Status: i dont know how to end it u guys

He Left With No GoodBye

Don't Miss Me

The afternoon came as she turned around facing the empty space.
Skye wanted to search for him but being without her clothes and the sweat sticking to her skin made her feel nasty.
The bathroom was empty, the steam on the mirror still there, a happy face he had put.
Turning the water on she stepped in the tub, switching it to the shower to let everything fall.
Her mind started to think of the morning she just had. She couldn’t say it was beautiful because her eyes were closed, only at the ending when she felt her body shiver was when she looked at him.
When she finished her showing she quickly got dressed to run around the house. She thought he might be in the basement but he wasn’t. Her clothes were still on the floor along with the presents.
The kitchen radio was on, Lauryn Hills’ song Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You played softly. She went back to her room to check her phone, hoping there were missed calls or a text message.
Nothing but when she looked at his pillow there was a sticky note saying to look in her gift box.
Going back to the living room Skye sat on the floor opening the box he painted for her. She remembered the folded piece of paper but didn’t pay it any mind earlier. Now she picked it up unfolding the flaps.

Hey sorry if I’m not there but I needed some serious air. Yes I’m okay just in case you are wondering so don’t worry got it?
Ummmmmmmm…I have to start with us or me or just general, let me start with me first then work my way. Okay see when I came into town I wasn’t really expecting to stay as long as I have but I did and honestly Skye I am grateful for everything. As for us, I don’t think I can say I love you. I know you haven’t said it and I believe if you did I would freak out. Do that typical guy thing and shy away. It has nothing to do with you but I don’t think I can love you; I’m not ready to love you or anyone. I just want to breathe be free.
No I’m not lying when I say it isn’t you well there is a part that is because of you but the only thing is that you are changing me to much. Art school? I gave that up already but I figured you haven’t started yet so you can go through the workings.
Don’t miss me…don’t cry over me or get mad because eventually you’ll see that me out of your life is so much better.
And yes I did blame myself for your car accident.

Not a single tear fell from her eyes. Skye was tired of crying, of feeling sad, of being angry and hating life.
She was just tired; she packed a bag and drove to Shawn’s house giving her the note to keep.

“Eric man wake up, I come around and you sleep on me?”
“Sorry it has just been a long ride since you picked me up.”
“No problem it’s cool. So why aren’t we at your lovely home?”
Eric sat up from the bed rubbing at his eyes trying to figure out why they weren’t at his house either.
“I had to get away, had to get away from it all you know? It was starting to get hot.”
“At the ending of December?”
“Were you able to breathe though? Did you drop a sweat?”
“No sweat and yes I was breathing, but I know what heat feels like. Dude I’m only 21 living in a house, had a girlfriend and it was starting to feel to much.”
“Even the nomads eventually settled down Eric, wait you had a girlfriend? What does she look like? Can I take her then?”
“Touch her and I break a bone.”
“Oooh mighty defensive for someone who broke up with her.”
“Bernie wake up I’m not defensive but you are a nomad also, can’t have her.”
“Threats aren’t called for.” Bernie stood up walking over to the bathroom to splash water on his face. His blonde hair was growing back which he didn’t like. He just noticed that for the winter time his blue eyes turned darker compared to the summer. The ladies always loved that about him.
“Take your skinny ass out of the mirror nothing interesting there.”
“Seriously what’s the plug up your butt made of? Spikes? What is your deal because you aren’t making sense to me?”
Eric shook his head, going to the bathroom as well to splash the cold water on his face.
He didn’t know what the problem was, he wasn’t in love with her, and he would have felt it.
He just didn’t like to be kept down like a bird in a tight cage who wants to fly.
When he went back to the room he opened the door only to get a blast of cold air with snow.
He quickly shut the door and going back to the bed.
“You know what you need?”
“Going to tell me anyway Bernie.”
“You need some Bernie time.”
“Oh no not Bernie time anything but that seriously.” Eric started to laughing counting the many times Bernie made him have some of his time.
“Seriously I think you do for old times sake we haven’t done this in a year.”
For the next three days Eric and Bernie been to numerous of bars, drinking five beers per bar without throwing up. The fourth day they remained at the hotel with three packages of Oreos and two gallons of milk. The first to finish it all wins.
“Bernie I can’t continue.”
“Stop being a wuss and eat the shit man.”
“No Bernie I’m going to throw up man I can’t continue eating.” Bernie threw his arms in the air declaring him self the winner of Bernie time.
“You are always the winner of Bernie time.”
“Man I need to cut my hair, playing Bernie time made the hair grow which is a no-no.”
“Let’s go out Bernie get some air.”
“Another round of Bernie time?”
“No more of that till I’m thirty. But let’s go outside fuck it with the snow on our faces and no coats I’m just sick of the bars and being here oh and to let you know I have been puking my brains out.”
“Why don’t I remember that then?” Bernie looked at him with puzzlement trying to recall the throwing up parts.
“You were drunk hello.”
“Goodbye, Eric tell me why are you here? You can be with a girl, a very hot sexy girl and you can be having Bernie time with her.”
“I told you, I want to be free, besides I can’t go back to her. She won’t take me back; I took her virginity away Christmas day.”
“That’s the day I picked you up…man you are harsh not even I would do that, you bailed on her and that’s it? Wow I wouldn’t take your ass back unless you fuck well and you’re sexy.”
“Nice to know you would take me back then.”
Bernie raised his arm in a cheer.
“Freedom huh? Fuck it come with me then, I’m going down to Miami then I’m heading over to god knows where come with.” Eric nodded his head taking another Oreo from the tray.
Tomorrow was crept up on them without a blink.
To Eric’s surprise it was New Years Eve, and then is when he felt the shame of walking out on her.
Sunday morning girls, the easiest of them all he said he would do that to, never her. He didn’t think he was lying at that moment but now he felt as if he had. He did lie.
He left her there lying naked in the bed after she gave herself to him.
Yet he wasn’t in love.
Was that what I needed? To have sex with her and leave? Can’t be if it was the reason I wouldn’t feel so bad.
“You felt bad because she was a good one, she wasn’t your typical she had spunk in her.”
“Are you a mind reader?”
“No but you murmur very loudly.” Eric took Bernie’s keys making his way to the truck.
“Where are we going?”
“To see her.”
“You going back?”
“No but I want to check on her, make sure she is spending this day correctly.”
Bernie felt bad for Eric, to give up something for a selfish reason was why guys get a bad rep. He wished he could have found a girl who enjoyed traveling as much as he. The drive was quick, when he pulled up to the house he saw the tree was still standing, the glow from the television flashing.
In a minute it would be the New Year, the year she would go back to the city.
It hit twelve on the dot and the glow from the television stopped. Skye had shut it off and walked to her room.
He continued to look hoping she would come back out, turn the television on and have a smile on her face.
She didn’t.
Eric looked at his lap then at Bernie who only stared back.
“Not going to say anything?”
“Nope not this time my friend.” Eric started the car again driving back to the motel.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's Eric's turn now