
The Wizards of the four Races had long kept the peace. But harmony could last for only so long. All Wizards have a tendencie to desire power, so in this way Acenoc, the Head Wizard departed from the other four and created an empire.
Using Black Magic, he created his most trusted servents: The Nights, a mixture of hatred, guilt, selfishness, and, of course, darkness. Becoming most pleased with a young, strong Night, Arcenoc set him up to rule as Emperor. Vasto ruled with and iron fist. He was clever and used it as a disadvantage for others. Arcenoc was impressed with Vasto's ruthless success.
Darkness crept over the world and hope seemed lost. Until four very different children were born.
  1. A Council of Wizards
    The other Four Wizards meet in secret to discuss the problem
  2. The First
    one of the four leaders found