Status: i dont know how to end it u guys

He Left With No GoodBye

And Time Goes By

Summer was ending and she didn’t want it to. Skye still didn’t apply for the culinary school. And she didn’t talk to Eric about it. He knew what was going on but to say something out loud would ruin the already tense feeling they had.
Another night had gone by as they stood in their own rooms. She didn’t want to go through this, not when everything was finally getting better.
She kept burning the pastry puff she has been trying to make.
Eric entered the kitchen looking at the burnt item on the tray, the smoke hitting the ceiling.
“What was that?”
“The pastry puffs I have been making.”
“Still you have burnt every single one of them.” He opened the refrigerator door pulling out a bottle of Malta. He didn’t like it at first but he came around to just drinking a malt juice.
“Why haven’t you talked to me the last couple of days?” He placed a bottle next to her knowing she would drink it.
“Don’t know what you mean.”
He coughed at her answer.
“What’s going on in that brain of yours?”
She took the tray in her hand throwing away the burnt pastries wanting to give up.
Skye slid the tray into the sink and walked to the living room, lifting her leg onto the arm rest for elevation.
“The summer is ending…I haven’t applied for the culinary school and I’m afraid if I get accepted then I would have to leave you.” He lifted her legs taking its place on the arm rest so he can massage her feet.
“Go; don’t let me be the one to hold you back on something you want to do.”
“What are you going to do then?”
“Stay here I guess.”
“Come to the city with me. You would love to live there it is always busy and you can go to an art school, they have tons of schools.”
He didn’t answer her. He couldn’t see himself going back to school; his life just stopped going further.
The doorbell rang; they knew who it was so they yelled for the person to come in.
“Hey what’s going on?”
“Nothing much, just discussing what to do for fall.”
“Rake the front yard and keep your grass green.”
“Funny.” Eric didn’t want to be apart of this conversation yet he knew he would have to stay.
“Skye didn’t apply for school which means she enters in the spring, but she doesn’t want to leave.”
“If I had you also I wouldn’t leave don’t blame her, but what are you going to do?”
“Stay here and you?”
“Don’t know I want to get out and go to the city but I don’t have a major.”
“NYU is good, tons of majors and top rate.” The silence fell on them till Shawn put the television on. She got up and when to the kitchen to make a bag of popcorn.
“Look I say just do whatever you know? Because we only live once and I want to enjoy this life while I can.”
“NYU has a creative writing major.”
“I like already.”
The popcorn was done, so she poured it into a bowl making her way back to the living room.
“Can we stop all this talk of school and leaving please?” He got up go down to the basement.

September had strolled finished as quickly as it ended. Thanksgiving came and went and soon they were worried about Christmas.

“I am waiting for a white Christmas kiddo, watch it will come just have faith.”
“I have faith ma but it seems like a white Christmas isn’t going to happen.”
“Wait just wait and see.”

Their first tree was up, it was her mother’s tree and decorations that she had. She was happy that the angel had broken and the star survived. The angel gave her the creeps.
She put the skirt under the tree and laid the first present.
“You have the first present under there already?”
“Yup I had to put it, makes the tree look alive.”
Eric hadn’t shopped yet, he didn’t know what to buy her or anyone else for that matter. He had his cousins now and Shawn if he counted her.
He decided to do all of that tomorrow.
The mall was crowded, people with millions of bags in their hands travelling from store to store.
Eric was now one of them, though he hated it. The challenge wasn’t shopping; it was to take it back home and to keep it hidden from Skye. Wrapping it was the second part of the challenge.
When he got home though he put the bags in his closet hoping she didn’t look through his stuff.
Going back down stairs he saw her on the sofa looking at papers.
“What you have there?”
“An application, it is from the Institute of Culinary Education. Did you do this for me?”
“Yes I did, not listen up though before you get all mad. If you apply for the college now you can get an early acceptance, and you want to go I know you do. Stop worrying about me.”
“It is more than that…I put a lot into this house also and now to just leave it next year is going to hurt.” He handed her the pen and tapped on the paper signaling her to fill it out.
As she did she read over each line making sure it was correct. She knew what it meant now. She would have to leave him and he would stay here not even doing what he wants. He is the real fool she thought.
The days lasted so long, and Christmas took forever to come and they thought it wouldn’t for a moment. Until she woke him up.
“No please let me stay sleeping.”
“I can’t Eric you have to wake up, have a cookie with some milk, I’ll make breakfast but we have to be awake.”
“Don’t cook babe get some rest.” His mind was still on her car accident. She filed the law suit and had gone to court.
“Rest for what?” He opened his eyes and saw her face, legs and arms. Her scar will always be a reminder but the bruises were gone, have been gone for months.
“I don’t know…let’s go back downstairs. We can eat some cookies and open up the first two presents.”
So they did, she knew he still had dreams about her in a car but she was hoping that would have ended.
Downstairs she had the bowl of cookies on the table and the gallon of milk with two cups set out.
“You work fast.”
“Christmas get’s me excited so I wake up early.”
She didn’t let him brush his teeth, which he wanted to, but she didn’t let him pushing a cookie into his mouth.
“Mm taste good.”
She smiled up at him patting the floor while dipping a cookie into the milk. He looked at her left leg stretched out next to him, the scar still a rosy pink.
“Please let go of it, I did I just want to move on.” He nodded his head, reaching under the pile of gifts they had for hers. There was a knock on the door and then it opened.
“MERRY CHRISTMAS!! It is your first Christmas together.”
“Happy Christmas Shawn, sit down there is a present for you also.”
“Actually there are two gifts for you.” She looked at Eric, tears forming in her eyes.
“Aw you guys, seriously this is the best Christmas already.”
“Why what’s going on at your house?”
“My dad pulled out a ring, again for her, and he bought her earring and a necklace, picked her up and took her to the room. Also why I am here…but she started to cry she just fell in love with his gift.”
“Glad they are together.”
“Me too, oh cookies yay!” Shawn sat with them, setting her camera down on the table making sure it was filming correctly.
Skye handed Shawn her gift then gave Eric his.
“Skye this is heavy.” Shawn ripped up her wrapping took see what it was. Her mouth fell to the floor and she quickly opened the box.
“I buy her a laptop and she asks me why, because you complain how your other laptop is filled with videos and pictures and other programs. Well this one is new for your writing. Has great space.” Shawn wrapped her arms around Skye kissing her on the cheek. She sat back down wiping the tears away from her cheek.
Eric ripped open his present now seeing the wooden suitcase.
As he clasped open the suitcase he saw tons of art supplies she had laid out. He wished he was a girl at that moment so crying would be okay, but he didn’t cy instead he kissed her and took a out a pencil.
Eric took a present from the tree and gave it to Shawn, he took another one giving it to Skye.
When Shawn saw the box she wanted to cry all over again.
“Oh gosh man both of you just make me want to jump up in joy and have a freeze frame. Stop it.” It was a new camcorder.
“Wow Eric I didn’t know you got her something like that.”
“I know I surprised myself also, shopping for you though was complicated.” When Skye opened her present she saw it was a long squared box he had painted, the swirls she always likes, inside she saw a little note and a necklace.
When she picked up the necklace it was a mini dream catcher.
“Eric this is great.”
“I feel bad because you spent a lot of money on me and I went somewhat cheap. The dream catcher was a bit pricey.”
“You so aren’t Spanish, don’t tell me about the price it isn’t good, pretend you spend a lot when in actuality you didn’t, that’s the rule.”
She put on the necklace, leaving the note till later.
They sat around for a while, talking and eating the rest of the cookies in the bowl. When Shawn felt it was safe to go back home she took her camera and her gifts homes.
Skye crawled over to Eric, kissing him along his neck.
“Eric…I think I am ready now.”
“Are you sure?”
“Fine I will give you the task of taking out a condom, when you hold one then I will know you are serious.”
She got up and went to her room; her night stand had a stack of condoms in the back. Taking one she went back to the living room sitting in front of him.
“You have condoms?”
“Yes safety is a good thing. I’m ready Eric, trust me.” She put the condom on the floor staring into his eyes, not sure of what to do next.
He moved closer to her until she lay on the floor. He kissed her making his way down her neck. Eric took her shirt off first, then his, his heart beating so quickly. She smiled at him, taking his hand and placing it on her chest. Her heart was beating quickly as well.
He lay on top of her, his hand lifting her leg to wrap around his while their mouths played together.
He wanted her badly, his hand was starting to shake, and he didn’t know what to do next. Eric got off of her trying to steady his breath.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t think I’m ready.”
“Eric you aren’t a virgin so why aren’t you ready? You won’t hurt me…well maybe just a little but still I will be okay.”
“I haven’t done it in a while, and then you’re a virgin so it makes everything two times weirder.” She stood on her knees, taking off her shorts and placing them on the floor. He looked at her, the semi nude again, this time she was ready. He grabbed her laying her on the floor again.
She was becoming excited now, feeling the thrill of being held by him.
He kissed down her body, pulling down her panties to make things quicker.
When they were both nude she handed him the condom, this is it she thought.
Before he entered he looked at her, trying to see if she would shy away.
“Go ahead before my heart jumps out of my chest.” So he did.
Her nails left scars on his back with the blood running.
They made it to her bedroom, covered keeping the cool air out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes I know a very long chapter but yay she loses it finally!
Also you maybe thinking who the hell is Eric well you know what that will be explained dont worry