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A Melody, a Memory


I sat there still in pain and wanting to lie down. My shoulder was feeling better but my ribs were healing but the hurt like a bitch, along with my head and the cast I had to wear on my wrist, But I was confused beyond anything. I didn’t know this guy and apparently we had known each other for a long time along with being together. I would admit he seemed a tad bit familiar but I wouldn’t tell him that.

When he helped me out of the car I shrugged him off somewhat politely so I could open my door. I didn’t like being babied and this was going to be nothing new.

I unlocked the door and heard barking which was coming closer as two small dogs came running up to me. I jumped a little and hid behind Brian in the fear that the would bite me.

“It’s ok, it’s just Max and Pinkly.” He said bending over and picking them up.

“Who?” I asked. “Wait you live with me?”

“Not really but we both stay at each others houses often. Max is yours.” He said as the small pug was ready to come to me as if he was my child.

I decided not to be a chicken and took the dog. He got comfortable in my arms as if he had missed me. “How long have I had him?”

“You adopted him three years ago.”

I only nodded and went into my room still holding Max. I walked into the room realizing that I had changed it a lot but then again, things from what must have been the night of the crash where still in their place.

I didn’t really want to bother examining anything trying to get a recollection out of it because the pain killers were getting to me and I just wanted to lie down. After I changed into my pajamas I crawled into bed and got comfortable and without realizing it falling asleep.


”So what is on the agenda for today?” Brian clapped his hands before resting on the counter.

“I’m getting a dog.” I said casually.

“Seriously?” He asked a little shocked.

“Yeah, you’re going on tour in a few weeks and Melinda is in New York for the same amount of time so I need somebody here with me.” I shrugged drinking my drink.

“Aww, I don’t see why you do want to come with us. It’s ok.” He laughed.

“Well this time I can’t go because I’m doing the store for Melinda because she quote un quote is suspicious about anybody who works there but I cant blame her. The store is her baby.”

It was. Even though she had only had it four half of a year, Melinda was serious about her store.

“Well let’s go and then lunch after?” He asked as we walked out.

“Yeah. Are you doing anything tonight?” I asked. Lately he had been working often and I had begun to see less of him and hear more, when it should have been evened out.

“I think so.” He thought. “I’m sorry I know I haven’t been around much but…”

“It’s ok.” I sighed cutting him off as I locked my door.

I didn’t know if it was really ok, but I was getting the afternoon with him and that’s all that mattered really.


I played with one of the dogs trying to decide which one to adopt. If I could have I would have adopted all of them. I laughed at the energetic little few month old pug.

“I think he likes you.” Brian laughed a little as he sat in my lap.

“I like him too.” I said getting up and holding him as we walked up to the manager/owner to tell him we were ready.

“Max is a very fun dog, lazy at times but he’s fun.”

“They’ll get along perfectly.”

“Why don’t you get one?” I asked handing Max to him while I did the papers.

“Maybe when I get back.” He shrugged as we walked out.

“Well I think it’s a good idea.” I said sticking my tongue out when we got into the car.

“I’m sure.” He laughed. “Where to ma’ lady?” He asked in an accent.

I had to think, I was hungry but then I wasn’t. “Sonics.” I smiled.

“You would chose that for lunch.” He laughed. “Are we eating there or at home?”

“You choose.” He always had a habit of asking what I wanted. I thought it was sweet but I wanted him to make the decisions every once in a while.

“My house it is then.”


Brian’s POV

I stood in the doorway with my arms folded as I watched her sleep. She had lay down for two minutes before being out like a light with Max snuggled with her not moving. He must have known she wasn’t feeling great.

I couldn’t help but to think about whether we were still together, or if we were done for good or if we had to start over.

I loved her so much and she didn’t remember any of it. I looked down at Pinkly who was lying on her paws right beside my foot.

“What am I gonna to Pink?” I asked looking down.

Pinkly grunted a little and went to get into the bed with Keri. I had liked dogs because they were smart. They both could tell that she was confused and they were going to help in whatever way they could.

If dogs could do it then so could I.
♠ ♠ ♠

Sorry for the wait, marching season has started meaning with student gov, key club, AP work, honors stuff, and band I have no life and no time to do anything. So updates will be slow for a while. But I'll do my best. Sorry for the bad chp =/