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Music Is Life

Taio Cruz

I saw my mom was standing by the front desk of the office. A small smile playing on her lips, her finger slightly touched her hair, playing with it almost, intending that she was flirting. I leaned forward still walking towards her. I saw who she was flirting with, and was displeased to find she was flirting with my Chemistry teacher. No pun intended.

I looked into the mirror by the office door, fluffing the flour out of my hair, well at least the best that I could. i took my hairbrush from my backpack, brushing out my hair, and taking the hairband from my wrist, throwing my hair into a quick pony tail.

With my make-up fixed up, i walked to my mom, she was hopelessly still flirting with my teacher. I mean come on mom, have some decency. The guy was like way too hot for her. Not that I noticed or anything.

"Mom." I stood next to her, my 5'1" very contradicting to her 5'9. She turned to me, her smile falling.

"Oh right." she took a pen from the desk, signing the 'leave' slip. I wrote down my number, not my phone number, my ID card number.

"You drive." My mom handed me the car keys, "and put the convertible top down." She took a hair clip out of her gigantic purse, twisted her long hair and then clipped it, so the wind wouldn't ruin it when I drove.

I buckled my seat belt, turned the key in the ignition. The roar of the engine made me giddy. My dimple smile showed up on my face.

Backing the car slowly out of the parking space, then speeding a little out of the parking lot. My mother turned on the radio, turning the volume knob. 'I'll never love again' by Taio Cruz came blasting out of the speakers.

I drive a little over the speed limit. So my mom and i made it home in less than ten minutes. I parked the car, the she spoke once again.

"Lets go to walmart." Her soft voice flowing from her lips.

I restarted the car, backing out of the driveway, and making out way to walmart.
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Two chapters in one day, thats grabs for comments. And maybe another. I'm trying to be nice here, even though it's hard for me to be rude. Please comment.
