Status: i dont know how to end it u guys

He Left With No GoodBye

Village Diva

Graduation was tomorrow; everyone had their outfits ready and their cameras empty for the big day. Jeremy and Sean had argued for her to go but she wasn’t having any of it. Eric on the other hand let her be.
“Fine you don’t have to go but I will be there and when they call your name I will clap with them.” She kicked him out of her room only to have her cell phone being harassed. She never picked up her phone just letting it reach her voicemail. The tickets were in her hand and the cap and gown were on her door. Eric had gone down to the school and paid for it, the little money he did have from working at the diner with Eileen.
The dress that she never wore lay under the gown and the shoes under her bed.
Eric came back in the room at midnight; he couldn’t sleep his mind only on the graduation.
“Are you going to the ceremony?” He gave her a look hoping she would say yes.
“I’m thinking about it, why are you bugging me for?”
“I want you to go; stop being such a baby about it, the ceremony is quick when you don’t think about it.” She dropped her eyes to the tickets still contemplating the decision. Eric got on her bed laying down next to her.
“Jeremy is going to catch a cow when he sees that you are there for me. I can see it already, he will uber mad at me for allowing it.”
“Look he is mad because you didn’t have sex not because of me, he feels you are going to get savaged or something by me.” She laughed at the thought but deep inside she wondered how it would be if she was to let her self go to Eric.
“Oh but don’t worry I’m not going to touch you like that, I mean me and you are cool besides you paid for everything in this house you know? I respect you for that, I don’t think Jeremy respects you for that, he probably get’s it from his dad.”
“His mother.” She answered without thinking about it first. Because she knew it was true, he was controlling just like his mother.
“Really? Wow it is usually the father that is all tight fist and closed doors, but his mother wow now I feel bad for the dad.”
“Oh no he puts his foot down when it comes to her pushing him, he just lets her do certain things, but punishment he usually comes up and fixes things. He was good, and the younger brother, the mother and Jeremy were just a nightmare. I couldn’t breathe without them controlling it.” He shook his head.
“I say dump Jeremy, he will find another girl get laid and then leave her.”
“Jeremy isn’t like that because if he was then he wouldn’t have asked me to move in with him.”
“He was hoping you would have sex.”
“Is that why you let me live with you?” He looked at her seeing the anger spill in her eyes.
“I was hoping for some but I figured you were a virgin so I didn’t go there, besides you took over the house anyway I had no choice but to let you stay. You were making plans and then that same night you bought me clothes, what was I suppose to do kick you out after?”
“Yes, that’s how you make Jeremy seem so it would be logical that you do the same.” He sat up now swirling around to face her.
“Wait a minute let’s make a bet that you if you dump him he will find another girl. If he doesn’t then you go back out with him, if he does well then you would know the reason right?” She was curious, wanting to play the game but not wanting to get hurt, for that was cruel to her heart.
“You’re a jackass do you know that? That is mean to play something like that; you’re trying to make me not trust him.”
“I don’t trust him.”

Graduation day was here, her second one in her life. This time it was different though, there wasn’t any family members to join her.
Eric was right, if you didn’t think about it the ceremony went by fast. As soon as she knew she was outside amongst her friends taking pictures. He came up to her giving her a tulip and hugging her.
“Congrats now you are officially free of high school.” She smiled up at him watching Jeremy walk towards them. Eric got the notice and moved to the side. Jeremy lifted Skye up twirling her around. She looked at Eric and he nodded.
“Jeremy can we talk please?” She pulled him to the side away from everyone else.
“What happened?”
“Well I have been thinking right…that maybe you and I should take some time off from each other.”
“Skye what does that mean?”
“It means Jeremy that I think me and you should break up until we know where we are going and everything.”
“Is it because of him?” Jeremy looked over at Eric who was now entertaining Sean.
“No it isn’t, I just want to make sure we are on the same path now that high school is over so don’t act like that alright? Don’t point no fingers or act stupid because I’ll think less of your ass.” She walked away from him now feeling regret seeping through into her stomach.
Eric smiled at her and hooked his arm through hers leading her to the car.
“Where to?”
“The city, I think it is time for a new tattoo.” She took her cap and gown off throwing it in the back seat.
“We are stopping by the house first?”
“Yes you need to get some clothes, I already have a bag in the trunk, and bring some money. We are going to stay in my grandma’s house apartment.”
“What part of the city?”
“The Bronx, see I lived there all my life, the building next to hers, it was just recently that my mother decided to move upstate get away from everything, because my grandma has my uncle. But going upstate was the worst, because well…my mother died, I don’t like my sister and living anywhere else would be pointless. I figured we can also go to New Jersey I have family over there as well.” The drive was long but it was a great thing to get away from the place she was hating. She missed the city with its bright lights and all the noise.
“I used to live next to the Yankee Stadium.”
“Get out of here.”
“Yup it was cool with the lights but the fans were annoying.”
“No I mean it get out of here I’m trying to pick up someone hot who’s looking for a good time.” She laughed punching him in the arm.
“Shut up, do you think I did the right thing by breaking it off with him?”
“Yeah because now you can see if he is going to screw up. I’m a guy I should know these things.” They were going through the toll to the Washington Bridge.
“When I was younger I used to think that there was diamonds in the bridge because it was so shiny.”
“Wow, you are dumb.” She laughed telling him which exit to get off and the turns to take. In five minutes they arrived on her old block.
“See the twin buildings? Well this one used to be mine and the one at that corner is my grandmothers.”
They had found parking in front of her old building. It was seven o’clock when she rang her grandmother’s bell only to be answered by her uncle.
“Woohoo look at you in a dress with make up.”
“My graduation was today, Rocky this is my roommate Eric.” They said there hellos and continued in the apartment. At the dining room table she dropped her bag and his and walked back to the first room she passed.
“Hi grandma.”
“Hello, why you here so late?”
“Sorry it was a long ride.” She kissed her grandma and introducing Eric. Rocky was stepping out for some food and asked if she wanted any. They all ordered bacon cheese burgers. Her grandma sat at the table with them talking to Skye, trying to catch up.
“Bueno quantos años tu tiene?
“I am 19 now.”
Her grandma left her the spare keys so that she wouldn’t make noise when she came back.
Skye showed Eric the Yankee Stadium part two and then took him to the subway.
“So where are we going?”
“We are going to Washington Square, and then walk to Christopher street. The tattoo parlor should still be there I am itching for a new tattoo.”
“Who knew you had a wild side.”
“I did, but everyone knows I have a tattoo, this will be my third.”
“Where is your second one?”
“My first one is on my wrist.” She pulled down her sleeve and showed it to him. The ride was long, and not much to see but the station and the many people that were leaving.
When she got out of the train station she saw all the shops that were lit up. Mostly that of porn and costume stores. The walk was nice, for they were near the pier.
“Here it is Village Diva.” All the bongs were still on display along with the tattoos. Skye had signed the papers and paid for it in advanced, she showed him the sketch she drew and waited for the artist to come.
♠ ♠ ♠
to clarify the Village Diva is well in the village and it is an actual tattoo parlor so anyone in nyc who wants a tattoo should go there