Status: not sure

The Opposite


It's been a few days. But, I haven't talked to Draco yet since The Sorting. Yeah, we saw each other, but he already got friends so yeah. I think, he's hard to find the time to talk to me. I'm glad though that he was already got friends. But, I need him too. as a brother, and friend. I sighed.

I decided to go to the library to find some books for the task. Ugh, I hate this. Because, I usually took a long time to find the right books, since no one help me and I was too, I don't know. I don't wanna bother anyone.

I was looking down to the floor in the aisle, when someone bumped me suddenly. I fell on my ass with the books that he carried. "Ouch."

"Uh-oh, sorry, I didn't see you." he said while offering me a hand. oh, one of the Weasley twins.

"It's ok." I said as I took his hand and stood up. He smiled and taking the books

"You look...."

"What?" I frowned.

"Eh. Confused." He said.

"Oh. Ehm. I am not. Don't worry." I smiled. Really? Perhaps, I am. Why did he concern, by the way?

"Oh. Ok then." He shrugged then left me alone in the aisle.

Aish. Weird. I finally got into the library. Luckily, Draco was there too. It was kinda weird, yeah. But, who cares. He was in the one of sections, alone.

"Hey." I pat his back. He jumped a bit. "Gosh, you scared me."

"Uh sorry." I bit my lips.

"No, it's fine. I thought you were someone else." He said as hugging me. "How's your day? That, I still wondering why you are in Gryffindor." His face turned like as if it was really embarrassing and gross. it was kinda embarrassing, though, but still.

"Me too. but I'm trying to accept it. Like it or not, I have to finish my school in Gryffindor, right? I can't move to another house. I am just kinda afraid what's father reaction." I sighed and crossed my arms.

"Oh yeah. I can't imagine."

"Stop scaring me, Draco. You just make me feel more guilty." I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled. "Relax, Rev. Take it easy. Have you making friends?" He asked.

"No. I think, no one wants to befriend with Malfoy in Gryffindor."

"Be patient, you will get one. But, no Potter and Weasley, and oh, that mud-blood too. Don't them. I'm watching you, Rev."

"You mean, Hermione Granger?"

"Who else?"

"But, I can make friends with anyone I want, Draco. That's my rights."

"Oh really? I don't think so. You know you have to make friends with pure blood and high class one."

"What? since when you intervene--"

"Because I am your brother. I have to keep things in the right way. And, it's including with whom you could befriend with." He said as he ruffled my hair and walked away.

"Hey, where do you go?" I yelled a bit.

"Somewhere else." His voice sounds fade away.

I hate this. He always like that, intimidated me, intervene, and end the conversation whenever he wants. I sighed. No, Draco. Eventhough, you are my brother, you can't do that. There will be no another time you intimidated me. Let's see.
♠ ♠ ♠
what do you think? a filler, yeah :s
prepare for the next chapter when Rev meets his father. what would happen? hmm...

Thank you for JustThinking for the critics/comment/subs :)) &to you all silent readers <3

comments/subs? :D