Status: Completly complete. :)

I Need You But You Make My Heart Burn in Pieces

Chapter 7: Distractions

I woke in morning to an empty bed again, still with a splitting headache. I brought a hand to my face to wipe away the sleep in my eyes.

"Gee?" I called out, hearing my voice echo around the large, empty bedroom. All we really have in our bedroom is a bed, wardrobe, bedside tables, a dressing table and a full-length mirror secured to the wall.

There was no answer, I rose from the warm bed and pulled out a pair of checkered pajama pants and a massive black jacket with a hood. I hugged the clothing to my bare skin and tried to warm up.

"Gerard?" I called out again, feeling very alone.

I blundered into the kitchen and saw a note sitting on the counter. I picked it up and read it read:

"Morning Frankie,
I didn't want to wake you. You looked too cute sleeping. I know you'll be feeling bad so there's a glass of water and aspirin on the side.
I've just gone out to go get some crap from the shop; I might stop off and see Ray on the way.
See you later, g oxox
P.S. If you’re having breakfast it something healthy; that means NO Pop Tarts and NO Twizzlers!"

I smiled ad put the note back on the counter and took the aspirin that was set next to it. Then I rummaged in the cupboards for some cereal. When I didn't find any I gave up and dumped myself on to the couch, switched on the TV and watched.

A few hours later, at around twelve, I heard a key in the lock and some shuffling outside. I turned around on the couch and gripped the back of it, kneeling so just my eyes and nose were overlooking the back.

"Argh, god dammit," I heard Gerard curse from outside, I smiled into the couch as I heard him kick the door. Finally, the door swung open and Gerard walked in, holding several bags. He looked over to where I was and laughed.

"You look so cute like that," he smiled.

"Do not!" I mumbled into the couch, barely audible.

"What was that, Frankie?" Gerard smirked, pretending not to hear me.

I took my mouth away from the couch, "I said, "Do not," I repeated.

"Do not, what?" he asked, still holding that wonderfully sexy smirk.

"Look cute," I told him, frowning.

"Look cute? Yes, Frankie, you do look cute," he tried to hold in his smirk with an innocent smile.

I rose off the couch and strode towards him, "Why, must you always, win?" I slowly whined empathetically at him.

"Cos I'm bigger!" Gerard replied with a slight smile, "Now, help me with the shopping."

I groaned and nodded, took a bag out of his hands then walked into the kitchen. I pulled everything out of the bag, not really packing it away, just searching for some food of interest. I was getting pretty hungry.

"Frankie, what're you doing?" Gerard asked me.

"Um, packing away," I told him, stealing a glace at him to see him leaning on the counter looking at me.

"No you’re just chucking things on the counter looking for something that you think looks nice," he laughed.

He came over to me and stood close behind me, very close. He wrapped his arm round my waist and leaned in, he began to place sweet kisses on my neck, sucking over so lightly, now and then.

My eyes fluttered shut and I moaned in pleasure. Suddenly, he withdrew and took his arm away from my waist.

I whimpered and turned around, "Why'd you stop?" I asked him, he was stood behind me, arms folded, standing tall, smirking knowingly.

"See, that's how easily you're distracted. Now, put the food away!" he grinned demandingly at me then continued to put a few cans into a cupboard.

I pouted to myself and put some salad and vegetables into the fridge, "that's how easily you get distracted," I mocked Gerard, mimicking his voice in a stupid tone.

Gerard scoffed and hit me lightly on the head playfully; I couldn't help but flinch and shut my eyes tightly when he did it.

"Baby, I'm sorry," Gerard looked down at the floor ashamedly.

I shook my head, "No, it's okay."

"No, it's not, you're scared of me and it's my fault," he pressed his lips together and pulled me into his chest.

I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head in his chest, sniffing loudly and letting a few tears soak into the material of his tee shirt. Gerard stroked my back, soothingly.

"It's not okay- I’m not okay, I promise-I'm so sorry," he whispered. ((A/N:couldn’t resist adding im not okay (I promise) ☺))

All I could do was squeeze him tighter and nod into his chest.

We stood there, just cuddling for around a quarter of an hour until pulled away from Gerard. His tee shirt now had a damp patch on it where I'd been crying.

"You okay now?" he asked me looking down at me, concernedly.

I nodded and wiped my eyes, "I'm such a wimp," I breathed in deeply and laughed, nervously.

"No, you’re not, if I was in your position I'd probably cry too," he told me, taking my hand and leading me into the lounge sitting down on the couch with me.

I shook my head, vigorously, "No, you wouldn't."

"Why wouldn't I?" he asked me, smiling sweetly.

"Because, you're brave and smart and funny and you're…you’re Gerard; my Gerard," I explained.

He laughed, filling the air with the sweet sound, "That wasn't much of an answer."

"I know, but still-," I trailed off not really knowing any response.

Suddenly, his lips came crashing onto mine as he kissed me sweetly, my eyes fluttered shut, immediately, he withdrew, "I'm sorry," he breathed on my lips before pressing his lips back onto mine; running his smooth, moist tongue along my bottom lip, which was quivering in excitement. I felt like I hadn't done this in a long time. I opened my mouth slightly and Gerard pushed his tongue in pushing it against mine, which sprang to action, crashing against his, excitedly.

Gerard was such a great kisser! And goddamn had i missed it!!
♠ ♠ ♠
Awwh poor Frankie... see... Gerard's not ALWAYS the bad guy, on purpose anyway....
Comment please :) much loves :)