Status: Completly complete. :)

I Need You But You Make My Heart Burn in Pieces

Chapter 9: Don't Know Where You Are

Should i answer it? On one hand he could be really angry but on the other hand he could be really worried, either way, he wasn't near me so he couldn't physically hurt me. I pressed the green button and brought the phone to my ear.

"Hello," I spoke into it.

"Frank, where are you? I'm really worried. It's getting dark and there are bad people out and I don't want you to get hurt," I heard Gerard rambling.

"Gee, it's okay, I'm just," I looked up to see where I was, that's when I realized I didn't know where I was, "I'm- uh, I'm- oh, don't worry I'm fine," I told him.

"You don't even know where you are, do you?" he asked me with a slightly exasperated tone.

"I didn't say that," I practically shouted down the phone. I know he was looking out for my well-being but I was 25, for god's sake.

"But you don't, do you?" Gerard persisted. “You really don’t know where you are!”

I sighed, "No," I told him, blushing slightly.

"I'm coming to get you, okay? Stay exactly where you are," he told me. It was like I was a kid, again.

"But you don't know where I am either," I exclaimed.

"Frank, I can spot you anywhere, besides you walked out the house wearing a bright orange jacket, that's pretty easy to spot," he laughed.

"Fine," I huffed.

"I'll be there as soon as I can," he said then he hung up.

I sniffed and hunched my shoulders trying to keep warm as my breath came out in plumes; I hadn't noticed how dark out it was. Suddenly I heard loud voices and tall shadows on the wall of an alleyway; I knew they were talking about drugs, most probably dealing them too. Knowing better, I moved away and looked out for Gerard's car. Once again, I heard my ring tone go off, quickly, I took the call and held it to my ear.

"Hello," I whispered, feeling conscious of the ever growing louder voices behind me.

"Do you have any idea where you are?" I heard Gerard ask.

"In the district where drugs are dealt out, a lot," I whispered, hoping it'd help him.

"Frankie," Gerard sighed, "that doesn't really narrow Belleville down, does it? Can you see a street sign around you?"

"Oh yeah!" I laughed realizing that that would help him, "I'm uhh- I'm on Grafton Avenue," I told him.

"Oh good, I'm right near there," he said, "I'll be there in a minute."

I nodded, stupidly. Then he hung up.

I walked around, slowly, up and down the street, for a few minutes. Then I saw our car, coming quite fast down the road. It stopped a few meters in front of me and the door opened. I jogged over to it and got in.

"Frank," Gerard exclaimed as soon as I had closed the passenger side door, "you had me worried half to death."

I don't know why but this immediately put me in a grumpy mood. How one person could beat up their boyfriend and then claim they cared about them. I crossed my arms, slid down in my seat and scowled. Not even bothering to say anything to him.

"Are you even going to say something?" he asked.

Still, I just sat there, scowling.

"Frankie, I care for you, I don't want to lose you," he said, hoping I'd reply.

My scowl because ever more prominent.

"Say something!" he exclaimed, hitting the steering wheel in frustration.

"What? What do you want me to say? Do you want me to say you’re right Gerard, you're always right and I'm so sorry, I'll never do it again?" I almost shouted, "Because I won't do that Gee, because you’re not right."

"I never said that," he mumbled.

"You fucking wanted me to say it though," I told him, shuffling back down in the seat and crossing my arms, resuming my scowling.

"Why are you so fucking moody!?" he snapped.

"I just don't get it," was all I could say.

"Get what?" he asked, still sounding angry. But I didn't care anymore; I just wasn't scared, yet.

"How you can say all this; that you really care for me just a few hours after you've beaten the crap out of me!?" I explained.

Suddenly the car stopped, causing me fly forward and hit the glove box, "What the hell was that for?" I asked rubbing my head.

"You were the one not wearing a fucking seat belt and anyway we're home now," he told me.

I frowned and got out the car, pulling my keys from my pocket and jogging from the car park into the building. I knew he'd follow me.

We ran giggling down the corridors as he chased me, getting closer every step until he finally grabbed me; his arm slinked round my waist and we both crashed to the floor. For a while we lay there, laughing and just holding each other but then I remembered why I'd left earlier and the mood seemed to disintegrate.

I got up and pulled Gerard to his feet then we walked, hands clinging to one another loosely, to our apartment.

When we got back I found that it was quite late so I just kicked off my shoes and walked tiredly over to the bedroom. I sat on the bed but immediately regretted it as a pain shot up my ribs. I'd almost forgotten the damage Gerard had done.

He walked in as I was grimacing and rubbing my sore ribs. I looked over to him; he seemed terribly guilty.

"I'm so sorry, Frankie," he whispered, closing his eyes as a teardrop fell down his pale cheek.

"It's not your fault," I told him, just as I'd told him time and time again, he never believed me though.

"It is," he sighed, drifting over to the bed and sitting behind me. Carefully, he wrapped his arms around my stomach and pulled me onto the bed.

Slowly he unzipped my bright, orange jacket and pulled it off, he eased off my Black Flag tee shirt, just as carefully, and chucked them on the floor.

He looked down at my bruised chest, a look of pain crossing his face. He got up and crossed to the bathroom then came back with a wet flannel.

He climbed back onto the bed, the warm water from the flannel dripped onto my stomach as he moved; it felt good and kinda got me horny.

He got comfortable, lying next to me, and began to press the flannel against the bruises softly. It felt soothing and nice, to feel the warmth against my chest, that and the soft rhythmic breathing of Gerard beside me, began to lull me into a quiet, almost sleeping state, my eyes shut softly and I concentrated just on Gerard's breathing, he could make something as simple as breathing sound beautiful.

After a while the flannel went cold and Gerard stopped pressing it against my chest, believing me to be asleep he whispered, "Night, Frankie," and pressed his lips to mine.

When I kissed back he was startled but let it go deeper, nonetheless, we stayed together like that, just sharing kisses, for a long time until I began to shiver.

Gerard broke the contact between our lips and helped me up. He stripped down into just his boxers and I took off my pants and pulled on my plaid pajama pair.

"You should put a tee shirt on, I don't want you getting ill," Gerard instructed.

I smiled slightly and pulled out one of his old tee shirts, it was too big for me, but I loved it anyway because it had Gerard's sweet scent.

He laughed when he looked at me, "That tee shirt drowns you!" he said.

"I know but it smells of you, so I'm gonna wear it," I explained pouting, poking my tongue out at him when I finished my sentence.

He simply nodded, seeming to blush at my words and climbed into bed holding the sheets open, invitingly, for me.

I snuggled down beside him and kissed his cheek before shutting my eyes, a fresh wave of drowsiness washed over me and I was asleep in minutes.
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Sorry i haven't posted in a long time, if anyone really wanted another chapter they would've commented or messaged me or something so you couldn't have been missing it much.
But yeah, so Frankie answered Gee..... comment please :)