as I ran my tongue along with his.

His hand began to trail under my shirt and he ran small circles on the small of my back. I moaned; he knew where my spot was, he had always known.

Just as he was about to pull off my shirt there was a knock at the door followed by loud laughter. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to who it was and forced myself to pull away from Gerard’s sweet taste.

"Who the hell would be here this late?" I mumbled.

"Frankie, it's 8 o'clock, it's not late," Gee laughed.

"Well, I'm tired, I thought it was late." I defended myself just as there was more vicious knocking at the door.

"C'mon, guys, let us in, we brought beer. What the hell are they doing in there anyway?" I heard someone say, it was Bob.

"Ooh beer!" I exclaimed after processing what I had just heard and rushed to open the door.

"Hello," I smiled at Ray, Bob and Mikey who all stood outside our apartment door.

"We haven't seen you all week, man, where've you been?" Bob asked.

"We just came back from our school reunion," Gerard said appearing next to me wrapping an arm round my waist.

"Aw, man, that was tonight?" Mikey asked, frustrated.

"Yep," I replied.

"Fuck," Mikey cursed under his breath looking distantly at Ray’s leg.

"Well, we brought beer," said Ray breaking the silence holding up two six packs, "so can we come in?"

"Of course you can," I smiled and held open the door; they all filed in and took a seat in our living room. I switched on the TV for some background noise and we all began to chat about our past week. They all knew that Gerard and I were dating but they didn't that he sometimes argued with me, well not sometimes, a lot, I suppose. I could tell that Gerard was nervous about it all, but I tried to keep my focus off him and enjoy the time I spent with the other band members.

As the night progressed I was getting drunker and drunker, in fact, I was the only one drinking. We'd finished the beer a few hours ago and now I had opened up mine and Gerard's own alcohol. Well, just mine seeing as Gerard no longer drank. I downed the last of my beer and stood up to see if we had any vodka or any kind of spirit. As I rose my head span and I swayed dangerously before collapsing on the floor. I giggled manically and rolled over in a futile attempt to get up. Eventually, a strong hand grasped mine and pulled me. It was Gerard; he pulled me from my giggling heap on the floor and stood me in front of him. He looked angry, but I was so drunk, I couldn’t have cared less.

"Thank you, baby," I slurred before turning around and placing a foot forward. A pair of strong arms wrapped round my waist and stopped me from walking into the kitchen.

"Frankie, you're wasted, you really shouldn't drink anymore. You're gonna have a massive hangover as it is," Gerard told me sternly pushing me down onto the sofa.

"Well, fine then," I pouted and crossed my arms.

Bob laughed at me, "Dude, you’re such a child, sometimes," he told me.

Mikey sniggered.

"Shut up, Mikey, you can't talk you’re the kid brother of the whole band," I retorted.

"Frank, that doesn't make sense," Ray stated to me. I turned to face it, my vision considering blurry making him look like a messy brownish blob.

I giggled, "How doesn’t it make sense?"

"You're younger thank Mikey," he told me plainly. I furrowed my eyebrows trying to understand the concept.

Ray laughed at me as I finally grasped the meaning of his words, "Shuddup," I snapped.

"Jeez, guys, it's 1 o'clock, we should get going," Bob said.

I still sat there as I heard some shuffling around and finally, a door shut.

"Frankie, you should get to bed," Gerard voice called out to me.

I merely nodded, too brain dead by the effects of alcohol to say anything. I looked up as Gerard stood in front of me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up; I dragged my feet along the ground as he pulled me into our bedroom eventually giving up and just picking me up off the ground and walking over to our bed.

"I'm tired," I yawned widely.

"I know, sweetie," Gerard said. He pulled off my tee shirt and pants then laid me down and pulled the bed covers over me.

He sat on the edge of the bed just stroking away the hair on my forehead, gradually lulling me into sleep.

I awoke a few hours later, immediately I brought my hands to my face and rubbed my eyes furiously. I groaned and rolled over to look at the time, I had a splitting headache.

The luminous, red letters flashed; 3am. I wondered why I had woken up so early. Then I heard some shuffling in the other room. I got up shivering with out the heat of our sheets. Standing in the doorway, I could make out a figure sitting on the couch with his head bowed, holding in his hand a metallic can; it was Gerard. There was a sudden crushing sound that startled me. It was only him crushing the can.

That's when I realized; it was beer in his hand. He'd promised himself he wouldn't drink. "Gee," my voice came out a timid squeak as opposed to a brave sounding.

His head shot up, I couldn't see his face it was too dark. I took a step forward cautiously, and then another and another until finally I was standing right next to him. He hadn't spoken a word.

"Gee, what are you doing?" I asked him quietly.

He looked at me, "I-I think I need this," he said holding up the can.

"Gee no, no you don't need it!" I tried to pry the can from his grip.

"Frankie, it's so unfair, you get to drink whatever and I don't," he looked at me enviously.

I frowned, feeling the guilt crush down on me. I always managed to make Gerard feel bad, somehow.

"I won't then, I won’t anymore, ever!" I told him.

"How do I know that?" he asked me.

"I promise, baby, I'll quit," I told him. I kissed him on the cheek and his grip loosened on the can. I took the opportunity to remove the can from his hand and placed it on the coffee table.

He looked at me and smiled graciously, "Thank you," he whispered.

I nodded, "No problem babe, now, let's go to bed," I took his hand and led him into the bedroom. I climbed in beside him and put my arm tightly around his waist.

"Night, Frank," Gerard said, turning his head and kissing my nose.

I smiled, "Night, Gee," I pulled him closer to me and hid my face in the crook of his neck. Shutting my eyes, I fell fast asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am unbelievably sorry for not posting in, what like 2-3 weeks! I had music coursework that i really had to get done and i wanted it to be really good.... anyway that aside, i don't deserve you wonderful readers or your motivational comments, but i hope you forgive me and comment?