Status: i dont know how to end it u guys

He Left With No GoodBye

Eric's Got A Story

Bernie stood with Skye; he lifted her from the floor making sure she was okay. He climbed the stairs two at a time until he made it to Eric’s room.
Opening the door he saw the picture of her ripped up.
“That was a nice picture…didn’t have to rip it up.”
“Go to hell Bernie. Know what if one of your chicks made out with me like that you would have decked the shit out of me but I didn’t.”
“No because the blow to my face was my imagination.”
Eric punched him again, once more to make a point. Bernie punched back shoving him against the wall.
Releasing him he stepped back and took off his leather jacket throwing it on the floor.
“Don’t take your damn anger out on me just ‘cause you fucked up. Not my damn fault you didn’t stay. I was there to pick you up when you wanted to leave and I’m still there. Now you want to stay when she is leaving? Fuck off man.”
Eric pushed himself off of the wall. He straightened his shirt and stood waiting for another hit.
“Why you kissed her back though?”
“Same reason any sexy girl who comes up to you and makes out with you for. I was cleaning my plate when she grabbed me and kissed me Eric. Was just so out of the blue. I can get used to that though.”
“Shut up.” Eric left the rooming head downstairs. Skye’s door was slightly open so he pushed it further. He closed it behind him and made his way to her bed. As he put his knee on the bed she got up, standing near her closet looking away from him.
When he tried to move near her she fled to stand on her bed.
“Stop running from me.”
“Stop chasing me, the day I let a guy come back into my life after he put his hands on me the way you did is the day I drop dead. Back off.”
He jumped on her bed and she jumped off, putting distance between them.
Eric cornered her but she kept her face down. He put a finger under he chin but she smacked it away.
“I will punch you if you don’t move.”
“Stop it Skye.”
“Leave me alone Eric.”
“I didn’t mean to touch you that way.”
“That is becoming your reason for things ‘oh I didn’t mean to this and that’ yeah right you do things for a reason.” Eric went down on his knees holding on to her legs. The tears fled from his eyes, glad to have escaped.
“I’m not trying to make excuses.” She kicked him off of her and walked to the head of her bed.
“You are becoming a liar now…what happened Eric did you just say hey I don’t like her oh wait now I love her? C’mon man give me a bone here because you’re playing with my head. Why? Why do that to me when you didn’t want to? Wait I don’t want to hear it again. You told me to stay out your way and I am, if you are staying then good but I’m leaving in three days with Shawn.”
He went up to her again and grabbed her hand, pulling her to the bed hoping she would lay down with him.
But she didn’t she stood while he sat down. He kissed her hand, taking in the scent of her. For a month he missed her. He pressed his head against her stomach feeling the rise and fall of her body as she inhaled and exhaled.
“Eric let go…please don’t do this, I shouldn’t reward you if you fuck up.”
“Forgive me then at least. You are angry at me but forgive me because I do love you whether you feel it also…I’m glad I spilled your hot chocolate.”
His mind went back and forth
He couldn’t tell if what he was saying was the truth or a figment of his imagination.
He didn’t know what love his, he never witnessed it. Only his cousin showed love and even then it was taken from him.
“Please I have spent a month rotting in my own thoughts I can say, that just made want to crash and burn. I played Bernie time Skye please a second chance.”
She didn’t know what Bernie time was and wasn’t sure she wanted to know. But as she looked down at the top of a head she didn’t know she thought about the things she did. The list was short.
“I don’t know you, your name is Eric and you went to art school, you have a cousin who I worked for and a friend name Bernie. You haven’t told me anything about you yet you know me so well.”
He let go of her. She didn’t know him and he didn’t want to get to that. The way he is is what he wanted her to know, not his life.
Eric never did the whole introduction thing.
“Yes you know me for who I am.”
“But I don’t know you your past. I just simply don’t know you.”
He stood up causing her to move back. He grabbed her in his arms kissed her, hoping she would feel what he felt. Eric put every thought into her.
Finishing the kiss he stared down at her but she looked past him.
“I don’t know Eric…you really don’t want me. Deep down you want the world. I’m stuck in the city for now and that won’t do you any good.”
“Please stop thinking that I do want you just give me this chance to prove it.”
Eric started to caress her back, playing circles as he talked.
“If you wanted me you wouldn’t have left. I scared you because I take your free range away. I don’t want that, don’t want to feel like I’m holding you down.” He brought his right hand up to her cheek, seeing her flinch. His stomach churned at the sight of that, he didn’t want her to be afraid. Eric lightly lifted her face and kissed her once more hoping this time would prove to be better.
She kissed back, feeling the spark she felt before resurface. The flame grew to hot yet she didn’t want it to end. But to let it over power her, meant he would win.
Skye didn’t think he would stay to his word she drew away feeling the flame die down.
Wiggling out of his hold she pressed her back to the wall and closed her eyes.
“Eric deep down you don’t want to stay. Don’t force yourself.”
“I’m not though…you felt it and you can’t lie. If you knew the kind of guy I was before you wouldn’t believe it. I started to draw because of you…drawing is my life and when Bernie saw a picture he couldn’t believe it. Ask Bernie yourself but if you want to know, I was a train wreck. The kind where they are off the tracks and burning. I don’t know what love is but if this is it then I guess I know now…I don’t have parents either, they weren’t there they hated me and each other. But you love me, and I’m happy about that. I like coming back home to see you there, or smell you on my skin. A month without that and I didn’t know what to do.”
She didn’t believe him, but somewhere in his eyes screamed the truth. Skye went to him. She took his hands and held them together, bringing them to her lips.
Eric wrapped his arms around her feeling the heat dance in his skin. The inner walls were fire licking him till he couldn’t breath.
She’s taking me back he thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
yes he does indeed have a story