Status: i dont know how to end it u guys

He Left With No GoodBye

Roller Coasters or Merry-Go-Rounds

They lie in her bed, his arms holding her with his breath on her neck.
The smell of coconut on her hair tingled his nose.
This is what he missed, what he wanted.
Skye lay there with her eyes open thinking about the stuff that just took place. When he grabbed her face it made her think of her parents when her father put his hands on her, that day was stamped in her mind.
She didn’t love him, but she felt for him, the only thing that bothered her was that he gave up to easily.
To quick to run when he was suppose to be there and she can’t have that. She pushed his arm off of her, getting up to leave the house. She took her car keys and ran out of the house.
Now she was the one who needed to breathe, she needed the road; it was her turn to leave.
Eric woke up finding himself in the same place where he left her. She was gone and he now knew what that felt like. He went up stairs finding Bernie playing with the color pencils.
“What are you doing?”
“Your color pencils are the best, so smooth I want them.” Eric looked over Bernie’s shoulder seeing the panels that Bernie made.
“I didn’t know you made comics still.”
“Neither did I, but she bought you some great stuff. This is wow can I move in?”
Eric sat on his bed, not sure what to make of being left alone like that.
“She got up and left.”
Bernie turned around in his chair, seeing Eric with his head bent down.
“I thought she was sleeping but obviously she wasn’t if she was able to leave like that. I have to say it does hurt.”

Skye stopped at the entrance of the woods locking up the car and climbing up the hump of dirt.
She crossed through the trees until she found the lake. The bench was now dry, something she isn’t used to, but when she caught a second glimpse there was a man sitting there. His bald head shining from no light, yet it sparkled. He wore a knitted sweater but anything else she couldn’t see.
She sat down anyway not caring who he was.
“Oh…hey.” The man had a bowl in his hand; he was eating oatmeal that seemed to never go low.
“How has you life been so far?”
“Shitty…I want the rollercoaster and I get the merry-go-round.”
“So get off.” His voice wasn’t familiar, and he didn’t seem to send red flags but he just sent a different colored flag.
“It’s moving too fast.”
“I have faith in you Skye, I always did.”
She knew now who he was. She should have known from the start.
“You are supposed to be dead, not talking to me. You left me as well remember?”
“Not on purpose though.”
“Yes on purpose deep down you knew what you were getting into when you put yourself in that position. You should have gotten out being with me, proving to me that you are my father and Jessica’s, you didn’t though.”
“Doesn’t mean I stopped loving you, what is it that you want me to tell you to make you believe me?”
“Nothing, daddy it doesn’t change my view of you, I walk, talk sleep and eat like you. I don’t know you though and that’s a shame. I still love you though but you not being there has taken a toll on me…have you seen mom?”
“Yes she is doing good, she said she is sorry for leaving.”
“Why are you here?”
“Would you like me to say goodbye to you?”
“No I don’t want you to.” The tears fell silently, she felt calm.
“Why not?”
“That isn’t your voice…I don’t know what you sound like, I was five when you died remember? So if you say goodbye now it wouldn’t be you.”
The oatmeal in his bowl finally disappeared, she never looked up to see his face, she knew he wouldn’t have one.
“I do love you and your sister very much, I’m going to see her soon.”
“Why wait 14 years to talk to me?”
“When I tried you left remember? You cried and ran to your room.” He got up and walked away, when she tried to see him he was gone. The bowl remained on the bench, to her surprise it was real.
The rain fell down on her head, and the moon came out to dance with the lake.
She took the bowl in her hand, leaving the woods as well.
Her drive back home was a silent one, and in her mind her parents were in the car with her.
When she arrived home all the lights were off except for Eric’s room.
She opened the door with the bowl in her other hand, Eric ran down the stairs along with Bernie on his tail.
Skye headed to the kitchen putting the bowl in the sink to empty out the water. There was no trace of oatmeal so she put it away.
“He wasn’t expecting you to come back you know, thought you ditched him also but I see you brought back a bowl, you went to eat?”
She shook her head, ringing out the water from her hair.
“So since you are moving out and all…can I have your room?”
“Sure.” Eric’s smile faltered, he wanted her to say no.
She went to her room while Eric and Bernie stood there arguing.
“You can take my room.”
“She has green though, I like green.”
“I don’t want your ass in her room Bernie, for all I know you will have other people in that room playing your stupid games.”
“You used to enjoy those games.”
“Shut up that was a long time ago.”
“Well you have a habit of making your past your present buddy.” Eric pushed Bernie and went into her room.
He sat on her bed watching her change out of her clothes. When she was down to her underwear she went to the bathroom. He knocked on the door but she didn’t answer so he went in.
“Why did you leave?”
“I needed air.” He closed his eyes counting to ten. He hoped she wasn’t being sarcastic.
“Yes air the kind you breathe in Eric what is the need to know?”
“I just was wondering that’s all.” He felt hopeless. So very vulnerable and he hated it. It was part of the reason he wanted to leave.
She turned the water off and took the towel off the rod.
“Thought I was going to leave you?” When she pushed back the curtain she saw his face and how broken it looked.
The bags under his eyes wanted a vacation and he looked pale.
“But I will be leaving you that’s just it. I’m leaving in three days, you came too late.” He pulled her in, tightly hugging her.
“I love though…”
“I know you do but seeing you this close to me, I mean look at us in the mirror.”
Her hair was dripping wet, the sheen on her body went to his arms. He could see the lack of sleep he didn’t get.
Eric saw them together, she was a muse, the fresh air he needed. He faced her, planting his lips against hers. He turned her around pushing her back against the door.
She ran her fingers at the end of his hair giving it a tug. She started kissing his neck as he tugged the towel away.
Her skin still wet from the shower.
She put her hand under his shirts trying to tug it off while his hands roamed her body. Skye let out a moan that he swallowed with his kiss. Skye opened the drawer to the sink and pulled a condom out.
“Why do you have in the bathroom?”
“I was hoping to have a good sex life, instead they just collected dust.” He took the condom and put it back in the drawer. If he wanted to get her back having sex with her isn’t going to be it.
Eric covered her with the towel, opened the door and led her to the bedroom. He closed the bedroom door and sat Skye on the bed.
He picked out her underwear and threw it to her. He stripped down to his while she put on hers.
She put another towel on the pillow and used the wet one to take the excess water out.
She felt naked now that the rush was gone, but he took her and pulled back the sheets.
“I love you and if I have to give you away in three more days then I need to spend this time with you.”
This time he stood awake while she slept.