Count On Me

Just The Girl

Nick's P.O.V – Earlier that day.

"Nicholas!" I heard my mom yelling.

"I'm coming mom!! I'm coming…" I mumbled as I walked down the stairs.

"Okay now, let's go guys." Mom said and we went to the car.

"I'm in the passenger seat!" Joe, been the idiot he is, yelled and ran to the car.

He got into the passenger seat, mom drove and me, Kev and Frankster set in the back seat.

"Guys, do I really, really, really, HAVE to go there?" I asked, sighing.

"Yes, they are family, and you're a part of the family." Mom said.

"So how is it that I didn't know them 'till yesterday?" I asked annoying.

"'cause… just because! You're coming, end of story." She said and started do drive.


"So Nicholas? Was it THAT bad?" mom asked.

"Hum... yeah! They are evil mom, EVIL!" I said loud.

"I agree with Nick 'bout that one. This Ben kid is the annoying kid EVER!" Kevin said getting into the car.

"I dunno know what you're talking about, I had tons of fun." Joe said.

"Yeah, saying the one that sent them on us at the first place!" I said, putting sleeping Frankie on Kevin's lap.

"What! You have to admit it was fun!" he laughed.

"SHUT UP, JOE!" I and Kevin yelled at him and he stopped laughing.

"Okay, okay that's enough guys." Mom said and we looked out of the window.

The car ride was pretty quite until mom stopped,

"Mom, what's going on?" Kevin asked and set up straight.

"I dunno." She said.

"Oh my God! Look at that!" Joe yelled and woke Frankie.

"What's going on?" he asked tiredly.

"Who is this girl? What's going on there?" I asked.

Kevin opened the window,

"Can't you just give up?!" we heard the girl yelling at the men.

One of them strapped over a stand full of watermelons and tomatoes and the other two surrounded her.

She mumbled something and started to kick their butts off! That was incredible and unbelievable, how could this girl possibly kick off those huge men butts?!

"Look she's kicking their butts off!" Frankie yelled in excitement. I looked back outside and saw the people running terrified all over the place. When the girl didn't pay attention the other man stood up and prepared his fist.

"H-h-he, he's-he's going to hit her! Guys we have to do something!" I practically yelled. They all looked at me; I shook my head terrified and ran out.

"Nicholas!" I heard my mom yelling from behind me, I just kept running.

"Watch out!" I yelled and she heard me, when she was about to turn around he was there and I was there too, I pushed her before he could punch her and punched him in the face with my own fist.

He fell backward and the police arrived. I looked to my left and saw her unconscious on the floor, blood down her face. "Call 911, NOW!" I yelled and put my hand on her head, trying to stop the blood from a cut she got.

"Nicholas!" my mom yelled and came over, "Don't ever do that again!" she said and hugged me.

"Mom…" I tried to take her off of me, "Mom! The girl here is unconscious and blood is coming out from her head, not perfect time for hugs!" I said taking my coat off. I put it underneath her head to support it, and cut the sleeve to tie it around her head to stop the bleeding a little.

"Nick! That's Garbo's coat!" Kevin yelled.

"I don't-freakin'-care! He'll get over it, he's a big boy!" I yelled and tied it tighter. "And where is the damn ambulance!" I yelled and looked around.

"Nick calm down! He's on the way here, why are so worried?! You don't even know her!" Joe yelled when the caps took the three men and talked to mom.

"So I don't know her! That means I'm not supposed to take care of her?! No one of the million people out here freaking care for this poor girl! She just looked like she ran 10 miles in 5 seconds, she fought two huge men, she was pushed into the wall so hard, she have cuts and bruises all over her body and no one's doing anything! That's why I care for her so much! A-and-and she's… she's so pretty; those cuts and bruises on her face not really improving it. That's why I care! And where the heck is the damn ambulance!" I yelled and looked down at her.

She was beautiful. She looked about 15 or 16 years old. She had wiggly hair with a side bangs covering her left eye. Her pink big lips were slightly open and she wasn't thin but perfect size.

"Nicholas… Nick!" I woke up from trance and looked up at my family.

"Nicky has a crush…" Joe sang like little girl.

"Shut up Joe," I sent him a glare and he stopped I looked around and saw the paramedics. "Finally! You could just leave her here loosing all of her blood and you could've come to announce her death!" I yelled.


"Sorry mom."

"We're really sorry there were tons of people and the road was closed. I'm Doctor Adams, what's wrong with her?" he asked and bent down on his knees on her other side in front of me.

"She just ran like 4 miles, and fought two huge men, and he was about to punch her but I pushed her and she was hit against the wall, hard, and she is unconscious and she have cuts and bruises all over her body and in her head, so I put my coat underneath her head for support and tied the sleeve around her head to try and stop the blood."

"Good you did, son," the doctor said as he untied the sleeve from her head, "perfect. You stopped the blood." He smiled at me and I smiled back.

He started to put bandages and plasters on all of her cuts and bruises when he asked, "do you know her?"

I looked down and ran a hand through my curls, "Hum… no, not really, I saw nobody did anything so I felt I have to help her, she looked so helpless…" I trailed off.

He smiled at me and then looked at my mom who stood behind me. "You have to be very proud of your son, ma'am, not everyone doing things like that, like what he did today. He had saved this poor girl's life, saved her from deep coma, from loosing tons of blood. He didn't have to do it, and he did this anyway. I'm amazed; you don't see things like that everyday. " He said and I blushed, hard, really hard, deep, WAY deep red across my face.

"I know doctor, and I'm so proud of him," she hugged me tight.

"Mom, a-a-air," I breathed out.

"Hey! Why is only Nick the hero here? I wanna!" Frankie complained.

"Because he saved this girl's life,"

"So he saved some stupid girl's life, so what?" he said.

I stood for her. "Franklin take that back." I said through close teeth.

"Oooo so now Nick is in love with this girl." He teased.

"Frankie!" Mom and I yelled.

"Soh-harry!" he breathed out and pout.

"Okay okay! Well, she didn't lose so much blood thanks to your sleeve." The doctor said and we nodded,
"She's okay now, she just banged her head really hard but there is no sign for brain concussion." He said.

"Thank you doc." Mom said.

"As for the cuts and bruises, they'll be okay with the time being." He finished.

"Thanks again." Mom said. He nodded, picked his stuff and went away.

I looked around, everyone left, just few people on the street. I looked at her, she looked so peaceful.

"Boys, go to the car." She said to Joe, Kev and Frankie.

That's when I saw her eyes moving. "Mom… mom! She's waking up!" I said with a smile on my face and she came next to me. I put my hand on her cheek and rubbed it lightly.

She set up and leaned against the wall. She looked dizzy.
"Ugh…" she murmured and put her head back.

I tried to see her eyes.

"How are you feeling?" mom asked.

"Gahh... Umm… fine, thanks." she mumbled quietly. She opened her eyes again and looked at us confused. Her eyes were beautiful,

They were dark brown and light brown around them.

We just looked at her 'till I heard a 'click' from behind mom.

Oh no…

"Mom…" I said worried and pointed behind her. She turned around and gasped,

"Nicholas, stay here with her, I'm going to get Big Rob," she said and stood up, after that step tons of paparazzi came in front of us and I saw her covering her eyes.

Before I knew it one paparazzi came in front of our faces and she immediately opened her eyes. Of course she was alarmed, yelled and got up quickly, too quickly if I may say.

I got up when I saw she loosed her balance and caught her before she fell to the ground.

"Thanks," she whispered and pulled away, reached for her bag and started to run again.

Dammit .
♠ ♠ ♠
So, here it is ! Wow , that was one long chapter XD
Thank you all for commenting and subscribing ! Keep on it !
Hum... the next chapter is still from Nick's pov , hope you'll like it (:
oh , and sorry for the maybe mistakes in English , if they're really that bad then just tell me , thanks (: