Status: i dont know how to end it u guys

He Left With No GoodBye

Door Knobs With Cold Shakes

They never made it outside, crashing out in the various spots they had stood at. Shawn had slept in the tub fully dressed while Eric and Bernie slept in the living room on the floor.
Their bodies uncomfortable from the hard floor. Skye remained in Shawn's room spread out over the bed.
They were tired from the running and body slamming contest they held in the living room. Bernie and Eric sumo wrestled until Eric fell on his stomach causing the whole room to echo with laughter.
It was six in the morning when Skye felt her eyes open. Her body still sleeping but her mind was awake. She groaned, aggravated by her waking. She hoped it wouldn't happen again until now.
She sat up on her knees turning over to sit down on the bed. Skye jumped when she saw a figure at the end of the bed. She covered her eyes, her imagination getting to the best of her.
"Why are you scared?"
Her throat was closed, she couldn't answer a simple question that seemed to form many answers.
She shook her head over and over asking why this was happening to her.
"Your mother said hello."
She started to cry, the image of her mother laying in the coffin, her hands clasped together around an orchid.
Skye didn't want to remember it, being back in the city she wanted to start over again.
"You can answer me."
He moved, this time his back against the wall, his presence sending a chill to her skin.
"I thought you was gone forever pero you come back now. You keep coming back. You didn't come back when I asked you to but when I don't ask you to."
"Usually how it works."
"Oh stop please just stop. You don't speak perfect English. You have an accent and you laugh a lot and you're a pervert and smart and you're funny and everything I have heard about you I now know but of my own memory you have an accent."
"But you can't remember how I sound, in your mind you don't fully know what I look like. You don't know what I feel like so what is the problem?"
"The problem is that it isn't real, none of this is real. You aren't real to me, Carmen my mother was real to me, is real to me. I know her but you I do not. This is a false image of you that-that just appeared on a day when I needed to get away."
"Yet the bowl of oatmeal you know is real."
She paused. The bowl of oatmeal she did remember, the sweet cinnamon flavor that he introduced to her on a sunny day, a weekend that they gave X-Men.
"See that is real."
"Why are you back?"
"Because you need me."
Skye got up wanting to get away. Wanting to run and feel the presence of her mother, wanting to cry in the arms of someone she loves. She felt trapped talking to him.
"I needed you, past tense. Now that I figured things out you come? I must be doing something wrong."
"No you are doing things right, you are just not sure. I'm trying to help you stop being stubborn like your mother."
"I'm stubborn like her but hard headed like you."
He laughed and even then she felt scared still, she didn't know him. The door opened to the room and she faced Eric, his eyes searching her face. He looked around the room hoping to see someone else but to find her alone.
"Was someone here?"
"No, yes. I think so."
Her hands were shaking and she didn't feel well. Eric heard the entire conversation, both sides playing out like a show waiting to be heard. He took her hands to calm her down. "Relax what's going on?"
Skye couldn't tell him that she is now talking to her father. How crazy would that make her seem?
She instead shook her head and hugged him feeling his warmth stretch out and wrap around her body like a blanket. She kissed his cheek and let go. She looked back and saw her father was there again walking with her this time. His hand on her back guiding her.


Skye stood in emptiness, the white fading away and coming back. A demon with black eyes and horns came after her as she stood there, fear paralyzing her body. His hand touched her back giving her the safety from the demon who wanted her. His protection saved her.

A tree stood through the fading white, its leaves changing, falling and coming back to life. The hole in its trunk was bright, yellow instead of the darkness. As she drew closer it became a door and she felt the presence of the demon again. Once more he hand was placed on her right shoulder blade, protecting her from the door. She didn't see him nor hear him but she knew who he was. He let himself be known.

She knew at that moment he was protecting her, guiding her to the room with his shield making her lay down.
She cried, she knew what he was doing and she felt it could be the last time it would happen. Eric laid down next to her wiping the tears from her face.
"Hey stop crying, what's going on Skye?"
"My father is in this room right now." Eric looked around to see no one.
"Okay Skye."
He grabbed her hand and held her till she calmed.
Her father laid down next to her putting his hand on her shoulder. Skye's face was buried in Eric's chest. Eric didn't know but he was staring right at him.
Her father's chill climbing over to Eric's arm and up his neck. Eric shook from the chill trying to shake it off.
Skye fell asleep again, the image of her father holding her taking her to the tree to open the door together frightened her but her hand was on the door knob.
♠ ♠ ♠
yes long overdue I know sorry but I decided to go with this version even though it was on the spot compared to the one I was writing. The other one felt to scripted this one flowed. For those that waited thanks a bunch. : )