Status: i dont know how to end it u guys

He Left With No GoodBye

I'm Lost

Though that night that Bernie took Jasmine to his house may have been a good one, and yes he ended it with a kiss, it started a series of questionable days for everyone.
As much as they stood together Eric, Shawn, Skye and Bernie had separated themselves.
Shawn had started school at NYU, Skye had begun her classes and Eric started to work for Jasmine.
Bernie, sweet Bernie had published his first graphic novel. He called it Middawn. He never had an answer as to why but that’s what he called it.
So I’m going to start with Shawn, it is her second week of school and she feels clustered. Her mind soaring with all the notes and lectures she heard.
Her three inch binder was filled with ten pages for just the first three classes.
In case you are wondering, no she still didn’t master the train, oh you wasn’t wondering about that huh?
Shawn hadn’t spoken to Bernie since that night he brought Jasmine over.
Skye felt to sick to cook so Bernie ordered seven boxes of pizza and had Shawn buy two cakes and a box of cookies.
When she came back a minute after the pizza guy rang the bell. Bernie had come behind her to pay but she was the one to carry the boxes.
Shawn placed the boxes on the counter and the only word he said to her was tasty.
But after he came back from dropping Jasmine to the train station he entered her room. His hands red from the wind and body shaking.
He closed the door behind him and walked to her bed, by then she had already rolled over to her back and sat up.
Bernie hovered over her finally pressing his lips against hers. Opening her mouth, commanding she kiss him back.
It was a battle, him trying to pin her down but her fighting back, in the end she lay there responsive to his moves.
When her back was pressed against the bed he stopped kissing her. His mouth over hers. Bernie got off of her and planted his feet on the ground. He quickly left her room. Leaving her on the bed as her chest beckoned for air.
Shawn didn’t know what to do; she was shocked and felt confused. She took a stick of gum from out of her pillow case and chewed on it. The mint taste of winter fresh fills her mouth as she tried to forget about him.
So when she started school she focused her mind on it all. Her homework and notes. The never ending puzzle of math that she despised.
Shawn focused on writing, three new Microsoft Word documents piling up on her laptop of story ideas.
So Shawn’s clustered mind led her past her stop. And with her clustered mind she left the train station thinking it was her stop.
“Oh boy…where am I?” She looked at the sign on the gate for the subway; it read 110th street, Central Park West.
“Holy mother of lamb chop what am I doing over here?” She looked around and saw the entrance for the park.
She had hours to kill and too much on her mind. That day she was grateful to have her book with her. The book of all her books that she tried to finish but it always seemed to have pages undone.
“Excuse me miss?” The accent drew her in but like most times she figured it to be her imagining the voices to go with the characters. Though the accent isn’t what she pictured it would be.
“Excuse me…can you help me for a moment?” She lifted her head now placing the face with the voice.
“I’ll see if I can help. What do you need help with?”
“I actually need the four train do you know where it is at?”
She laughed. Oh great the one question he ask me and I can’t give him the answer. She dug through her bag pulling out the oversize map Skye picked up for her.
The man sat next to her looking at the map.
“Okay if we are here, the four train is over there. Oh…that’s a walk alright.”
“I see, thank you though. By the way is that a sticker from NYU?”
She looked down at her notebook and saw it.
“Yeah I go there for um…creative writing.”
“So do I.” He had a book open as well and he opened its pages revealing the words he written.
He looked at her and smiled.