Count On Me

Help ... ?

There were those two guys, they looked seniors. One of them looked drunk with a can of beer in his hand and the other one looked… hum… just, looked.

"Hello there," the drunken dude said, "What's the name hottie?" he smiled like an idiot and took a step towards me. "Well ya know what? That doesn't matter." He was about to kiss my lips when my instincts showed up and I slapped him across the face.

"Ouch! What was that for baby!" he held his red cheek.

"For coming too close." I said and slapped him on the other cheek.

"Ow! And this one?!" he yelled.

I smiled. "For calling me baby." I simply said.

I looked at the other boy. He smiled at me, not really caring about his friend. I smiled and slapped him too.

"I didn't say anything!" he held his cheek.

"I know."

"Then what was this for?"

"Your presence is simply bothering me." I smiled.

"Look mommy's little girl," he grabbed my hand, hard, "I'm NOT one of your baby friends, got it?!" I nodded in pain and he released me.

That's when I felt an arm resting on my shoulders.

I froze from the touch. "Hey babe is something wrong?" he whispered in my ear but loud enough for them to hear.

"I-I-I huu..." I stuttered and looked at curly, then at them, then back at him.

"Who are they, were they bothering you?" he took his arm away. He stood between me and them and rolled his jacket sleeves to his elbows.

And, well, okay, I won't lie, that was hot.

"Hum…" words didn't leave my mouth. I looked at the dorks.

"Were you bothering her?" he asked in a low voice and took a step towards them.

They took a step back. "Hum… Wh-what? Who? W-w-we? I mean u-u-us? N-no! Not at all!" they stuttered and backed off.

"Well good." Curly said and got even closer to them.

"Hum I think we-we-we sh-should go n-now. That was n-n-ni-nice to meet you!" they said and ran away. Curly turned around and smile, I still couldn't see his face 'cause it was dark and I still was a little dizzy.

I felt my head banging and myself loosing my balance again.

"Hey, hey are you okay?" he asked and held me again before I fell.

"Yeah, perfect, can't you see? Let's dance!" I yelled rudely and felt myself being seated on the road.

"Sorry," I could feel he was hurt, another 'gift', "I was just worried about y-" , "I know, I'm sorry." I cut him.

"It's just that, my head's aching like hell." I mumbled and leaned against the wall. He set besides me.

"Thanks for the saving, though," I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Not a problem, you looked like you needed that." He said, I could tell he was smiling.

"Nah, I was having fun with the drunken dude and the idiot creature," I said and he laughed lightly.

I opened my eyes again, still blurry. I sighed.

"What's wrong?" he asked quietly.

"I wanna see you clearly but everything is blurry." I complained.

"Oh I'm sorry, that was my fault," he said and I raised an eyebrow, "I pushed you away from this big dude and you hit the wall and blan-" , "Hey… Hey!" I cut him,

"That's not at all your fault! I gotta say thanks again, if you weren't there to push me I think I wasn't here with you right now." I said and faced him.

From what I could have seen, he was beautiful. Curls were hanging on his forehead, lightly covering his right eye when he looked down and blushed.

"That's really nothing; this guy was a jerk, all of them." He said and looked blankly at nothing in front of him.

"Yes it is a thing, you saved me, and I'm worshiping you for that." I joked.

"Ha-ha you took that way far." he chuckled. This was the cutest sound I've ever heard.

We were silent for couple of minutes.

"Thank you," I thanked him again and hugged him tightly, it was per seconds 'till he hugged me back, as tightly as I did.

"Not a problem," he whispered in my ear and it sent chills through my whole body.

When we pulled apart we were close, and by close I mean, I felt his hot breath on my nose. I froze for a few seconds; all I could see was his eyes, his beautiful brown chocolate eyes staring into my dark brown ones.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you so much for the comments !
Seriously guys , you've made my day ! :D
So , today was my first day in 9th grade , well , that was awesome , Ive missed everyone so much that was cool to see them again :D
Okay I'll just shut now XD
NEXT chapters are gonna be everything that has happened but [note the but] it's gonna be from NICK'S P.O.V
Hope you'll like it (:
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