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A Melody, a Memory


"Present time!" Melinda called.

She and a few of our friends had thrown me a bachelorette party since my wedding was tomorrow. I wasn't sure about Brian was doing because I hadn't seen him all day since he went to the gym early.

I opened the small blue box from our friend Casey and pulled out a vibrator. "Um..."

"It's for whenever he's on tour." She winked.

"Thanks?" I half laughed along with everybody else as I moved to the next bag.

The bag had three books. One was titled 'Your Husband and You' the next one was '100 Sex Positions for You and Him' and the last one was a tip book on lap dances. I knew who had given it to me.

"Mary, really? Do you guys think all Brian and I do is have sex all the time?" I laughed.

"Yes." All fifteen women said at the same time.

"We don't..." I half lied. "Maybe three times a week." I shrugged taking a drink of my wine.

They all bursted into laughter knowing they were still partially right.

Brian's POV

The guys and I had gone to the place in the park that we used to meet at when we were in high school to get drunk. Since I was against strippers and the whole formal idea of a bachelor party (because I wasn't in a party mood. Just like I didn't want to be too hungover the day of the wedding).

"This is odd." Zack said taking a swig of beer. "First Matt and now you. Are you nervous?"

I only shrugged. "I don't know. I am but I'm actually kind of exited." It was true. I had waited almost a year and a half for this and now it was so close that I could taste it.

"Why?" Johnny asked.

"Because Keri and him will be fucking each others brains out while they are in Fiji." Jimmy snickered taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Not true. Why does everybody think we have sex 24/7?"

"Because it's true." They all said at the same time.

"Not true." I defended taking a drink.

"Really? Then how many times?" Matt asked.

"Three times a week but that's nothing." I said before they could howl and say more. But that didn't stop them of course.

"Shit, you're lucky." Johnny scoffed getting buzzed.

"Yeah Johnny, everybody is lucky to you. Wait until you grow up before you can get a piece of ass okay?" Zack laughed.

"Gee thanks." He slurred through our laughter.

Keri's POV

The last gift to open was Melinda's. Melinda had made me a huge basket of items. The wrapping paper was black so I had to open it to see what was inside.

"Okay, a lotion, body spray and body wash set..." I said pulling out the first thing. "One, two, three, seven thongs." I said taking out the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and black underwear.

Melinda had proven that only your best friend and your mother knew the correct size of your ass. And the funny part was that I never had to tell her the size of anything I wore.

"There is more." Mel smirked.

"A whip? What am I supposed to do with this?" I laughed.

"Um Duh!" She said.

I rolled my eyes as I pulled out a pair of fuzzy black handcuffs. After that came three boxes of condoms, another sex position book and a pregnancy test, which made me arch an eyebrow.

"Just in case." She shrugged. "You never know, my niece can be in there and you won't know it. But you'll have my handy dandy test to back it up!" She said making everybody laugh.

I laughed a little even though I knew that children had become a touchy subject lately.


"Ker, can I ask you something?" Brian said when we were in the bed.

I lay on his chest almost ready to fall asleep.

"Anything." I yawned.

"Do you still want kids?" He asked moving my somewhat disheveled curly hair.

I only shrugged. I haven't been giving too much thought about kids for a Lon time. I knew I'd want one eventually but I also knew I wasn't ready.

"Is that a yes, no or maybe shrug?" He asked.

"I don't know Brian. You see how long it took for us to get back to normal. Let alone for me to even let you touch me. I'm not ready for a baby honestly." I sighed.

"But what if you do get pregnant when you don't want to?" He said somewhat challenging.

"I don't know... Just cam we please not fight about this?"

"Yeah sure." He sighed.


"If you say so Mel."
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More soon. Im thinking of a Zacky Story next :)