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A Melody, a Memory

Good Morning

I groaned a little and turned over in the bed I had some what shared with my boyfriend and my pug and his small white dog. Max lay in his normal spot at the foot of the bed while I didn’t see Brian on his side. I opened my eyes a little and just lay looking at the empty space and the faint smell of old spice. At first I had thought that he had left early but I heard the shower.

While Pinkly lay in her spot next to Max, Max got up and walked into Brian’s space getting comfortable and almost ready to sleep once again. Max was a lazy dog but at the same time he was fun.

I pushed my wavy short hair back as I kicked the white comforter and light blue sheets to the foot of the bed like I normally did. I yawned and stretched my arms up then pulling down and sitting criss crossed as I looked over at the pug.

“I hope you know you aren’t going to lie around all day.” I said looking at him.

He grunted a little and got up to walk around soon after Pinkly following behind him. As I finished pulling myself out of bed the shower stopped with the door opening showing Brian in a towel.

“Good morning beautiful.” He said trying to give me a kiss but I put my hand over my mouth due to my morning breath. “What.” He laughed.

“My breath smells bad.” I said keeping my hand in front of my mouth.

He laughed a little more knowing I didn’t want to kiss him without brushing my teeth. I had always been picky about that. He had said it didn’t matter but to me it did. I guess that’s how I knew he loved me. Nothing really mattered around him. We could never say the wrong things to each other because we’d turn it around and make it something positive. Sure there were the times when we had small fights but those never lasted long.

I headed into the bathroom but I was pulled back by my waist and I felt his lips press against my neck softly. I laughed a little and intertwined his hands with mine.

“I can’t kiss your lips but I can do this.” He said resting his chin on my shoulder. “You know what today is?” He asked.

I laughed. “Today is… Tooth day?” I joked.

“Nuh uh.” He shook his head still messing with my fingers.



“I got.” I said happily.

He got a little hopeful that I would stop goofing around as I put a finger up as if the light bulb had gone off. “Christmas.”

“Keri, seriously.” I laughed.
“I know, I’m kidding. I know that we met four years ago today.” I smiled.

Four years. At first I didn’t really expect anything to last, sure I thought he was a great guy but at the same time I didn’t think anything of it. I thought it was just the whole first date and then boyfriend and girlfriend break up after a few weeks but it wasn’t that way at all.

“So tonight it’s just you and me. No phones, no work, nothing.” He promised.

I had remembered that today he had a bunch of stuff to do and I really didn’t have anything (as always). I had also thought it was the perfect time to tell him because he’d figure it out eventually.

“I like the way that sounds.” I smiled. “I need to brush my teeth and brush my hair, I feel crappy.” I said getting out of his grasp and twitching my face.

“You do? You look fine to me.” He shrugged serious.

“You sir are blinded by love.” I laughed giving him a kiss.

“Wow, a kiss on the lips. And I’m blinded by beauty and love.” He smiled.

“So you are admitting that you are love sick now?” I smirked at the fact that I knew he would never admit it.

“I’ve always been love sick. It just feels like it in high gear right now.” He shrugged blushing a little.

“It’s ok.” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek and going into the bathroom.

As I rubbed the peach conditioner through my head I began to think about our first date. It was a disaster but it was cute at the same time.


I waited for him to come pick me up. I didn’t know why I agreed for him to come over, I mean it seemed a little dangerous but I guess my own death or rape would be my fault.

It was 8:30 meaning he was one hour late. I sighed and got tired of waiting so I got up and started towards my room only to be interrupted by the doorbell.

“Impeccable timing.” I muttered answering the door.

“Sorry I’m late.” He said embarrassed. “I got held over with something.” He said rubbing the back of his neck.

“It’s ok.” I nodded leaning over to get my jacket and purse.

I felt his eyes on me but I’d have to get over it knowing they would be on me a lot. Although I had to admit I couldn’t tell if the only thing he was thinking about was sex or if he wanted to get to know me. I could also admit that I thought he was pretty cute. I had always liked guys like him for some reason, well physically speaking. Muscles, tattoos, piercings, I just found them attractive for some reason.

When we got to his car he had done something which no guy ever does, open the door for me. “Thanks.” I smiled as I climbed into the truck.

My fear of him being an asshole had decreased by a few levels and it made me feel more relaxed about what may happen during the date. I mean it couldn’t be that bad. Could it?


Things had been going ok. The ride to the restaurant was silent but we started to warm up to each other and talk a little. Some of the conversation was about things that we thought had mattered while another part was about something stupid.

“What do you do?” He asked as we waited for our food.

I scrunched my face a little bit. I – for some reason – had a hard time talking about what I did.

“Oh you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to right now.” He said quickly catching my expression.

I laughed a little. He was considerate towards feelings, another good sign. “No, it’s ok. It’s weird but it makes sense all the same.” I started. “I work but then I really don’t.”

“How so?” He asked a little interested.

“My parents had a vineyard in Napa, where I grew up. And it was given to them by my grandparents and so on. But when they died they left it to my brother and I, who owns a restaurant in Napa along with the vineyard.

“So along with the vineyard they had left us money which was enough to live off of an which I do, but I still go up there three times a month.” I explained. It felt oddly comfortable explaining things to him. Usually when somebody found out I was living off an inheritance they were quick to judge.

“Oh I see.” He nodded. “That’s kind of cool.” He thought as the food was put on the table.

“Well I can’t ask what you do.” I smiled a little making him laugh.

“I guess.” He shrugged.

“What is it like though? I mean I’ve been to Paris, but no where besides that and around California.” I shrugged beginning to eat.

“It’s pretty cool. You get to go places people regularly dream about and meet people who love the music you make. It’s overwhelming.” He nodded.

The sauce over my asparagus had a taste to it and my throat began to itch a little. “Are you ok?” He asked seeing something on my face.

“Yeah,” I coughed a little. “Why?” I asked drinking my water.

“Your nose is a little red. Are you sure you are ok?” He asked worried as I chugged my water.

“I don’t know, waiter.” I said stopping the waiter.

“Yes?” She asked.

“Do you know if there are mushrooms in this sauce?” I asked coughing a little trying to get more air because my throat was slowly closing.

“Yes, it does.”

Shit. I was deathly allergic to mushrooms. If I ate them –even if it touched me- I would turn into a closed throat Kirby.

“Hospital.” I said coughed pointing towards my throat with my now swollen finger as Brian scrambled up and helped me up and rushing me out of the door, to which it was raining.

“Hang in there.” He said sincerely holding my swollen hand as he sped downtown.


I lay in the hospital bed annoyed because I was ready to leave already. I had gotten my shot by the time I was almost blue and my breathing from my mouth and throat was gone.

Brian seemed panicked and worried the whole time while he stayed with me the whole time.

“This was a disaster, I am so sorry.” He apologized feeling guilty.

“Blame the menu.” I half smiled remembering that it never said there were mushrooms. “But I’d like another date to make up for this one.” I said.

He looked down and smiled. “I thought it was my job to ask?”

“Not this time.”


“Babe, are you done?” Brian asked knocking on the door while I wrapped the towel around me going to the door.

“I have to get dressed but yeah I’m done.” I nodded putting my hands on my hips before he gave me a kiss.

“I have to go.” He said.

I gave him a fake pout and he pushed my lip back in. “I can take Pinkly with me-“ He started.

“No leave her here.” I demanded. “I’m going to the beach most of the day anyway, I can take her.”

I loved Pinkly and Max. Just like Max loved Brian and Pinkly loved me. It was almost as if they were our kids and we wanted them to like us.

“I swear you love her more than me.” He laughed.

“No, I love you more.” I said giving him a kiss. “Don’t doubt it, ever.” I said looking into his eyes.

“I never will.” He said back kissing the top of my head. “I’ll see you tonight.”

“Have a good day.” I called before he left.

It had always taken us a long time to say good bye to each other. Even with the smallest times it took fifteen minutes but when he was going on tour or something that took even longer. One time Jimmy actually yanked him away.

“Looks like it’s you and me guys.” I said to the dogs before turning to put my bathing suit on. After I was done at the beach I was going to my best friends Melinda’s store to drop off some sketches I had done for her.

Melinda was a tall red head with bright blue eyes and the brightest smile and what she thought was the worst laugh you will ever hear. She’s had several attempts to change it but it never worked so she decided to stick with her normal laugh. It never bothered me because I had been used to it for so long but I guess she never liked it.

She had owned a small boutique in a plaza that was always filled with people no matter what time it was.

After I had gotten dressed, gone to the beach with Pinkly and Max and finished surfing I had decided to sit and draw whatever came to my head before I went back home. I had always loved to sketch anything, but I loved panting and sculpting more (although my sculptures were pretty weird).

Today I had a hard time deciding on what to draw. I started out with a line but then erased it.

“Any ideas?” I asked the two dogs who were playing around.

I sighed and got my stuff together, grabbed my board and we headed for the car. Today felt weird in a way. I didn’t know why but things felt off in a way. But then again, I could be crazy.
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I've been wanting to do this story for a while so bing! I did it. I hope you enjoy it!
