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A Melody, a Memory

The Proposal?

"Why this?" Matt asked as I proceeded in my second attempt to make cupcakes for

"This was the only thing I could think of couldn't potentialy harm her in some
odd way." I said trying to finish.

"Are you going to be an ass about me making cupcakes or help me get this

I was going to keep it simple. Dinner from her favorite resturant because she
and I knew I couldn't cook anything past pasta. Then desert, hince the starberry
cupcakes I was making.

"That's a hard decision." He said starting to think.

I rolled my eyes. "Make yourself useful and go to Blakewoods and get the food I
ordered it's under my name so you shouldn't have a hard time." I said opening
the oven.

"Sure thing Betty Crocker." He smirked leaving. As he did I threw him the

Now all I had to do was wait.

Keri's POV

"So what are we doing tonight?" Melinda asked me.

As always I was at her store helping. I seemed to be here a lot more than I
normally was. Now that I thought about it, I haven't surfed in months.

"I don't know what you are doing but Brian wanted me to come over tonight." I

It was nothing big. Most likely what we normally did. That included watching a
movie we wouldn't watch because we would talk. Getting take out and falling
asleep on the couch.

She let out an annoyed yet happy sigh. "Whatever. I'll just grab mr. Knife
master and do something I guess." He shrugged referring to Jimmy.

"Why don't you two just go out all ready?"

"Because the first time we did. Everything went wrong an-."

I stopped her in the middle of her sentence. "The first time?"

"I'll explain later but we figure out we were better off hating each other and
being friends." She shrugged.

"Okay but I still would like to know when this first time was."

She gave me a another long sigh that was more annoyed rather than happy. "It was
while you were gone. We went out for a week but it was nothing exciting.
Normally we would have fun but we didn't because it was boring."

I could only nod. It was as simple as she explained. I had only known that
because it seemed like you would be able to expect that from Jimmy and Melinda.
They are on fire when they are frienemies. But when they become something more
they burn out.

"Well I am going to go so I'll see you later." I said grabbing my bag.

"Alright. And remember, no glove no love!" She said before the door closed on
her sentence.

Brian's POV

"So how does this make you feel?" Zack asked when he had came over with Jimmy
and Johnny.

"What proposing to Ker? Oh this feels like nothing honestly." I shrugged.

Well now it felt like nothing. But I knew that the closer it got, the more
freaked out I would be. I got up and went into the kitchen to get a beer.

"Where's the cupcake?" I asked not seeing the one with the strawberry on top.

"Right there." Zack pointed out to the batch on the island.

"No there was one with half of a strawberry on the top. It looked better than
the others. Where is it?"
Just as I said that Jimmy walked in.

"Bri, I'm going to call you Mr. Crocker. Those were good."

Then it clicked. "Jimmy, did you take one that had a strawberry on it?"

"Yeah, why?"

My eyes widened and Jimmy got a clueless expression. "You just at Keri's ring
fatass." I said trying not to panic.

"Why didn't you leave a note!" He asked.

"Because I didn't know you would take the damn cupcake!" Just as I said that the
phone rung. "Hello?" I asked hoping it wasn't Keri.

"The kitchen caught on fire". "What kitchen?"

"Blakewood. It caught on fire so I couldn't get you food." Matt said, not saying
hello or hi.

"Seriously?" I asked frustrated running my fingers through my hair.

"Yeah. What's her second favorite?" He asked.

I had to think. She's not a picky person and the only place she would let me
take her had caught on fire. And any other time we went out to eat we had gotten
take out or Mexican food.

"Go to chipotle and get two chicken lettuce, cheese, salsa and rice burritos." I

"Sure thing." After that we had hung up and I glared at Jimmy. "Cough up the
ring. Now."

"Sure thing but I need a toothbrush." He laughed still not believing he ate the

"I'm not kidding. You swallowed a 7 carat platinum ring!"

"Holy shit 7?" Johnny said impressed. "You do love Ker."

"Yes and right now everything has gone wrong. Shit, I can't do this."

"What do you mean?" Johnny arched an eyebrow.

"I can't propose to her." I sighed getting ready to walk our of the kitchen.

"Woah, no!" Jimmy said grabbing my shoulders. "No! You are going to ask her and
she is going to say yes. Why? Because you two have gone through too much along
with putting us through too much bull shit just for you to never propose to her.
Now grow some balls and get married." He said giving me what was a semi pep

"That's hard to do without a ring." I emphasized.

"Dude, chill out. I'll stay upstairs and you can just use me." Jimmy said with a goofy smile creeping upon his lips.

The rest of the guys tried not to laugh as I stared at him, trying not to jump on him and punch him in the gut until the ring would come up. But tonight I wouldn't. Things were already screwed up enough. I wasn't going to wait any longer.

She was going to become my wife.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah I'm writing again :)
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