Status: i dont know how to end it u guys

He Left With No GoodBye

Sun To A Plant

They had been to all the spots that she has hanged out at with her friends after school or skipping school. Skye always passed for a college girl so she was able to get away with things except when her mother was involved then it became more serious.
Her mind kept busy with the thought of Jeremy but her body was kept present with Eric shopping here and there.
“This is what I miss…paying four bucks for a metro card and then traveling around Manhattan, all you need is two to get over here walk the rest and the other two to get back home. All these stores I miss so badly.” They had stopped at Lee’s Art Shop to pick up some pens and pencils for Eric.
Together they carried five bags of pencils, charcoal, paint, beads and other things she had picked out for him.
“You didn’t have to buy me this.” She waved his comment away just smiling and trying to enjoy the moment. Reaching Central Park again Skye and Eric sat on a bench, Eric deciding to take his sketch pad out and a pencil.
Skye had set her bag on the bench and propped her feet, trying to soothe them.
She watched him move his pencil with ease, looking up every now and then. He picked up the charcoal next outlining the lines putting in the shadows in various spots.
As he finished up passerby’s looked on with admiration.
Eric ripped the page out and handed it to Skye, as her eyes skimmed over she realized it was a picture of her, staring at him. Her heart sank as she saw how much it looked like her, the folding of her shirt on her sleeves to the ring on her finger.
“I didn’t know you were drawing me Eric, you never looked at me.”
“Corner of my eyes, you get it for free, do you like it though?” He had hoped she did, wanting her approval.
“I love it; I have to hang it up in my room.” A woman came passed by seeing the picture, she stepped back taking a closer look.
“Did you do that?”
“Oh no he did it.” The woman had came up to him begging for him to draw her as well, she was visiting town and her husband said he would meet her, she wanted a picture to remember the moment.
“I don’t know I’m not professional or anything.”
She laughed it off taking her cell phone out to call her husband. In five minutes he had rounded the corner making his way to his wife, embracing her.
The wife had told her husband about the picture, taking it from Skye to show proof.
“How much do you cost?”
“I’m not professional though so I can’t charge.”
“Is a twenty good enough?” Eric had blinked at the man and within an instant was sitting on the floor drawing the married couple. Again Skye stared at Eric watching him move so swiftly. She liked the idea of his art work being spread around and made an idea of buying him a canvas when they went back to Florida; they needed art work in the house.
He finished up giving the couple the drawing, the wife’s eyes lighting up.
“Sweetie pay him fifty, this is better than the rest, we have to hang it up now.”
Eric took the money; sitting down on the bench again, looking over at Skye.
“Well I have money now so want to go get something to eat?”
She nodded picking up her bag, standing in front of him, kissing him on the lips. Pulling her cell phone out of her pocket she called her grandma asking if she was hungry but getting a no.
They sat at a diner ordering as they pleased.
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?”
“I don’t know…you just impressed me today I never knew you could draw like that.”
“I went to college for some classes but I didn’t finish. I wanted to go pro just gave up, but being at the art store it just brought something back.” She nodded her head, barely touching the food.
When she finally ate it all it was Eric’s turn to stare.
Going back to her grandmothers felt like a long ride, they were both tired and just wanted to sleep.
Instead they lay in bed looking up at the ceiling. Skye rolled onto her left side testing out the tattoo. Closing her eyes all she could see was Jeremy and that just broke every bone in her body. She felt betrayed because even though she kissed Eric she had never took it farther then that.
Skye opened her eyes staying up. Eric rolled over putting his arm around her body dragging her closer to him. He fell asleep leaving Skye thinking about her failed relationship.
The morning sun came in room dancing on the lids of Eric’s eyes, when he turned he saw that Skye wasn’t in bed but on the floor. He quickly got up and went to her. Lifting her up he rested her in his arms.
“Why are you on the floor?”
“I got hot in the middle of the night so I went to the floor to cool off.” He found that weird considering the air conditioner was on. Skye rose up facing Eric; she traced his jaw with her finger tips making her way to his lips.
She kissed him softly, trying to feel something spark within her but it was too faint. She grabbed his shirt getting closer to him while intensifying the kiss.
Eric pulled her away for a moment.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m kissing you, I want to kiss you, and I want you to have me.”
Their bodies pressed against each other made him feel cornered.
“Skye…you don’t want me, you are just sad because of Jeremy.” He felt like a fool for saying it but he knew it was the truth. He couldn’t have her any way, he just wasn’t a simple guy and she would leave eventually so it wouldn’t matter. Or would it?
“I do want you though, fuck Jeremy, I am tired of that life already I just want to live and feel it, I’m living when I am near you like sun to a plant. Just take me though, all I need to be released.”
What an opening he thought, to give her what she wanted and be done with it. If only it was simple. It could be simple, she is a simple girl except she has given so much to him that to take something so big from her would mean too much.
“Think about this for a moment please? We are in your grandmother’s house and you want me to release you? Skye I care for you a lot, I just can’t see my self doing that.” Taking her arms he lifted her up and walked away from her. Getting dressed he knew what he did was the right thing to do.
They said their goodbyes and made way back home with Eric behind the wheel. Skye had fallen asleep with the radio on. He took her hand cupping it, caressing her hand with his thumb. He felt safer that way.
It was the afternoon when the reached the house each going to their rooms. Half hour later Skye went up to Eric’s room, seeing him on his bed with his headphones in his ears and in his boxers. Skye went to his bed climbing on top of him. Eric looked at her with a warning.
“Be with me.”
“You just broke up with Jeremy.” She started kissing his neck and jaw. She came back up.
“Skye no you aren’t thinking straight, just give your self time you would see that you don’t really like me.” She stood on him weighting what he said in her mind. He was right again she just didn’t want to feel alone. His hand found her thighs playing circles on them; he gently pushed her off of him. Skye sat on the bed looking at his body, finding that he was aroused from her being on him. He covered it with a pillow sitting up now. She looked away getting off the bed.
“Sorry.” She walked out the room and headed for hers. Feeling content with what just happened.