Being Mr. Lovely Daddy


Time Jump – Six Years Later

I am sitting next to my wife and son watching T.V. Me and Janelle did get married about a year ago. I really did like that day a lot. The day she became my wonder wife, I remember that day like it was yesterday.


“Janelle Lyanna do you take Chance Garlyan to be your husband in sickness and health,” the preacher asked.

Janelle smiled, “I do.”

“And do you Chance Garlyan take Janelle Lyanna to be your wife in sickness and health,” the preacher asked me.

“I do,” I smiled at my new and beautiful wife.

“Than I pronounce to you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”

I smiled and leaned down and kissed her, “Mrs. Garlyan.”

She smiled and grabbed my hand we turned towards everybody. The preacher piped up again, “Everybody I pronounce to you Mr. and Mrs. Garlyan.”

We turned our heads to each other and smiled. Than we walked back down the aisle hand in hand.

~*~End of flashback~*~

Janelle made a grunting noise and I turned towards her, “You ok baby.”

Janelle looked up, fine and smiling, “Yea the baby just kicked and pretty hard.”

“Ok as long as your ok.” I smiled at her and than rubbed her baby bump. Janelle is about six months pregnant with our first baby. Its going to be a girl this time. We are so excited.

“Dad tomorrow can we go down to lake and go for a swim. Possible a small gathering with my friends.”

I turned to Kasy, who is now eight, “Sure why not.”

“Sweet thanks dad. I will go call and ask if they can,” he hugged me quickly and ran to call his friends.

Janelle chuckled so I turned to her with a confused look on my face, “What’s so funny?”

“Chance I think Kasy’s going to be like you when he gets older. The whole ladies man thing.”

“Why do you say that?”

“A lot of the friends he probably going to invite tomorrow are girls.”

“Oh.” I nodded my head and turned back to the T.V.

“Babe I am tired. Can you please carry me to bed?”

“Sure anything for my beautiful Janelle.” She blushed and I picked her up bridle style and carried her to the bed.

When me and Janelle became a couple was when my life became perfect. It became perfectly wonderful when me and Janelle became husband and wife and parents. I also plan to be a great parent to this baby just like I am to Kasy. I always want to be what I never had…a father. I also always knew I would be a great one at that.