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A Melody, a Memory

Tie The Lose Knot

This was odd. Not the fact that I was in a tux and so was everybody else, but I was getting married. Everything was setting in but at the same time it wasn't. I couldn't decide if things felt real and nothing happened or if things felt fake and she still had no idea what was going on. Either way I'd prefer to still get married and have no mishaps. 

I finished fixing my tie and there was a knock on the door. "Come in." I called.

Dad walked in and smiled when he had closed the door. "You've always managed clean up pretty well when you need to."

"You don't do too bad yourself." I laughed a little. 

"So, how are you feeling?" He asked siting on the chair. 

I only shrugged and gave a faint smile. "I'm ready I guess. I've been waiting for a long time." Too long I had thought adding to my statement. 

"I know. At least nobody has to worry about anyone of you not wanting to marry the other."

"Did she say something?" I started to half panic. 

I wasn't having second thoughts (of course) but I hope she wasn't. I didn't know if there was any possibility but then again anything is possible. Like I said, things were too real to be unreal which makes no sense when you think about it too much. 

"No, calm down. I was just saying that I know you too just want to get everything over with." He said trying not to laugh at me. 

"Show time." Jimmy said peaking his head in. 

Jimmy was my best man. It seemed convenient because he swallowed the ring (Which he had to get pumped out of his stomach).  

"By the way Keri said she would kill you if you changed your mind." He added peaking back in. 

I couldn't help but to laugh. That had been for our code for I love you. Either way she had nothing to worry about. 

Keri's POV

I was getting married in fifteen minutes. I was actually pretty excited. Nervous but excited. 

"Ow. Mel you stuck me." I said looking back behind me. 

Melinda volunteered (demanded) that she would do my dress. I didn't mind it. I liked the idea. And the dress was beautiful...

"Have you gotten your dress yet?" She asked in a tone gliding her hand on the island. 

I was moving into Brian's and since he was gone for a few days so I got Melinda to help me. 

I sat a box of the counter and said "No, not-."

"-Good don't get one." She said brightening up with a huge smile. 

"What am I going to wear. To my wedding?" I emphasized. 

"The future dress that I'm going to make." She said proudly. 

"Mel, are you sure you really don't have to." I asked opening a box. 

"Positive. And it's a gift so take it." She smiled. 

Melinda had a policy on gifts. Take it or take it. There was no way around it. If you didn't with a smile then shed make you. It was all in her good nature though

"Sorry I didn't mean to." She said giving the dress one last adjustment and getting up. 

She got up and stood in front of keno check and see if the dress was fine. 

"How is it?" I asked. 

"One more thing." She said taking the top of the dress and pulling it up a few centimeters and then adjusting my boobs. "Better." She smiled. 

"What was with that adjustment?" I arched a brow. 

"Your boob was crooked." She laughed. "I can't believe you are getting married. Well I can but that's beside the point." 

I laughed a little and gave her a hug. "Thank you so much." 

"It's my job." She said hugging back. "Now, let's go." She said handing me the flowers after my hug. 

"Of course." I smiled as somebody knocked on the door. "Come in."

Mike walked in fixing the flower on his tux with Jimmy behind him. "Ready?" He asked. 

"Yeah. Oh Jimmy tell Brian that I'll kill him if he chickens out." I half joked. Fa few nights ago we established that as code for I love you see you soon. 

"Sure thing. You look beautiful Ker." He said kissing my cheek.  

"You look beautiful to Jimmy." I laughed. 

"I better go before you make me cry." He said leaving and making Mike, Melinda and I laugh. 

"I'll see you down there." Melinda said going behind him. 

"Well this is weird." Mike said with one of his signature looks as Melinda closed the door. 


"You. Getting married. Are you sure?" He asked. 

"Positive. Now walk me down." I demanded taking his arm. 

Since both of our parents were dead and Mike was my only sibling and I wanted him to take part in this some how, I asked him to walk me down the aisle.

"Please Mike, it would mean a lot." I said playing the cute baby sister card. 

"So you want the wedding here at the winery, the reception in the back and me to walk you down the aisle?" He said asking for clarification of my last few requests. 


"You drove four hours to ask me that?" He asked. 


"Okay. Okay. The wedding can be here but are you sure you want me to walk you?" He arched a brow.
"Yes Mike. Please please please." I started to say fast while putting my arms around him. 

"Okay if you stop." He said cringing as I hugged him tightly. 

"Thank you." I smiled kissing his cheek knowing that I always got what I wanted when it came to him.

We got down over to the wedding which was on the plateau that was by the water. It felt weird because when I was little I came here and put on weddings for my dolls here. 

Everybody watched as Mckenna did her job as flower girl and one of my younger cousins walked down as the ring barrier. Next was Jimmy and Melinda who both complimented each other well especially for people who weren't together. 

Everybody stood up as the music for me to come out started. Mike walked me down and all I saw was Brian. I don't think I've ever seen him smile so big. It was somewhat weird to see him in a tux but it was nice at the same time. 

Brian's POV

She looked amazing. The sun was in the right place letting her hazel eyes come out showing both the brown and the slight green. Her smile could light the world and everything else about her was flawless. 

If I wasn't so caught up in how she looked I'd be focused on Mike. Only because every time I was around Keri and he was there, he gave me a hurt her and die look. He never liked me but it was obviously because he loved Keri and they were all each other had left. Well I guess he's going to have to hate me for life then. 

Mike gave her away and she took my hand gave Melinda her flowers and took my other hand and faced me. She continued to smile and stroke her thumb against my hand as the pastor spoke eventually getting to the part that mattered the most. 

"Do you Brian Elwin Haner Jr, take Keralean Patricia Matterson, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to cherish, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." I said sliding the ring on her finger and looking at her. 

Keri's POV

His "I do", obviously aimed towards me was sincere and fully promising. Sure it was only two words and two syllables but it meant a lot and it sounded that way. Hopefully to him mine would sound the same, maybe even more. 

"And do you, Keralean Patricia Matterson, take Brian Elwin Haner Jr, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and to cherish, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." I smiled sliding the ring on his. 

"And by the power invested in me, I now pronouce you Mr. And Mrs. Brian Elwin Haner, you may kiss the bride."

His smile grew as he cupped both of my cheeks and gave me a soft kiss while everybody clapped.  

"I love you." He said on my lips. 

"I love you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took forever to get out. But I'm thinking of doing a Zacky or Bam Margera story next. Would you read?

[URL=]Keri and Brian's Wedding[/URL{