Status: hollaaaaaaaa

It never ends.


"Oliver... What are you doing here?" Cameron asked, evidently surprised.
The boy grinned. "Ere teh see yeh, obviousleh," his grin now whipped off by a smirk.
"You shouldn't be here, " she grimly said, looking at her hands. "Plus, i'm not supposed to chit-chat with non-customers," She quickly added.
"M not yeh customer, Cam?" He asked, resting his hands on the counter separating both of the young adults.
"Well, no..." she replied, unsure of what were her long lost 'friends' intentions.
"Well i'm afraid that i am so now, " He grinned.
"Oliver, i won't-" she swiftly began before getting cut off.
"I know yeh just got hired 'ere, yeh new boss won't care 'bout losing yeh," he smirked.
Cameron shifted her weight to her other leg as she stared Oliver down. "No, seriously, what do you want?" She was now getting pretty impatient.
"No need to use attitude, love, 'M just 'ere for a tattoo."

Sitting at Cameron's booth, she couldn't help but wonder why he decided to come here. He knew that the girl didn't want anything to do with him, so why did he decide to stop by and get her even angrier?
"If I mess up your tattoo, I'm not sorry, " she mumbled, setting up her station.
"I'll love it 'neways." he grinned, taking his shirt off and placing it on his lap.
"Just sit down, Oli." She took the tattoo gun and started the outline of the tattoo.
"I bet yeh just lovin shovin' a bunch 'o needles in meh skin, aren't yeh?" he grinned, looking the girl over.
She didn't reply and just concentrated on the tattoo. Not that she couldn't talk while tattooing, she just preferred not to talk to this certain client.
"Seriousleh, Carson, just talk to meh, it's been so long, can't yeh get over all of what happened, t's not even much of a deal," he sighed, closing his eyes as the pain level went a bit higher.
"Not much of a deal? Are you being serious Oli, it was a big deal! It's just.... You know what, forget it. It doesn't even matter." the tattoo artist sighed, getting annoyed with all of this.
"Yeh made it a big deal! T'wasn't even that bad, 'nd then yeh just come along and make it ten times worse then it was!" The colorful boy grunted, shaking his head.
"I hope you're not being serious, it's really sad to hear you say that, it seems like you don't even know what you did. And if you came here just to tell me that, then just piss off, Oli, i don't need this shit in my life right now." For the rest of the time she tattooed Oliver, she didn't speak one more work.

"Wow, Cam, that's one proper sick tattoo!" Ben, her boss, exclaimed, examining Oliver's chest. She nodded and wrapped up the tattoo.
"Cameron, jus' stop by tom's apartment tonight, will yeh?" his eyes were truly pleading, but she wasn't ready to see them all again.
"I'll see." was murmured before he left the store.

"Yeh forgot yeh bag, " Sam, her infamous boyfriend said, leaning on the door frame.
"Yea, that's why i'm here, " Walking in and grabbing her bag, she could only notice how he had already removed everything of her's.
"Yeh can stay fo' the night if yeh got nowhere else to go..." he said. unsure of if he really wanted her to stay.
"I'm not staying here with you," she spat, bags were hanging from both her arms.
"Yeh don't 'ave to be a proper arse 'bout it, Cameron, " He scratched the back of his head.
"What's up with everyone being assholes today? god, i saw you kissing oliver's girlfriend! Alright, i'm not being a bitch cause that's totally normal, to kiss other guy's girlfriends!" sighing, she walked out the door, not really caring about what she was leaving behind.
"Well maybeh yeh wouldn't be a bitch if yeh knew the story!" calling out from the hallway, Sam slammed his door shut, not feeling like she somewhat should know the real story.

"Curtis, can you come pick me up?" She asked in her small portable phone.
"Yeh okay? I'll be right oveh, yeh at yeh apartment?"
Concerned, he got his keys and made his way down to his friends apartment.

"Love, yeh okay?" He asked, getting out of his old car and giving a hug to his friend.
"Yeh, can we just go back to yeh place?" She asked, letting go of Curtis.

"Have you talked to the boy's since you guys last saw eachother?" Making herself confortable on his couch with a hot cup of tea in her arms, she couldn't help but wonder how hard it must of been for Curtis to be let down by his childhood friends.
"Nope, i don't realleh want to eitheh, it was real shitty of them," He mumbled, taking a seat nest to Cameron.
"I haven't talked to them either, except Oliver who decided to stop by the shop today," She looked at her friend, who was waiting for her to continue. "He was being a little prick," She added.
"Yeh would atleast think that Nicholls or Vegan would stop by, they're most likely both against us now, i mean, they've already replaced me in the band, without even checkin' with meh. I coulda still been friends with em, but that totalleh just ruined it, " He sighed.
After a couple of hours of talking, both of them went to bed.

The next week passed by very slowly for both Cameron and Curtis. They were both glad to spend some time together but they were also both tired and sick of the rain and the cold.
During the week, Cameron stopped by Janice Nicholls, as she was the one who offered a home to Cam during her student exchange program to England.
"Oh Dear, is it me or you've grown?! God yeh look like a beauty!" She smiled, grabbing Cameron's hand and bringing her to the living room.
"Matt told meh yeh guy weren't talking?" looking up from her teacup, she starred at Cam, searching for an answer.
"Well, I'm not avoiding him, he's just not coming to see me-"
"Ain't it a good thing he's here?" She smiled, before calling out for Matt.
It took a few seconds before he came downstairs, and a few more to notice Cameron sitting on the couch.
"Now, take 'er out for lunch, will yeh, Matthew?" His mom grinned.

"I neveh thought bein' wit' yeh could be awkward." Matt grinned, trying to lighten the mood.
"Why didn't you come see me?" She needed to know the answer to why all of the gang we're being assholes.
"Oli said yeh we're just bein' a drama queen and tha' yeh only wanted attention, and that we souldn't go see yeh." he replied, looking at his plate of food.
"Seriously, does that seem like something i'd do?" She asked, looking at him in the eye.
"No..." He slowly started. "But we all thought he'd get mad. I dunno, maybe he's jealous that yeh got more attention then 'e did. Sound ridiculous but e's Oli, yeh never know with 'im."
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iiiiii dunnooooo.
does anyone know how to change the story title, i'm just horrible with computers ;P