Status: i dont know how to end it u guys

He Left With No GoodBye

Liar You Know You Want Me

Shawn woke up, the thick quilt covering her shoulders, tucked under her.
She rolled to her left side to see Bernie up, a sketch pad in his had.
“Did you sleep?”
“Like an angel thank you very much, I enjoyed our night together.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She rested her head against the pillow again, fighting off the chill of the central air conditioner.
She closed her eyes to have them open again. His cell phone rang, the vibration of his song pulsing on the night stand.
He grabbed it and flipped it open.
“Oh yeah I remember, I will stop by today though before I go. No don’t worry I’ll be sure to see you.”
He paused looking over at her, she was scowling.
“Tell her I said hi also, and bring the papers out so I can sign them.”
He nodded his head in agreement with the person on the phone. Every reply was a yes or a no, nothing more being spoken.
“Okay sounds great to me but I have to let you go.”
“Yes I have to go but talk to you soon. Bye.”
He hung up the phone putting it back on the night stand. He smiled in her direction.
“Leave me alone.”
“Don’t act that way I’m trying to be nice.” She threw the covers back, sitting up in fury.
“Yes because as soon as I close my eyes picking up your pone and chatting away is making nice?”
“Well I didn’t tell that person to call me.” He looked back down at his sketch. Almost finished he thought.
“Oh shut up Bernie.” She pulled the covers back over her body and turned her back towards him.
She couldn’t sleep.
“I don’t know.”
“Ask your stomach and then let me know.” She grinned, happy that he couldn’t see the smile laying on her face.

“Good morning sleeping beauty.”
She stretched, feeling all the joints in her body smooth out.
He rubbed her thigh, kissing her for the morning.
“May I say I enjoyed last night? Because I really did.” She kissed him back, drowsiness winning this battle.
“Mm so did I, who knew, did you?” She laughed, getting up from the bed to jump in the shower.

“What are you eating?”
“Belgian waffle, the same thing you have.”
She stared at her plate, the huge waffle taking its space. The other plate containing the eggs, bacon and sausage. She lifted the eggs to see a slice of ham under it.
“Looks like a whale’s meal.”
“Then I’m orca’s cousin.”
She cut a piece of the waffle to pour the syrup on it.
“Who were you on the phone with?”
“Who were you moaning for while you were sleeping?” She blushed; she didn’t know she was moaning. She didn’t expect wet dreams to pop up out of no where.
“I wasn’t moaning.”
“Oh yes you were low but enough I heard it, thinking about Skye right?”
“No I wasn’t moaning, and she is my best friend so no.”
“You could be bisexual or lesbian, it is okay with me.” She put her plate on the cart; she didn’t know she was moaning.
“Relax will you? Just tell me who you were moaning for and we can drop the convo.”
“I wasn’t moaning.”
“Liar.” He pushed his plate away, attempting to save it, he saw the blush rush over cheeks.
“Why would I lie about that?”
“Why are you blushing though? I mean if you moaned it is okay, gave me a damn wet dream of my own that is no lie. All this sex going on in this hotel is enough for one big church to redeem us from our sins.” He laughed, picking up her bacon and biting it.
“Was it Eric?” She pushed him away, going through her bag to look for a change of clothing.
“So it was Eric.”
“It wasn’t Eric now shut up Bernie.”
“It was me.” He blocked the bathroom door. Not letting her pass. She didn’t meet his gaze. She couldn’t say he invaded her dreams. Took over them as if they were his own.
“It’s okay if it was me you know, all that moaning you did caused you to be apart of my wet dream, though you didn’t do anything with me. More like you did something with a French woman and an Italian one as well.”
She glared at him this time, the mere thought of him taking over her dreams disgusted her.
He let her pass into the bathroom.
He walked over to the other room to see if the couple was awake.
They were, dressed and ready.
“Nice, you know all that moaning really got me and Shawn going last night, you need to keep it down.”
Skye blushed, feeling embarrassed
“I’m only teasing, but nice way of knowing you both had sex.” He laughed while walking away. It was a good day for him he just felt it.
The wind blew through their clothes, chilling the bones that held them.
They decided to take the car, so if they saw the building and didn’t approve they could pass.
Bernie had stopped at a pub first.
“Where is the man who calls himself my dad?”
“You have to do this so damn early?”
He hugged his father, his mother coming out as well to greet him.
“Look at this, settling down in the city going to see lot’s of your family that is certain.”
His father gave him a coke and sat him at the bar. The papers coming out along with a pen.
“You sure you want to do this?”
“Yeah why not? Runs in our family, have to pass it down.” His father smiled at the recognition of their family tradition. He passed him the pen.
Bernie’s name was along the line.
“I have to run, but happy hours I will be in here with the new set of keys to my house mark my words.”
He ran out of the pub and back in to the car.
“You know Shawn now that I own that pub I think me and you should get married there.”
“Marry your hand, you will have more fun.”
“I can take that as a yes.”
Eric shook his head. “Just drive man.”
“She wants me, she had a dream about me, now she is denying her feelings because you are in the car with us. If we were alone she would be all over me again.”
“Would not, see what I am saying you are weird.”
“You are weirder for talking to me.”
They skipped four apartments they didn’t like. It was the seventh apartment of the day that they finally agreed on. The living room was spacious. Their rooms enough to hold their stuff and the kitchen was big to hold three more people.
It over looked Central Park on the west side.
“Here are the keys, are you all the tenants?”
“Yes but I am primary.”
“Okay, I will call you when the paperwork is done, other than that, welcome home.”
They shook hands. She left them alone in the spacious room.
“I live in New York City.”
“Welcome home Shawn.”
“Wait till my parents see this.” She looked out her window, seeing the trees below cover the ground.
She pressed her face against the glass feeling the cold relax her.
Bernie came up behind her and looked down at it.
“Your welcome.” Her smile faltered a little. But she turned around and thanked him.
“I’m being gracious here though, I really mean it thank you.” She looked out the window again, seeing the birds fly by in a race.