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A Melody, a Memory

Flawed Yet There

A couple weeks had passed and things felt like they had somewhat gone back to normal. She still didn’t remember a lot but I told her the important stuff, which was pretty much everything.

“What else did we do?” She asked while we were lying in the bed. “I’m sure there isn’t something you’ve told me.”

“How do you know?” I asked twirling her now wavy and somewhat unruly hair. She’d like to keep it straight so it was rare to see it in it’s natural form. “I’ve told you everything really.”

“You’ve probably left something out.” She said looking up.

I had to think. Like I had said I had told her everything… Well except the fact that I was going to propose to her but that can be pushed to the side for now right?

“No, not that I can think of.” I said shaking my head.


“Dude, fucking ask her to marry you again!” Jimmy said getting annoyed while we sat around at his house. “It’s been three months since you two have gotten back together and she knows everything.”

“Maybe if you shut up long enough I can tell you what I was going to do.” I said attempting to shut him up.

“Looks like I came in at the right time.” Matt said walking back in.

I sighed and shook my head. “Whatever, look, do not plan anything that includes me on Friday night.” I started off.


“I’m going to ask Keri to marry me… again.” I said letting it come out easily when truthfully it was hard to say without thinking of the first attempt and worrying about the next.

After I had said the tiny yet life changing sentence there was noise coming from Matt and Jimmy. I just sat there, took it and nodded at the two grown men who resembled little gossiping girls.

“So you are dead set on doing this and wont chicken out this time like you did last month.” Matt pointed out.

“I didn’t chicken out she fell asleep.”

“Well you could have asked again!” Jimmy added.

He was somewhat right, I could have done something else but I chose to wait again.


She sat at the bar drinking wine and laughing at my attempts to cook. I could somewhat cook but I was following directions from something I printed out from the Food Network website.

“Babe, I think the cheese was supposed to go in last.” She laughed.

I wouldn’t have been surprised if she knew how to cook the pasta. Seeing as to how Mike owns a restaurant and she can just flat out.

“Well fuck it, it’s going to taste the same anyway.”

She laughed lightly. “Well you can finish cooking, I’m going to take a bath.” She said getting up.

“Alright, are you sure you aren’t going to eat?” I asked.

Earlier Keri had mentioned that she didn’t have much of an appetite so I had made enough for her for later rather than making something for just me.

“Positive.” She called getting into the bath.

I took the ring out of my pocket and looked at it. I had been thinking about asking her tonight before we went to bed and that was probably the best way to do it. I sighed and realized I cooked for no reason because I wasn’t hungry anymore. I put the food up and after Keri got out I took a shower.

After I had gotten dressed I realized what I was getting ready to do any the possible outcomes of everything. She could say no and I could look like a dumbass or she could say yes and everything could go perfectly.

I walked out of then saw Keri sprawled out on her side of the bed with Pinkly and Max right on and beside her. I sighed and got next to her and stared at the ceiling somewhat annoyed.


“Dude I don’t see why you didn’t just slip the ring on her finger.” Matt laughed.

“Well, I’m doing it now and I may need your help with some stuff so are you going to find flaws in something that has been flawed more than a billion times or help me?”

“Well the flaw thing is pretty fun…” Jimmy said making Matt laugh.

“We’ll help you, just don’t get your panties in a bunch.”

I rolled my eyes which showed them I would not say thank you to them just yet, just as I wouldn’t admit that they were good friends.

Hopefully everything goes smoothly.

But then again nothing really has.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok I republished this chapter because I had forgotten if I did or not so I had tweeked it and added stuff. But sorry for not updating, I can go back to my normal writting habits becuase everything has eased up. So yeah.