Status: i dont know how to end it u guys

He Left With No GoodBye

The Arm And The Kiss

He woke first, the stream of light playing on his eyes. Combing his fingers through his hair he turned to his left, seeing that Skye still slept.
Moving around the bed he went to the bathroom catching a glimpse of him self. Eric finished up when he thought he heard a car driving near. Skye was right; Eric said aloud, they felt like a newlywed couple moving in, the house was bare. He left the bathroom to head downstairs to the kitchen; he had an urge for some fried eggs.
“Oh nice, no pan. Stupid girl.” The bell rang; he turned around staring at it. Why so early?
“Coming.” He shouted to the door, reaching for the door knob but looking through the peep hole first.
“Are you a Jehovah’s witness? Because I am a very strict Atheist and I will not like to know about your savior bye now.”
Jeremy looked at him with utter disgust.
“Don’t be a smartass, I came to see where my girlfriend lives, or did you ditch her somewhere?”
“Oh yeah after she moved in I took her by the hair dragged her to my room and put her to sleep.” It put a smile on Eric’s face. Jeremy had entered the house without invitation, taking his view of the pathetic place.
“Okay let’s get this straight, don’t touch, look, speak, or even think about her. The minute I find out you do I will kick your ass.”
“Ask Jehovah for forgiveness; relax preppy how else am I going to tell her what I would like for dinner? Oh wait I can still write to her.” Eric walked away from him and back into the kitchen. Footsteps were heard and they both turned to see Skye walking their way.
She saw Jeremy standing in what was supposed to be her living and she thought for a brief moment that she had the wrong house.
“Jeremy why are you here so early?” She went to him; giving him a hug and letting him kiss her.
“I wanted to see if you are living well, my father said you left the address with him so here I am.”
“Well…I am living well, so there will be no need to worry Jeremy. Sorry if I didn’t call you last night was busy, speaking of busy actually I am going to be pretty busy today.”
“Yes she is that’s right Skye, spending the whole day with me will be a blast, two strangers cruising the town. What a day that will be.”
“He squinted his eyes, that look he gets when he disapproves but goes along with it anyway. She kissed him goodbye sending him out the door. When Skye went back to the kitchen she saw Eric trying to make something to eat.
“Make a sandwich; it is the easiest thing to make.”
“Tell me just exactly what it is that you see in that guy? I mean he is a total tight ass, one day of meeting him and you can tell someone just sucked the life right out of him.” She went to her room to get her laptop, when she found it in her bag she took it in the kitchen, sitting on the floor with it in her lap.
“So I am not going to discuss my relationship with you, but I will discuss what to put in our living room.”
“I can’t make a sandwich without any mayonnaise because I seem to not have any knives or spoons or forks.” He sat down next to her.
“You complain a lot…should be really grateful I am here helping out at least, I don’t have to take your shit I can leave and find a place for myself.”
“Sorry…I am just really hungry though and a sandwich is really sounding good.” She went to looking for furniture.
“Tell me what you think or you can tell me what you need so I can order it.”

Three weeks have passed, since then they were able to paint their rooms, and a new phone. They debated a lot on what to get for the living room but the rest of the house seemed to be in tip top shape.
“Hey I have something to tell you.”
“You are pregnant?” Eric just stared at her. “Didn’t I tell you to stay on the pill; am I going to have to give you the talk?”
“Funny, very funny, but seriously I need you to cook for me tonight and then leave, or not cook and just leave.”
“Why do I have to leave?”
He put his shirt on the counter and picking up the bag of tortilla chips that lay next to it.
“Because-I have a date coming over tonight and if anything happens I don’t want you to hear it.”
“The sofa’s are coming in today, so no you aren’t going to have sex on them.”
“We don’t even have a television.”
“That is coming in today-
The door bell rang; she answered it to see it was the delivery for her television.
-it is coming in right now so help the guy out Eric.” He started to laugh at her, he was grateful that it came in because they had the cable box for two weeks waiting for the TV to start it up.
“Ma’am would you like me to install your television.”
“Yes please, I would end up damaging the wires.
“Note to self never let her plug things in.” She hit him on the arm and walked back to her room, picking up the box that held the cable.
Eric was signing the papers for the release when she brought the box in. he immediately took it from her and plugged it in.
And yes it did work.
“Well look at that you didn’t mess up the wires.” She punched him in the arm again.
“This flat screen looks good here, and I won’t cook but I will stay in your room.”
“Because I don’t want to be in my room and hear you two go at it, disgusting.”
“It’s a turn on to some people.” She sucked her teeth and flipped the channels.
“You know you never told me who you got the money to pay for this stuff.”
She looked at him from the corner of her eyes not giving him an answer.
“You stole it didn’t you.”
“Yes Eric I took it from the bank.”
“Nice, good to know you’re not a tight ass as well.” She punched his arm for the third time today making that one count.

“Now Skye I want to let you know that all your money is in your bank account like you asked for. How will you be using it?”
“Well I moved in with a friend, so I need to use majority of that money to pay for some things, see it is a new house and bare.”
“I understand, well the total amount is $60,450 so I would say buy the things you need.”
“Thank you sir for everything.”
“Your welcome.” They shook hands and Skye left the building. She entered her car, breaking down. Her body shook with the impact of the finalization of everything. The knowing that she is now officially gone, all the money her mother ever made now belongs to her.

Eric wiped the tears that streamed down her cheek.
“Why are you crying?” She blinked back to normalcy mode. He kept wiping the tears wishing she wouldn’t cry, but he stared at her. Eric grabbed her cheek moving closer to her.
“What are you doing Eric?”
He stood there, about an inch from her, his breath warming the cold streaks on her face. He kissed her left cheek, slowly making his way to her lips. When his lips met hers, they didn’t move till a few seconds then he moved his lips opening her mouth just a bit.
Skye pushed away from him, running to the back door and standing on the porch. The heavy rain that concludes in April poured down. She stepped off the porch and into the rain, feeling the cooling sensation it always gave her.
Eric followed her and grabbed her arm. Yanking her back to the kiss he didn’t finish. When he decided it was done he pulled her back on the porch.
“For the record…I don’t like you in that way. Don’t go back in the rain.” She looked at him, her clothes clinging to her body, with the rain sliding down her nose.
“Then why did you follow me?”
“Had to make sure that you were okay…but instead I ended up finishing the kiss. Was stupid but I fallen for it; you gave me that wide eyed sad look and I just fell in. So technically you cheated on Jeremy.”
“I did not, you grabbed me and kissed me, didn’t have to remember? God you are such a prick sometimes.” She walked off the porch again, feeling the rain wash over her again. He joined her, holding her hand as they looked elsewhere.