The Dorkiest Vampire

In A Dream

Ophélie rushed through the woods, careful not to make a sound. Any crack of a twig or slight rustle of her skirt would let them know where she was and give them a pretty decent guess of where she was headed. She was late, but he would understand. He always understood, unlike them. They were running away together that night. She had not packed much, the small bag of clothes and things she carried, with a pocketbook full of as much money as she could find. They would need it starting their new life together.

She didn’t know where they were going. They could easily hide in New Orleans for a few weeks, perhaps find a ship to take them to France or Saint-Dominque or another one of the islands in the West Indies. He had mentioned Quebec before, though she wasn’t too keen on living in such a cold place. The one thing she did know was that she had to be with him and that they could no longer stay here.

Their meetings had to be brief and she could only venture out at night. She hadn’t explained every thing to him during those quick but sweet night time rendezvous but she was going to tonight. She silently hoped he would still love her, despite her confession. The last thing she wanted was to loose him. Then she would have nowhere to go, no one to turn to.

Well, there would be Donatien, but that was a though Ophélie quickly shook from her mind. Donatien was the last person on earth she ever wanted to be with. He was cruel and controlling, the complete opposite of her sweet Jacques. Donatien was why they had to leave. He had proposed the previous day and her parents had readily accepted for her. They knew Donatien was unstoppable, that they couldn’t say no to him. But she was in love and she had to be with Jacques, no matter the consequences.

She walked out of the woods and into the small clearing by the creek where they had always met. He had found her there one night after a rather brutal encounter with Donatien at one of her parents’ private balls. She had run off and he had come out in his nightshirt, his lips round and full, grave concern across his face. She was in love at once. Gently, she breathed out his name into the night air, wondering where he was hiding.

“Jacques?” she asked hopefully. She stepped forward but there was no sign of him. She listened intently and heard voices, two men arguing. Two men whose voices she recognized. Quickly, she gathered up her skirts and headed towards the voices.

“I know what you’re doing here,” the first said. “It isn’t a wise decision. If you want what’s best for her, you’ll turn around and scamper back into your little bedroom. Leave girls like that to men who can handle him.”

“I’m not leaving her,” the second replied fiercely. “I love her. And I’m not letting her slip into the grasp of a monster like you, Donatien!”

“I’m a monster?” Donatien cackled. “Do you know what she is, Jacques? Ophélie and I are much alike. Has she told you our secret, I wonder…”

“Ophélie tells me everything,” Jacques hissed.

“Everything?” Donatien smirked. “Did she ever tell you why she can only visit you at night? Why no one but her family’s friends are ever invited into her home? Has she told you why several of the slaves on your dear father’s plantations have disappeared? They aren’t running away, Jacques…”

“Ophélie and I have no secrets,” Jacques said adamantly. Ophélie held her breath, hoping Donatien would leave soon. Then she and Jacques could be on their way and she would tell him everything.

“Your beloved Ophélie isn’t human, Jacques,” Donatien smiled. “She’s a monster like me. A creature of the night… You won’t be able to keep her long before her desire to feed will grow and then you will be sucked into our world. I don’t think you could keep her satisfied. Not for long. She’d drain you dry…”

“What are you talking about?” Jacques said worriedly. “Donatien… you’re a madman…”

“No,” Donatien smirked. “I’m a vampire.” With that, he stepped forward and sank his teeth into Jacques. Ophélie burst forth from the woods, doing whatever she could to save her love.

“Stop it! Stop it!” Ophélie she begged Donatien. “I’ll do anything!”

“Anything?” Donatien smirked, edging himself off of Jacques. In only a matter of seconds, he had managed to nearly bleed Jacques dry.

“What is he talking about, Ophélie? What is going on?” Jacques demanded to know.

“I can explain,” she begged.

“She’s just like me, Jacques,” Donatien smirked. “A vampire. That is why she and I are meant to be together.”

“I’ll do anything,” Ophélie begged, “just spare him. I love him…”

“You’re bound to me,” Donatien reminded her. “You don’t have a choice in who you love.” He turned back to Jacques. “You’d be best if you left her alone from now on.” He dropped a weakened Jacques on the ground then snatched Ophélie by the wrist, beginning to pull her away. “I’m taking you home and I’ll deal with you there. We obviously can’t let you stay in this pathetic little town any more. I’ll have to take you somewhere protected…”

“Just don’t hurt him,” Ophélie whispered. “I love him…” Donatien wound back his hand and slapped her has hard as he could.

“You will not mention him again,” Donatien hissed, glancing over at Jacques weakened but now standing form.

“Don’t you hurt her…” Jacques said furiously.

“Jacques… please…” Ophélie begged.

“She’s mine,” Donatien said with a smirk. “Go back to your pathetic little life.” He turned back to her. “You need to learn to keep your mouth shut.”

“Sorry,” Ophélie whispered, looking down at the ground momentarily. She felt Donatien’s hand being wrenched from her arm and glanced upward to find Jacques had launched himself at Donatien. “Jacques! No! You don’t know what you’re dealing with!”

Before Jacques could get in a second punch, Donatien had bitten down on him, draining what little blood had been left him his body. Ophélie ripped at Donatien’s coat, trying to pull him off of her dying lover. It was no use. Donatien had drained him completely. He stood up and pushed Ophélie backwards into the bramble and thorns of the woods. Then, Donatien unceremoniously pushed Jacques drained body into the river. It would be found in a few days, no doubt, and then people would start to wonder what had happened. And as always, they would turn to the strange family who lived beyond the marsh and never ventured outside their homes during the day.

“You killed him,” Ophélie gasped through her tears.

“Yes,” Donatien said with a smirk. “And now, it is your turn…”


Michael Vespasien awoke in a cold sweat. He had been having the same dream ever since his parents had moved them to the tiny town of Merridick, Louisiana into the old house called St. Françoise along a river with a similar name. He wanted to go home, back to New Orleans, but that was out of the question. They had to move after the little incident at his old school. Besides, not much had been left to go back to after the hurricane.

The dream always finished before he could figure out what had happened to Ophélie. He was certain his parents knew and he was certain there was a particular reason they had moved to this nasty little town in the middle of a swamp. Of course, his parents had never been ones to generously supply answers.

He sighed and titled his head back against the warm pillow below him and pulled his Spiderman sheets over him tightly. He would begin a new school tomorrow in this forsaken small town and hopefully, he would go unnoticed.
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This is a new story I've been working on. I have also been working on a completely different new story called "Friends with Benefits," if you want to check it out.