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A Melody, a Memory

Waken Up

”They are not going to like me.” She shook her head while we were on our way to Dad’s house.

I had been pushing for her to meet Brent, Johnny, McKenna, Suzy and Dad and she had finally given in, I won’t mention how though.

“They are going to love you, I promise. If not then they will live.” I shrugged.

I wouldn’t worry about them not liking Keri there was a less than slim chance that they wouldn’t. McKenna already gave me a description of a personality she wanted to have the girl I was with to have. And of course, She was perfect. And I knew Johnny and Brent would like her because the guys liked her. Dad was dad. He was fine as long as I didn’t bring back a hooker (his words exactly).

“Don’t lie to me.” She groaned putting her head on the seatbelt.

I laughed a little. I had to admit she did look oddly cute when she was nervous. I pulled into the drive way and looked back at Keri when the car stopped.

“Hey you stole my shades.” I said realizing after the twenty minute drive she had my aviators.

“You just realized that?” She scoffed.

“…Maybe I did maybe I didn’t. You won’t know.” I winked getting out of the car.

“I do know.” She said as I took her hand when we walked to the door. “You never realize when I take your stuff.” She said sticking her tongue out.

“Yes I do, and put that back in your mouth, you may need it later.”

“Perv.” She laughed hitting my shoulder as I unlocked the door.

“Dad? Suzy?” I called as she got behind my shoulder and I brought her back up next to me. “Don’t be a chicken.” I whispered putting my arm around her as she hit my shoulder again.

“Hey Bri, and who is this lovely lady?” Dad asked walking to the door.

“This is Keri. Keri this is my Dad.” I said introducing them as they shook hands.

“It’s nice to meet you.” She said flashing her perfect smile.

“Likewise, we’ve heard so much about you.”

And she was worried? I thought as we went into the living room where everybody else was.

“Hey.” I said to everybody as Keri stayed nervously clung to me. I didn’t mind it at all, she’d get used to everything eventually.


“I’m surprised Bri. You brought home somebody who had all of their real body parts.” Johnny said.

“Whatever, I rolled my eyes.”

“Brent, John, hit the road.” Dad said sitting down and kicking them out of what was called Dad’s world. It was a room that he had to “invite you into” in order for you to come in. You were free to leave but if he wanted you out you had to leave.

Brent and Johnny left and a smile crept up on Dad’s face. “I won’t lie to you son, I like her.” He said with approval.

Told her.

”I knew you would.”


“Bri?” I jumped a little when I felt somebody touch my shoulder, waking me up from a sleep that I hadn’t realized I had fallen into.

“What are you doing here?” I asked sleepily mostly because this was the most I’ve slept in five days.

“Why else would I be here?” He said. “How are you?” He asked.

I only shrugged.

“Everybody is worried about you and I don’t blame them.” He sighed sitting down.

“That isn’t the first time I’ve heard that.” I grumbled looking back up at Keri.

I had to admit that whenever she did sleep she looked peaceful. She was most likely in her own world right now and would return soon. I wouldn’t doubt it.

After dad sitting with me for a few hours talking he had decided to go get something to drink. Since the vending machine down the hall was broken he had the choice of going to another floor or the cafeteria.

I felt my phone go off showing a text from Jimmy asking if there was a difference in anything. Just as I was about to text no I saw her fingers twitch a little. I got up and hit the call button and the nurse came on the speaker.


“Can you get Dr. Bennington I think she’s waking up?”

“Sure thing.”

Her fingers continued to twitch from time to time and she moved a little bit but stopped. I wouldn’t blame her she had 3 right ribs broken and 4 left ones along with dislocating her left shoulder and a fractured wrist. Just as the doctor walked in, her eyes fluttered open and shut as they rolled around. Her fingers twitched a little bit before her eyes were all the way opened.

"Keri, Keri, can you hear me?" The doctor asked her.

She looked confused and in pain. "Were am I?" She looked around the room while the doctor explained she was in the hospital and then looking over at me. "Who are you?" She asked a little horse and still a little confused.

"It's me Brian." I said a little lost because she didn’t know.

"She may not remember some things." The doctor explained to me.

Keri sighed and ran her fingers through her hair frustrated. "Can somebody answer my questions?"

"Keri, we were in a car crash." I started.

"How? I don't know you." She didn't remember me. It hurt inside to actually know that. "Why would I be with you? Wait did you crash into me?"

"How far back do you remember sweetie?" The middle aged blonde woman asked. "Can you tell me what day it is?"

"November 12th, 2004?" She sighed still unaware of everything.

November 12th was the day we met... How could she not remember if she knew the date?

"Keri, it's November 20, 2008 ok. You a suffering from memory loss."

I felt erased from her and it felt like it was done on purpose. I felt helpless because it seemed like I couldn't help her at all.

"Can I have time to think? Alone." She asked softly.

"Of course."

With that said the doctor and I walked into the hallway also so she could talk to me.

"It's going to take her a while to figure things out. And it seems like she doesn't remember four years until now. If we are lucky she won't suffer short term memory loss where you have to remind her everyday." She explained.

"Ok." I nodded.

"Take things slowly. And don't worry she will be ok." She assured before walking out.

I stood up against the wall and slid down putting my arms on my knees as I looked at the door.

Four years. Meaning she didn't remember Pinkly or Max, she wouldn't remember the guys, she wasn't going to remember the tour or any other trip, it would be questionable if she could remember her art. And she wouldn't remember that she was pregnant. Four years gone.

"Son?" I heard my dad's voice next to me. That made me realize that she also wouldn't remember dad.

"She woke up." I said still looking at the door.

"How is she?"

"She has four years worth of memory loss. She doesn't remember the crash. She's trying to piece things together." I explained.

"That doesn't mean she's forgotten you." He said sensing why I was the way I was.

"You didn't see the look on her face when she woke up. She said why would I be with you like she was disgusted and almost panicked along with thinking I crashed into her. She's forgotten."

“If that’s the case Brian then help her remember. If you love her help her remember and maybe things will be better. Don’t give up.” He reassured.

“I wasn’t planning on it.”