‹ Prequel: The runaway
Status: will be out soon

Do I Stay Or Do I Go?

Where are we going?

I've been living with my mom and dad for about a week now. My Mom and I have been spending a lot of time together, were usually at the mall together or at the beach.

But today was odd, my Dad was home and my uncles were all here. They were currently laying around the living room.

"I thought you guys were supposed to be at the studio." I said as I entered the living room.

"We decided to take a break and spend some time with you, so get some shoes on and we can leave." My dad told me.

I practically ran to my room with Bullet, who was trying to bite my ankles following close behind me. I was really exited to hang with my dad and uncles, especially since I haven't really known them for that long.

I quickly changed out of my pj's and into a new outfit my dad bought me. It had a lot of purple on it, but it was OK because purple is an awesome color.

"Ready!" I shout as I run down the steps two at a time. "So what are we going to do?" I asked once I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Well first your coming with Zack and I to get our hair done while Matt Johnny and your dad go buy things for out barbecue, then were all gonna meet up here." Jimmy exclaimed as he practically threw me over his shoulder.

"But aren't the girls gonna be here?"

"Nope, there all at Matt's." Zack told me as he got into the drivers seat.
Unfortunately because of my shortness, Jimmy had to help me get into the SUV, which was a bad idea because he practically dropped me onto the floor of the car.

"So who's doing our hair?" I haven't gotten my hair cut in around two years, an I didn't want someone who didn't understand English to cut off all of my hair because that will be bad.

"My mom is, she also owns the place were heading to." Uncle Zack told me.

It feels kinda weird calling three guys who aren't in anyway relates to me my uncles. Then again there close friends to my dad and mom.

"Guys?" Jimmy said getting a funny looking smirk on his face.

"Yeah?" Uncle Zack and I asked at the same time.

"I gotta fart."

"No!" I shouted as I tried to move me seat, since I was sitting behind him. But I was to late because he let it rip and the smell came into my face.

It was so gross.
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I think I had you all wait long enough, so heres a funny chapter for you all. Please leave me awesome comments and subscribe.
Oh does anyone wanna make a banner?

Oh I have news, this Saturday I'm going to the Toledo Zoo in Ohio! I live in Michigan and this is going to be my first time going to Toledo.
