Status: i dont know how to end it u guys

He Left With No GoodBye

Bernie II

Poor Bernie, he stood in his room the remainder of the week. Eating when everyone had finished and ignoring everyone. Eric had attempted to talk to Bernie but he was ignored.
"What did you do to him?"
"Nothing I told him to leave me alone, is that so damn wrong?"
"Bernie rarely get's rejected."
"Well now he has there you go first time for everything in life."
Shawn walked away from Eric and going in her room. The cans of paint was in everyone's room still, no one bothered to paint yet.
Bernie came out his room and saw everyone staring at him. He blinked at them, his voice was hoarse from not using it, only when he made one phone call was when he noticed it.
He went to the bathroom and splashed water on his face clearing away the stiffness he held.
When he came back they were still waiting for him to say something, anything but still he kept quiet. He went into his room and took a manilla envelope out and his leather jacket.
"Where you going?"
"Be right back."
Eric was confused, he didn't want that response and now he had to stay with it.
Bernie ran down the stairs and walked to the train station. He was mad when they raised the price up to $2.25 per ride and then have the audicity to want to raise it again.
He paid for a monthly, because the idea of driving in New York City was crazy.
His mind was racing, the cold freezing parts of his thoughts.
There was a man playing his saxophone, his eyes were closed and his full concentration was on his melody.
Bernie walked over to him and pulled his wallet out from his jacket. When he looked inside he pulled out two hundred dollars knowing there was more in his bank account.
The saxophone player stopped his tune and looked at the money. Bernie placed it in his hand and shook it.
The man was surprised and grinned. His eyes lighting up at the gratious donation.
The B train arrived and he left the man standing there.
No seats were available as always.
Bernie got off at 47-50th Rockerfeller Center.

"Hello Karen."
"Bernie you look dead, you need some coffee?"
"No I'm good thank you though."
"You sure I can get Steven to get it from Starbucks." He thought about it for a moment and decided against it. He needed to warm up not cool off even more.
"I'm positive."
"Okay so what do you have for me, sit down, you know my boss has been asking about you I mean he loves your drawings but he wants more story more umph."
"Well that's why I came back, new character new everything." He put the envelope on the desk so she can look.
She took her time looking at each drawing becoming trapped by each pose and each color.
"She is definitly different from the last one, shorter and voluptious. I like the different colors all the time."
"I wanted her different, its not like she is a super hero with the same outfit I want her to have style and still do what she has to do."
"What would be your rating on this comic."
"I would rate it R."
"There would be nudity, like taking a movie and putting it into a graphic novel. I want it to say something. I haven't thought of a name for her, I haven't thought of an ethnicity but I will and I know she would be better."
"Well I like this one more than the first so that's not bad. He will like it, we are a small company so he wants to push the bar and go higher you know what I mean? He thinks you can do that for us."
Bernie nodded his head, not saying more than what is needed.
"So you know the deal already when ever I get him to look at it and he agrees I will in return call you set up a meeting and then you sign the contract."
Bernie stood up and nodded his head shaking her hand and leaving the building. The crisp air smacking his pale cheeks. His nose turning red.
"Bernie?...Bernie is that you?" He turned his head to the right to see a familiar face.
"Oh wow it is you, what are you doing in the city?"
"What are you doing here?"
"I live here remember?"
"Yeah I was just joking, so how are you?"
"Don't remember my name huh?" He laughed because he didn't.
"Let's refresh your memory, you said you was riding through town and you wanted a tour, I gave you one, a very good one at that and then you left."
"Hello Jazmine." She laughed giving the thumbs up. "Are you headed anywhere?"
"Not really was going to shop but I'm debating."
"Take a walk with me." She gave him a skeptical look but he pulled his hand out of his pocket, surrendering and giving his word that nothing will happen.
His phone rang and it was a text from Eric. Skye was cooking tonight.
"If you are free tonight would you like to come to my apartment for dinner?"
"You live in the city?"
"Surprising I know, it shocks even me, but I don't live alone I have three other roomates one is a couple and the other is her friend."
"So harmless then?" He nodded his head and they walked down the block together. Passing by stores that displayed jewelry and clothes.
♠ ♠ ♠
So finally i made another long chapter and this time full attention on Bernie
We have to know this mysterious character

And by the way for people who don't live in NYC or never been over here there are trains that are marked by alphabet and numbers yes its trickey but its easy once you get the hang of it
plus its color coded

also the prices for a metro card have went up which is unfair because i would have to spend $4.50 to go somewhere and come back home smh
other than that I like this chapter

very suttle and cool and with that ima stop lmao :) :) :) :)